All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 861: Zhu Likui 1 Zhang Qingxia Liangshan

Miss Cheng said with a long smile, "Song Gongming! Let you know that your Dong Ping was killed by me; Thaksin, from your temptation, forced an innocent and weak woman to revenge on him today, almost to you, Now I ’ll write a letter first; Dong Ping killed me, and I killed Dong Ping; you all listened to: the female is not as good as the male, Song Gongming, Yu Jin's wish was fulfilled, the reward was rewarded, and I was full. Let's go too! "He shouted violently, and then vomited blood and died.

There were many heroes on Liangshan who didn't dare to move forward. Song Jiang recovered easily, and suddenly heard someone behind him sigh, "True fierce woman, shame to kill us too!" Song Jiang didn't dare to turn back and stepped forward to the bed, Dong Ping on the bed had already stopped breathing in the pool of blood, his hands and feet twitched and curled up.

"Good my brother Dong Ping!" Song Jiang fainted again with a cry. Actually, he didn't dislike Dong Ping. Although Dong Ping was of high martial arts strength, Liang Shan was quite uncommon with his martial arts.

Even more terrible is the story of the 108th General. In the daytime, he said that in Zhongyi Hall. Many heroes are convinced that he has a fate to protect him. Following Song Jiang is certainly promising, but now Dong Ping is dead. Now, wouldn't it be a lie that the 108th admiral was destined? How is this good!

Song Jiang couldn't think of a suitable explanation for a while, and he could only faint; he lay in Li Kui's arms, and he could hear the voices of the heroes in his ears, and there were many doubts about the legend of 108 generals in his speech.

I do n’t know who said, “This is also a fierce woman, do n’t damage her corpse, bury it alive?” There are many people who responded, and Wu Yong is not easy to block. Only people can arrange for Dong Ping and Ms. Cheng ’s corpses to live well. Bury, and then many heroes will send Song Jiang back to let An Dao take care of him.

Who would have thought that at dawn, there was another strange thing, that Miss Cheng, who had already died, came to life again, the tomb that had just been erected suddenly cracked, and Miss Cheng stood up from the coffin and set up the surrounding grave Was terrified, and then a white cloud floated across the sky.

Miss Cheng Shi Shiran flew away on the white cloud, just like a fairy, and many of you hurriedly knelt down and knocked on her head; afterwards, there were many rumors on the Liangshan, saying that Miss Cheng Xiao moved the heavens and alarmed the fairy in the sky, so she was led to heaven to enjoy the blessing After going there, many people burn incense at the old tomb of Miss Cheng, and even built a temple many years later.

Needless to say, these must be Shen Long's methods. After returning to the yard, he first hid from the crowd in an incognito and sneaked into the house where Miss Cheng was detained. In the name of the fairy, he persuaded Miss Cheng to let her take it first. The drug that can detoxify the fake death, and then give her Hedinghong, so she can kill Dong Ping.

Although Shen Long did this, he wanted to destroy Song Jiang's way of making Shi Jie pretend to be a ghost, but it was more sympathetic to Miss Cheng. Imagine who would be willing to marry an enemy who killed his whole family?

After Miss Cheng ’s death, Shen Long rescued her from the tomb and sent her back to her grandfather ’s home with a cloud of doubling clouds. Her family did not dare to blame her.

The news reached Song Jiang. Song Jiang and Wu spent a long time in the house silently. They originally planned to pretend to be ghosts, but they really met a fairy, and it was really Li Gui who met Li Kui.

So Shi Jie had no choice but to wait for the order. Wu Yong quietly told Gongsun Sheng to stop Luo Tianda's preparations, and tried his best to confuse Dong Ping's death. He only said that Xu was the wrong person and Dong Ping was not one. There must have been other heroes in the hundred and eight heroes who came to vote, but these words fooled some people, but more people began to doubt Song Jianglai.

On the road, there was continuous rain, Dong Ping ’s storm had not passed, and there was another accident on Liangshan. No trace of the black whirlwind Li Kui was seen on Liangshan. At the beginning, Song Jiang and others did not care, thinking Li Kui got drunk and got to that Going to bed in the grass, but Li Kui was not seen for several days, so Song Jiang and others were anxious.

Everyone gathered together to discuss, Wu Yongdao said, "Brother Li Kui has always been loyal, but there is no other heart. This disappearance must have gone down the mountain without permission, but please ask the two brothers Dai Zong and Yang Lin to go down the mountain to investigate the trail. One visit. "

It's not over yet. I saw a female leader in front of the left first seat. Tingting walked forward. When the leaders saw it, they were all three young ladies. They also held a pink baggage in their hands and walked calmly to Song Jiang. In front of him, he smiled slightly, and smiled with a murderous face, even Song Jiang and Wu Yong also stunned.

Hu Sanniang said, "Brother Gongming is up, it's true that Li Kui didn't go away, it was the younger sister who killed him; the head is here, you don't have to be more troublesome to find it; the younger sister does all the work and listens to the younger brother Mingming's punishment!" Speaking, gently untie the baggage, a strange head with fluffy hair and exposed teeth, flooded with lime, has not been bad, who said it is not a black whirlwind!

Song Jiang is sure, "Do you really kill him?"

San Niang did not reply, looked around the leaders of all sides, let go of her clear throat and said, "Brothers, listen to the little sister. When the elder brother Gongming hit the family three times, my family was very special because of the little sister. Make peace. At that time, Gongming ’s elder brother would make it clear that he would dare to cut the grass and trees of the family, and my brothers wanted to remember it. Kill in Zhuang and kill my father, mother and a good guy ~ ~.

"Although I cherish this hatred, I fear Li Kui's fierceness, and he is protected by Gongming's elder brother, and he dare not dare to do it. I originally thought that it would be so stubborn to live alive. The woman dared to die with Dong Ping, because I am Hu San Niang, who is still a martial arts learner, but I ca n’t compare to a girl who can only embroider! "

"It's a shame to kill me. After I went back, I thought about it again and again. I happened to hit this drunk man on the road, and I was wiped out! I took Li Kui's head to pay tribute to my parents, so that they could look away! Brothers and sisters Although it was a revenge for his parents, according to the order of Gongming's brother, shouldn't this black servant have long been killed? "Sang San Niang will definitely look at Song Jiang.

Song Jiang hadn't spoken yet, and suddenly a big beard flashed beside him, greeted Hu Sannian deeply, "Thank you Xianmei! Real heroine! I am Zhu Zhu in vain. Seizure. Sister, you are so bold! What a guts! I am really ashamed to die! "

Zhu Ling had to go up the mountain because Li Kui killed Xiaoya Nei.

"If the elder brother wants to kill me, I will die. If I don't kill, I will have no face to stay in Liangshan!" Hu Sannian waited for a while, and when she saw Song Jiang, she turned and went straight down the mountain.

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