All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 962: Song Jiang vomits his mind at the Chongyang Festival

"Mother!" Wherever Hu San Niang went, all the heroes flashed away, and reasonably said that their brothers were killed. They were right to take revenge, but Hu San Niang revenge for their parents. This is also the great righteousness. In the middle, Hu Sannian had to watch away, but Wang Ying was a little bit reluctant.

But you want Wang Ying to leave Hu San Niang. How should the couple live on the mountain in the future? Go down the mountain with Hu San Niang? Wang Ying couldn't make this determination again, and after only two steps forward, Wang Ying could not stand still.

Song Jiang stayed on the head and did n’t know how to do it for a while. Wu thought about turning around and quickly came to the rescue. "Brother Gongming, please be forgiving. Starting from ancient times, starting a business is always dominated by heroes. Stay away from it. Brother Gongming, you look at Cao Mengde. Although he deplores Dian Wei, he did not kill Zhang Xiu later. "

In this way, Song Jiang was rescued from the embarrassment, and the rest of Huarong, Dai Zong, and others stepped forward to comfort Song Jiang. This storm finally stopped for a while, but it was difficult to be as intimate as Liang before in the dark. Not only Miss Cheng and Hu San Niang.

Qin Ming was killed by Liang Shan and killed his whole family. The family members of the family of generals who surrendered to Liang Shan were also implicated. Liang Shan of Nuo Da suddenly fell into panic.

Fortunately, Song Jiang and Wu finally used some methods to slowly gather people's hearts, and finally let the mountains recover their vitality, and the big guys could drink together again.

Song Jiang also took this opportunity to settle down. He still took the top spot, and Shen Long took the second place. Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, and Guan Sheng followed closely, and selected several leaders from the team to fill in Li Kui. The gap between Dong Ping and Hu Sanniang has enough for the 108 generals.

It was only a slight change in rank. Meiqiong Zhu Zhu fell from the twelfth place to the end of Tiangang Star, and the bantam tiger Wang Ying jumped from the fifty-eighth place to the Tiangang Star. This may be because he The result they planted on the day Hu Huanniang left.

After carefully pondering the arrangement of the seats, there are still many things in it. The most obvious is the seats of the Dengzhou faction. In the Dengzhou faction, the brothers Jiezhen Jiebao who are not conspicuous in the Dengzhou faction are even ranked as Tiangang stars, ranking 30th. Four and thirty-five, while Chi Sunli, the leader of the Dengzhou faction, was only ranked thirty-nine.

In terms of status, Sun Lideng is a general hunter, and Jie Zhen Jie Bao is just an ordinary hunter; on Wu Yi, Sun Li Zhan Ping Hu Yanzhuo, Sheng Shi Shi Xiu, both of these are Tiangang stars; on seniority, Jie Zhen Jie Bao is his younger sister Gu Dasao Cousin; no matter which aspect, Xie Zhen Jie Bao should not be ranked in front of Sun Li.

But Song Jiang is just like that. Shen Long wonders if Song Jiang wants to use this opportunity to create conflicts among the Dengzhou factions? In order to weaken the strength of the Dengzhou faction.

In response to his own manpower, Song Jiang also used means, both suppressing and splitting, Yan Qing, who was most loyal to himself, was only the last one of Tian Gang Star, Yang Xiong and Shi Xiu fell on him, and the rest Cai Fu and Cai Qing ran to more than ninety places, and the time was the most pitiful.

Gongsun Sheng was even more miserable. He was the third best in Liangshan, and several of his close friends, apprentices Fan Rui, Xiang Chong, and Li Gang all ran out to sixty. They did n’t even have Tiangang, and they had the third best. 'S name has no corresponding influence.

After the ranking is finished, the same is true of the arrangement of duties. On the surface, it is pretty good. He gave himself the title of Liangshanbo Commander General. Like Song Jiang, can he actually command these people? Shen Long doesn't think so.

However, Gongsun Sheng and Wu Yong are also in charge of confidentiality. It is expected that the secrets that Gongsun Sheng can access are definitely different from those that Wu Yong can contact. Many things Gongsun Sheng can never see.

The arrangement of the office location is not simple. There is one room in the back hall of the Zhongyi Church. There are two rooms in the east and west: the main hall is provided for, Chao Tianwang is the spiritual position; in the east room, Song Jiang, Wu Yong, Lu Fang, Guo Sheng; , Kong Ming, Kong Liang.

Song Jiang Wu Yong was guarded by the dead party Lu Fang and Guo Sheng, and he and Gongsun Sheng were surrounded by Kong Ming and Kong Liang. Both of them were Song Jiang's apprentices, and they undoubtedly came to monitor themselves.

Shen Long acted as if he had n’t seen or thought of it, and he still happily contested with people every day. After the two things of Dong Ping and Hu San Niang, Song Jiang ’s prestige has been greatly weakened. Now he is just when he is nervous, dormant is valid reason.

In a blink of an eye, Chongyang Festival, Song Jiang asked Song Qing to arrange a feast. The congregation brothers shared the chrysanthemums together and called the "chrysanthemum meeting", but the brothers who had gone down the mountain, they had to return to the village to go to the feast.

At that time, the Roshan Mountain and the Sea of ​​Wine, first gave the Sanma Bushui Army to the small chieftains, etc., each ordered to go to the group to eat wine, and said that chrysanthemums were all over the Zhongyi Church, each sitting in turn, split the heads, and sieve the gongs on both sides , Talking loudly, clamoring loudly, strategizing, all leaders are drinking.

Ma Lin sang flute, music and singing, Yanqing played the zither, each taking his own pleasure. Unconscious of the sunset, Song Jiang was drunk and asked to take a pen and paper. He used the wine to make the word "Manjianghong" and wrote it, Lingle and solo, saying:

Enjoying the Chongyang, the new wine is now ripe. See Bishui Danshan, Huanglu bitter bamboo. Teach white hair on the head, and the edge must not be without chrysanthemum. May the long story before the bottle, the brothers love as golden jade. The jackal is unified, and the border is commanded. The center is willing to stay in peace and protect the country. Sun and Moon are always loyal and courageous, but the wind and dust barriers are evil.

Eh, how to say this word, no wonder Song Jiang ca n’t be an official. With this kind of effort, he certainly wo n’t be able to pass the exam. However, the rough words are not bad. At least these heroes in the Zhongyi Hall understand.

Lehe sang the word, sing until Wang Tianwang came to Zhaozhao early, and saw Wu Song shouting, "Today, also to tomorrow, but also tomorrow, but the hearts of brothers!"

Wu Song was also a man who had been a leader. He knew the darkness of the imperial court. He never thought Zhaoan was a good choice. The rest of Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen and others were quite sympathetic; Guan Sheng and Hu Yanzhuo and others were longing for it. If you can really be safe, you can return to the court as an official. They all understand the doorway in the officialdom and are confident to cope with it.

Seeing this scene, Song Jiang already had a plan in mind. By the end of the year, Yamashita took a few to go to Tokyo to pay tribute to the lantern. Song Jiang rose on a whim and wanted to take people to Tokyo to see the lantern. In fact, he wanted to pave the way for Zhaoan.

Song Jiang called Chai Jin, who was familiar with the officialdom, as well as Shi Jin, Mu Hong, Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, Zhu Ying, and Liu Tang to go together, and Yan Qing.

Yan Qing found Shen Long and asked him if he should go.

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