All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 863: Tai'an

"Go ahead, maybe you will encounter a good marriage on this trip." Shen Long said, he still wants to help Yan Qing and Li Shishi.

Yan Qing left in a fog, Shen Long thought about who was going to Tokyo this time. This list is also very meaningful, and look at the accompanying people, Chai Jin has extensive connections, and Mu Hong is a person from the Jieyang school. Lu Zhishen and Wu Song are the leaders of the Sanshan School, Zhu Qian and Liu Tang are the people of Laoliang Mountain, and Yan Qing is his own lineage.

When these people are taken away, the strength of each faction is weakened. After leaving Wu Yong, Hua Rong and others to guard on the mountain, Song Jiang does not have to worry about the backyard catching fire when he goes to Tokyo.

An Daoquan helped Song Jiang to remove the gold seal on his face. Everyone changed their costumes and picked up their luggage to go down the mountain. All the leaders were sent to the Golden Beach to watch Song Jiang leave.

Some rough-hearted people only think that Song Jiang really wants to go to Tokyo to see the lanterns, and thinks carefully that Song Jiang did the first word in the Chongyang Festival, but he knows that he is ready to find a way for Zhaoan.

For Zhaoan, these people also have different ideas, and some are quite yearning for it. If they can mix up innocently, who would be willing to fall into the grass as a kou? ? In the future, the army will attack one after another, can Liang Shan really persevere?

Some are unwilling to call for peace, but they also have no better choice. Out of brotherhood, they secretly pondered and waited for the success of the fight, accompanied the brothers to fight together, to settle down or go home, or find another place Happy.

This time Song Jiang and others went to Tokyo. Although there was no trouble with Li Kui and nothing happened, it was not so easy to ask for a security document. Song Jiang and others returned without success. After returning to the mountain, Song Jiang was depressed for a long time.

And Yan Qing seemed to meet Li Shishi. Shen Long often saw him looking at Tokyo from the top of the mountain. I do n’t know if I was thinking of a beautiful lady in the distance.

Nowadays, there are a lot of grains and grasses recovered from Dongping and Dongchang, and there is no eye-catching dare to provoke Liangshan. Song Jiang considered that Zhao'an did not expand abroad, but restrained the heroes, but only in Zhongyi daily. Drinking in the hall.

After a long time, Shen Long was a bit bored. It happened that the group of people came out and closed, and said, "I got a group of cows, there are seven or eight cars, and there are a few bunches of whistles."

When everyone saw it, the group of men were all sturdy, kneeling in front of the hall and telling, "The villain waited for a few to come straight from Fengxiang Mansion and go to Tai'anzhou to burn incense today. On my birthday, I went to the stage every time to play the stick. For three consecutive days, there were more than a thousand pairs there. This year there is a good man who is a man of the Taiyuan Prefecture, whose surname is Ren, his name is original, and he is a long man. 'Optimus Prime' spoke out loud and said: 'There is no opponent in the world of sumo wrestling, and I will compete for the world.' Wen heard that he had fought in the temple for two years, and there were no opponents. This year, I posted a poster again, saying that the world's sumo wrestles. The villain waits for this person to come, one burns incense, the other is to take care of his original skills, and the third is to learn from him a few ways. Pcs. "

When Song Jiang heard it, he called the primary school. "Hurry to send this group of people down the mountain without any infringement. In the future, if someone meets to burn incense, Hugh will scare him and let him go." .

Yan Qing could n’t help but listen, “Xiao Yi has learned this sumo from Lu Yuan since childhood. He has never met his opponent on the rivers and lakes. He was lucky to have this opportunity today. March 28 was near, Xiao Yi Do n’t bring one person, go to the stage and climb him to make a deal anyway. If you lose, you will never complain; if you win, you will also add some luster to your brother. There must be a good day, but the brother Rescue people. "

Song Jiang was a bit worried. Yan Qing boasted that he could beat that Ren Yuan. Shen Long was a little bored on the mountain and wanted to go down to see it. Then he got up and said, "My little B, Duan's primary school has become a sumo wrestling. Tell him to go as he pleases; the younger brother also wants to see and know this original skill, and hopes his brother to answer. "

This is just a small matter. Song Jiang couldn't refute Shen Long's face. Besides, this time there were only two of his master and servants. There was no other company. There was no need to worry about someone being enveloped, so Song Jiang agreed.

The two changed their appearance, and Shen Long regained his appearance outside the staff. Yan Qing still pretended to be a follower, and took only a short weapon to go down to Tai'an.

Along the way, I saw people burning incense. There was a lot of talk about Ren Yuan's ability. There were no right in Taiyue for two years. This year has gone through three years.

"I'm afraid that Ren might have some skills." Yan Qing praised, "or really a good man, and I will make a couple of two at that time."

Shen Long nodded with a smile. In the TV series, Ren Yuan sumo lost his use of hidden weapons. There was no such plot in the novel. It was just that his apprentices had some work. Seeing that the master could not save to save others, he went to grab those fortunes. This Renyuan is really unlucky.

When I got there, I saw two red pillars, which are generally similar to the cards in Fang Lane. I put up a flour card and wrote, "Taiyuan Sumo 'Qingtianzhu' Ren Yuan."

Two lines of small words beside him said, "Fist the Nanshan Tigers and kick the Beihai Canglong." Shen Long looked at it and waited for Yan Qing to take it, he shattered the pink card with one palm. , And then go to find accommodation.

This place is extremely lively, not one hundred and twenty lines of business, but only one or four hundred and fifty shops in the guesthouse, which is connected to the world's fragrance officials. Looking at such a prosperous scene, Shen Long sighed, "Hey, this prosperous is not I know there are a few more years! "

It is now Xuanhe for three years ~ ~ Wan Yan Agu has unified the Jurchen ministries as early as six years ago. He founded the country in Huining Prefecture, named Daikin, and defended Dagang with 20,000 soldiers. Defeat 700,000 Liao troops; occupy Liaoyang, Tokyo, Liaoning, five years ago. Last year, they captured Shangjinglinhuangfu, and sent emissaries and Song to sign a maritime alliance.

After four years, the Liao Kingdom will be destroyed by the Golden State. Five years later, the Golden State will switch to the Great Song Dynasty. Six years later, it will be a shame for Jingkang. By then, half of the Great Song Dynasty will fall, and the prosperity in front of you will probably be destroyed by the Golden Kingdom. The hand of the country?

"Why did you talk about this outside of the staff?" Yan Qing was unclear and took a smile and took Shen Long to stay in the hotel.

Not long after, Ren Yuan ’s apprentices were found, and the two sides agreed on a time for the competition.

At the time of the day, Shen Long and Yan Qing were together under the ring. Yan Qing was eager to try, and he had to teach Ren Yuan a lesson. Shen Long thought of Jingkang yesterday and was depressed, so he held Yan Qing ’s shoulder, "Xiao Yi, this Let me give you a good time. "

Yan Qing had nothing to do, Shen Long came to the stage, went through the formalities, and separated from Ren Yuan on both sides of the ring, Ren Yuan arched and said, "Under the Optimus Prime Ren Yuan!"

Shen Long froze for a while, and then responded, "Shen Long in the next Megatron!"

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