All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 879: Song Jiang died of drinking alcohol

Following Wu Yong came with Taizong Taibao, the **** of peace. They saw that both were dressed in a suit, and they were dressed up for filial piety. Zhu Gui was not only shocked when he saw it, he quickly went up the mountain to report, and Shen Long led the leaders down the mountain to meet him.

But he didn't want Wu Yong and Dai Zong to see Shen Long and all the heroes at once. He knelt down in agony and fainted several times. Fortunately, the medical doctor An Daoquan also followed them down the mountain and quickly rescued the two with a needle.

After waking up, Wu Yong took Shen Long ’s hand and cried, “I regret not having listened to dissuasion from the outsiders, but it has killed many brothers’ lives! ”

Song Jiang led the people of Liangshan to fight and kill a lot of people outside. These time shifts, happiness and they have already reported to Liangshan. Many brothers are well aware of it, but they are somewhat puzzled when they hear this. Gongsun Sheng asked, "The sword above the battlefield Without eyes, there is always damage to life, why should Mr. Jialiang do that. "

"If I really died in a battle in the battlefield, I'll recognize it later! Why is the court unfair! The court is unfair!" Wu Yong cried again, tearing his heart and tears, and he could not calm down for a long time.

Shen Long reached out and stroked Wu Yong's back and spent some vitality for him before Wu Yong slowed down. Then everyone heard Wu Yong talk about the various things he followed after Song Jiang Zhao'an.

"Since Zhao'an has become a soldier of the court, fighting for the court is what it should be. My brother and I never complained; but the court still regarded us as thieves and strictly guarded against it ..." After Song Jiang returned to the court, it was because the major general Widowed, they can only follow the generals of the imperial court together. Compared with the imperial army, they are repeatedly detained in the supply of materials, and many soldiers can only barely make ends meet, and they still have a little effort to fight.

"The gold and silver that had been given away to Gongming's brother were all taken by Gongming's brother to bribe the boss, and my situation was barely better; then when the expedition was over, the leader of the army always let me wait to die, fortunately It was only after the brothers fought hard that they had a chance to win; as a result, my brother and I suffered heavy casualties, but let the court general pick up a bargain. Afterwards, my credit on the report form was repeatedly deducted and turned into a court army. Credit. "

"Brother Wang Ying was not angry, and he disputed with the imperial court general. Under the annoyance of the imperial court general, he had to slash the Wang Ying brothers in the name of the disrespectful order. Gongming's elder brother repeatedly knocked his head to save Wang Ying's brother's life. Wang Ying The brother's official position was wiped out completely. "

"I waited until I thought it was all right. Who knew that person had hatred in his heart, and when Wang Qing was conscripted, he asked Wang Ying to lead a weak brigade to fight, and took the life of Brother Wang Ying by the hand of Wang Qing! Pity my brother Wang Ying, After his death, he didn't even have a whole body ... "Wu Yong was excited, crying and fainting.

An Daoquan gave Wu Yong a medicine, and Dai Zong continued, "Tian Hu and Wang Qing went to half of their brothers after the war. After the two wars, the court soldiers went to repair themselves, but I had to keep on following the Tongguan eunuch. Going south to attack Jiangnannan, Fang La's men are able to come out in a row, far superior to Tian Hu and Wang Qing, and I have been exhausted after many battles, and I can only bite my teeth. "

"But that Tong Guan still remembers the old things that were defeated by Liangshan, and I have done more and more things. After the peace of Fang La, I have lost all the soldiers and horses that I have waited for. The brothers who recruited together at the beginning, only the brother Gongming, the military division, There are only four brothers under Xia, Kong Ming and Song Qing. "Dai Zong also cried out, and everyone was so surprised.

"Kong Ming and Song Qing brothers were injured on the battle front. Tong Guan's **** went to be diagnosed. The two brothers screamed for a few days before returning to Beijing. They really killed me!"

"Good thief! Good thief!" Even though the people on the mountain were previously dissatisfied with Song Jiang and Wu Yong and others, now everyone hears these news, and everyone hates them.

"Even so, the court refused to let me wait. Brother Gongming was sealed by the court as the appeasement of Chuzhou, and the younger brother did not want to be an official, so he abandoned his official post and took office with him."

"Since taking office, Gongming Brother has cherished the army and loved the people, the people respected them like their parents, the military academy looked up to the gods, the court was awe-inspiring, the six things were ready, and the people were convinced and respected by the military and civilians.

"Who would have heard that the imperial court had given the imperial wine one day, and Brother Gongming took me to Guo to greet him; when he went to the public, he began to read the Imperial Decree. The angel held the imperial wine, and taught Brother Gongming to calm down and drink; Brother Gongming will also The royal wine back advised the angel, who claimed that he would never drink alcohol; the royal wine banquet, the angel returned to Beijing, Gongming elder brother prepared a gift, fed the angel, and the angel did not go away; after the brother drank the royal wine, he felt abdominal pain and doubts in his heart , Wanting to be dispensed in the wine, but self-satisfied to ask people to ask for the messenger, but in Luguanyi, but drinking again, the brother is known to have committed tricks, it must be the thieves who have dispensed the wine ... "

"Good thief! Even refused to give me a chance to wait!" Hu Yanzhuo was furious. He punched on the table and smashed the table. The heroes in the hall were also scolded. But, at the time, I really helped many people. Now everyone thinks of Song Jiang's old favors. Hearing Song Jiang's ending like this, he was very sad and angry.

"Brother called me before he died and asked me to share my savings with my relatives and let them go back to their hometowns. They asked me to go to Wu Shengjun to find a military officer and persuade the military officer to resign from his hometown so that he would not end like him. Liang Shan said to the staff, and regretted that he had not listened to the dissuasion of the staff ~ ~ Bai Baisong lost so many brothers' lives! "Dai Zong also cried with a headache.

"The imperial court is unfair! The imperial court is unfair!" Wu Yong woke up again at this time, shouting on the bed board, thumping his hands **** without any consciousness.

The people were soothed and let An Dao take some medicine before Wu Yong and Dai Zong slept. After they came out, they all scolded the court and deeply admired Shen Long ’s vision, if they followed Song Jiang at the beginning. Going to Zhao'an together, now I am afraid that they will end up with Song Jiang?

Since then, Liang Shan has really had no fluke for the court, completely breaking the mind of Guishun court, and only intends to go with Shen Long.

On the second day, when An Dao opened the door to visit Wu Yong, he found that Wu Yong had already hanged himself in the house. Dai Zong told everyone that Wu Yong had always helped Song Jiang's staff, and now because of Zhao An, The brothers were killed and injured, and Wu Yong continued to live without a face.

"Originally, I also wanted to follow Gongming's brother and military division, but now I want to live alive. I want to see. His Zhao family treats the heroes so harshly, can the world really sit peacefully ?!" Dai Zong said with his teeth clenched. I also hope that the staff will accept the small one outside, and let the small one look at his Zhao family and what the **** is going to end! "

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