All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 880: Revenge of Caijing Cottage

At first, there were more than 20 heroes and tens of thousands of soldiers who were recruiting with Song Jiang, but now only Daizong, the Taihang Taibao, is left. I think that it is only two years of hard work here.

"The court of the bird! The official family of the bird! I was originally an anti-thief, and simply killed Bianliang in Tokyo to completely reverse his mother!" Ruan Xiaoqi now remembered Song Jiang's original favors, as well as those who were in the past. The laughing and scolding heroes on the mountain couldn't help but yell and cried out the voices of many heroes.

"Zhao Guanjia can be the emperor! How can the elder brother do not do it?" Some people even started shouting that Shen Long would be the emperor, and all the heroes were in trouble.

Wen Huanzhang watched with cold eyes, and now he has unloaded the errands of Dangluo Island, and he is specifically responsible for assisting Shen Long in handling various official duties on the mountain. Hearing these words at the moment, he is both worried and happy. People's encounters are ahead. I'm afraid no one on the mountain will think of raising peace, but what is worrying is that Liangshan's foundation is not stable now, and the emperor is said to be in danger.

"Okay, Brother Dai wants to return to Liangshan. I'll be happy for a while!" Shen Long helped Dai Zong up. He was in desperate need of Liangshan, and it would be much more convenient for him to communicate with Liangshan in the future.

"Dear brothers, it is not the time to say this. The most important thing right now is to bury the soldiers in good health, and then make the ceremony of the public land brothers and fellow heroes!" Shen Long easily shifted the attention of the heroes to Song Jiang, What happened with Wu Yong and others.

He is familiar with history books, and naturally knows that it is too early to rebel or call the emperor. If there is no invasion of the Golden Kingdom, it will be Jingkang in two years. In the face of this great disaster, the matter of replacing the Song Dynasty is still intact. Have to slow down.

Wen Huanzhang, Zhu Wu and Gongsun Sheng breathed out a breath. At this time, the Lu staff can be so calm, which shows that Liangshan has a lot to do, but it is much stronger than Song Jiang.

The burial of Wu Yong's corpse was alive, and Gongsun Sheng took the lead to set up spiritual positions for Song Jiang, Wu Yong, Qin Ming, and others on the mountain, helping them to overdo things and making the mountain lively.

What is more important is that Wen Huanzhang also arranged for people to talk about the encounters of Song Jiang and others on the mountain and Dangluo Island, so that the people under Liangshan understand that the current court is absolutely unreliable. A good example, since then, no one has mentioned the matter of returning to the court.

The big guy admired Shen Long more and more, but Shen Long had orders, and everyone all obeyed, and continued to train horses in Liangshan and Dangluo Island and build iron cannons to prepare for the future.

In a blink of an eye, more than a year has passed. In this year, the world situation has undergone tremendous changes. Prior to this, the Song Dynasty launched a million troops to the north to attack Liaoning. The Liao army was easily defeated, and in the end Jin Guo won Nanjing.

Da Song had to pay an additional one million yuan per year as tax payment. With the annual "year-old coins" delivered to the Jin Dynasty, Xuanhe five years in April, Jin Fang returned Yanjing and the six western states in the affiliated Kyushu to Song ; But most of the residents of Yanjing have been captured by gold to become slaves in the northeast, and what Song obtained is only a dilapidated empty city at the "city Qiu ruins, fox dens".

Not only was there no way to provide tax to Da Song, but he also carried a heavy burden on Da Song. What was even more terrible was that Song's weakness also fell into the eyes of Jin Guo.

Originally, Jin Guo had allowed Shuo, Wu, and Wei to return to Song first. Before he could implement it, he was terminated due to Jin Taizu's death. Jin Taizong was willing to abide by the covenant at the beginning of his throne.

In the six years of Xuanhe, the then masters Wan Yanzonghan and Wan Yanzongwang opposed the cutting of the Shanxi and Song, not only because of the covenant, but more importantly, they looked down on the Great Song.

And it was at this time that Da Song gave Jin an excuse to attack, the Jin army defeated the rebellious Linhaizhou festival envoy Zhang Jue, Zhang Jue escaped to hide in Yanshan Mansion, Jin asked Zhang Jue towards Da Song; although Da Song was forced Yu Jinguo's persecution killed Zhang Jue back to the first level, but the hiding of the Jin Dynasty rebels in the Northern Song Dynasty became an excuse for Wan Yanzonghan and Wan Yanzong to invade south.

In the 7th year of Xuanhe, Jin Taizong ordered Ban Bo to marry Yan Yanchao as commander-in-chief, and commanded the Jin army to attack the capital city of Bianjing in the Song Dynasty. Due to Li Gang ’s tenacious resistance, the golden soldiers could not enter. Jin Bing temporarily withdrew.

Da Song temporarily kept peace, but Cai Jing did not dare to stay in Tokyo. Just because of his younger son Cai Can, Cai Jing was forced to resign. After Jin Bing retreated, Cai Jing immediately let the family pack up and go south to take refuge.

The priests of the world believed that Cai Jing was the first of the six thieves, and Shi Yujun, the imperial servant, began to write about his treachery, and Cai Jing was in charge of Nanjing as a secretary, even the deputy envoy of Qing Chongxin and Qing Yuanjun. The state lived and moved to Shao and Dan Erzhou.

The news reached Liangshan, and everyone said, "Old Cai Jing died with more than one death, and he must not be allowed to be as cheap as this. He had to stop him from taking the first-level priest Gongming brother and other talents."

"Okay! Just follow your brothers. When you hear the order, please go and ask Cai Jing's southbound route carefully. Brother Daizong, you move your brothers together and monitor Cai Jing along the way. When there is a suitable place, I will take Cai Jing's family. "Shen Long decisively gave orders.

Everyone was overjoyed, Shi Qian and Dai Zong lived up to it, and found a suitable place within a few days. Shen Longsui led his team to intercept Cai Jing ’s convoy in the wilderness. ~ ~ Cai Jing ’s team is also quite large. His family embezzled bribes and installed dozens of large vehicles over the years; the heroes received Shen Long ’s order and did not embarrass the soldiers who escorted them, frightened them and drove them away, only The rest of Cai Jing ’s family and the evil servants who oppressed the good by virtue of Cai Jing ’s situation on weekdays.

Cai Jing was so scared that no one looked at him. He looked at the emperor's doctor in the Song Dynasty. He wasn't scared even if he was convicted by the court, because he knew that his life could certainly be saved, but now he came under the banner of Liangshan and remembered himself At first, Cai Jing speculated that he was responsible for killing Song Jiang and others.

Everyone directly took the Cai Jing family into the mountains. The iron face Mu Pei announced that Cai Jing, Cai You, and Cai Can were equal to the party's guilt. The last one was the crime of killing Song Jiang, Qin Ming and other Liangshan heroes.

Then, in front of Song Jiang and others, Cai Jing, Cai You and other culprits Ling were executed to delay the spirits in Song Tian and others. Before the death, Cai Jing begged, and everyone ignored it, and even some people blamed, "Old thief, Have you ever thought about today when you blame the people of the world? "

Cai Jing and others died, and everyone in Liangshan rejoiced, and there was one less enemy in the cottage.

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