All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 887: Sudden defeat

"Oh, if there is any trace of courage in the defenders in the city, seeing the movements outside the city and killing them from the city, and fighting with me on both sides, wouldn't the golden soldiers escape?" Shen Long looked at the distance Tokyo's city wall sneered, and it was so lively outside, but no soldiers came out of the city, but looked far away from the city head.

"Bah, a bunch of boneless guys." Yang Zhi gave a sneer, but remembered just after the bite, maybe there were people from their Yang family on the head of the city, so he fell into embarrassment for a while.

"Brother Yang should not worry. Yan Qing and Shiqian are now in the city and will be able to protect Tianbo Prefecture." Shen Long glanced at Yang Zhi with a smile, expecting that the city of Tokyo had already been in a mess. Yanqing and Shiqian They just can do something.

"Lin Jiaotou, you can rest assured that Gao Ya Nei must have fallen into the hands of Yan Qing. When Lin Jiaotou enters the city to take revenge, he will not let him die in the hands of others." Shen Long said to Lin Chong again. He killed Gao Ji, but Gao Ya Nei was still alive in Tokyo.

Although Gao Ji died and his status was not as good as before, it is said that this guy didn't know what to do, he was still bullying men and women in the city, and now someone finally came to clean him up.

"Thank you, marshal, great kindness!" Lin Chong immediately gave a deep salute, his heart surging abnormally, and began to wonder how to cook well. The Gaoya was the only one. It was too cheap to kill like a high-ranking old thief.

"Fate to clean the battlefield, move the camp forward, and rest for one night. Tomorrow is fighting with the Golden Soldiers." The soldiers and horses of the Liangshan Army also encountered this kind of war for the first time. Although they behaved unexpectedly, they were not suitable for continuing to fight. .

So the army immediately took action, rearranged the team, gathered the bodies of the golden soldiers, collected the loot, and then handled them in a unified manner, letting these corpses be easy to cause plague.

The golden soldiers retreated far, crossed the battlefield and walked a few miles further. The Liangshan military stopped to arrange the camp, and each army returned to the camp. The leading officer led the big guy to summarize the gains and losses of this battle, and then Only started celebrating.

Shen Long used Hai Dongqing to observe the dynamics of Jin Bing, and found that Jin Bing had begun to shrink its strength and could not defend the camp. It seemed that there was no courage to continue the attack at night.

The generals came to Shen Longying to discuss things, and everyone congratulated them. "The marshal broke the courage of the golden soldiers in one battle. When he fights again tomorrow, he will be able to rush the golden soldiers back to the north!"

Congratulations here, and suddenly heard the sentry sent a report, "Marshal Qi Yun, then the golden soldier sent a messenger to see outside the camp!"

"Oh? Could it be that you surrendered? If they were willing to surrender, what would they do to spare their lives?" Shen Long smiled and let the sentry bring in the people. The generals of Liangshan also laughed, and Liangshan has never killed prisoners, but This does not mean that their days are better off. Those iron ores and coal mines are short of manpower. They are thrown into the mines, and the only thing waiting for them is to work to death.

After a while, a middle-aged scribe came in to salute Shen Long, and then reported to his door, "Student Gao Qingji has seen a general!" This person was originally a lieutenant of the Liao Dynasty. Because he is fluent in Chinese and Jurchen, he was quite popular in Wan Yanzong Hanjun After being reused, this battle frightened the Golden Soldier, and Wan Yanzongwang and Wan Yanzonghan consciously won the battle, so he sent him to sum up.

It was only when Shen Long appeared suddenly that Jin Bing had no information at all, and Gao Qingji did n’t know Shen Long ’s identity, so he could only call him a general.

"Bold! This is the three divisions of Kaifu Yitong, Hebei Road, Hedong Road, Henan Road, Xuanfu Envoy, Hebei Marshal deputy marshal Lu Yaojunyi Marshal is also!" Wen Huanzhang shouted sharply, by the way to Gao Qingyi Fan introduced, and then satirically said, "Bohai Gao's family is Liao Kingdom, why did they become Jurchen's men today?"

"Liaoguo has no way, my lord is destined to replace Liaoguo, the students just conform to the will of God!" Gao Qingyi said subconsciously, after he said, he wanted to persuade the surrender, but when he thought of Jin Bing's defeat, these words were not easy to say, only Can bow down to salute Shen Long again, "The students have seen the marshal."

I was whispering in my heart, the name Lu Junyi seems to have never heard of, why suddenly became the three divisions of Kaifuyitong, Xuanfu Envoy of Hebei Road, Hedong Road, Henan Road, deputy marshal of Hebei Bingma, and deputy marshal of Hebei Bingma Isn't Grand Marshal Zhao Gou? Why didn't you see King Kang?

"Yes, but Wan Yanzongwang and Wan Yanzonghan ordered you to surrender?" Shen Long raised his hand slightly.

"Neither is it." Gao Qingyuan quickly denied it, and then expressed his intentions. Wan Yanzongwang, Wan Yanzonghan and Wan Yanxiyin all felt that this soldier was very strange in Malay and they were very different from Song Jun, so they Guess Shen Long came to fish in muddy water, and based on this guess came up with a response plan.

"Marshal is strong and strong, why should he be under the Zhao of Tianshui? Zhao has always treated the generals harshly, but my prince is a hero and a hero. Although he had a slight misunderstanding before, he is willing to turn the marshal into a silk.

"Oh? How did you turn it into a jade silk?" Shen Long asked with a smile.

Gao Qingyuan thought Shen Long really had interest, so he quickly said, "My prince led a large army to siege Tokyo for a long time, and even the official family of the Song Dynasty became captives. The only way to win Tokyo is when the marshal is interested. Waiting, after taking down Tokyo, seized the wish to share with the Marshal. "

"And I attacked the Kingdom of the Kingdom of the Golden State to punish the Song Dynasty for violating the covenant ~ ~ I have no covetment for the land of the Song Dynasty. After taking Tokyo, the prince will lead the army to retreat. If the marshal is interested, My lord is willing to support the marshal to replace the Zhao family as the new official family of the Central Plains! "

Jin Guo does not currently have the ability to directly rule the Central Plains, so he later introduced two agents, Zhang Bangchang and Liu Yu. Now it is not impossible for him to give him the same status. After the army returns to the north, he will inquire more about him. It is not too late to lead the soldiers to the south to attack after understanding.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ~~~" Shen Long laughed, Jin Bing was really bullying and hard-hearted. After winning this battle, they came and negotiated. The previous Song Dynasty repeatedly fought and lost. But it is not allowed, it is really interesting to compare the two.

"Hahahahaha ~" Liang Shanzhong's heroes also laughed loudly, and Gao Qingji was at a loss. Was he saying something wrong just now?

It took a while for the laughter to stop, and Lu Zhishen turned out of the crowd, pointing at Gao Qingyuan and yelling, "If my handsome brother wants to take the world, he will only take it by himself. Where do you need to wait for charity?"

Everyone nodded and agreed, only taking Gao Qingji as a joke.

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