All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 888: The gold-breaker Shen Long entered Tokyo (thanks to me for the resurrection ...

Gao Qingyuan was kicked out without saying a few words, and returned to the Jinbing camp, telling his experience to Wan Yanzongwang, Wan Yanzonghan and others. After listening, Wan Yanzongwang said, "So Zhao Heng did not Useful? It's a bit difficult! "

Originally, he thought that the army of Liangshan was coming to the King of Tokyo. He thought that if he could not convince the other party, he moved out of Qinzong Zhao Heng and asked him to write a decree to force the other party to withdraw his troops. In the report of Gao Qingyuan, Wan Yanzongwang immediately understood that he was also an ambitious generation, and he would definitely not take Zhao Heng's will in his eyes.

"This time our army was defeated, but the enemy army had little damage, and it was impossible to fight this battle!" Wan Yanzonghan sighed. Since Wan Yan's bones started fighting, it is a battle that is invincible. I encountered such a fiasco when I came back. After returning, they discussed for a long time and found no way to crack it.

"We don't know much about the enemy, it's better to retreat for the time being, I will wait a while, these Han Chinese will fight up like before, let's take some time to find out how Lu Junyi's equipment is built, what are the defects, do it well It is not too late to go south. "Wan Yanyin, the think tank among Jurchens, said.

"Gu Shen said yes." Wan Yan Zongwang and Wan Yan Zonghan nodded silently. Gu Shen is Wan Yan Xiyin's real female name, just like Wan Yan Zongwang's called Wushu. After the Song Dynasty was destroyed, many seized now, it was just right to go back, but it was a pity that I failed to win Tokyo and lost so many good sons. "

Jin Bing had just occupied Liao Kingdom and had not had time to digest the land of Xinna. If Song Jun was too weak, Wan Yanzongwang and Wan Yanzonghan would not lead the army south.

"Tokyo's wealth has almost been squeezed out by us. Let's go!" Hey, if there is no loss of these 50,000 soldiers, this southward trip is definitely a big victory.

"Just that Lu Junyi can let us leave easily?" Once they decided to retreat, everyone began to discuss the plan to withdraw their troops, and then another problem was placed in front of them. Shen Long took the army and stared at the side, how could they be allowed to escape easily ? What should I do when I chase all the way?

"Then they can only divide the gold and silver that they robbed, and let people throw gold and silver along the road, causing them to pick them up. If they have a chance, they will turn around and rush for a while. If they don't have the chance to go, they will wait until the Yellow River. Burn the extra ships with the fire, and see how they chase them? "Jin Wushu was so ruthless.

After deliberation, Jin Bing immediately began preparations, and packed his bags overnight to retreat. However, all this did not escape Shen Long's investigation. When Jin Bing was about to retreat, Liangshan's horses and horses had already overwhelmed the Jin Bing camp.

Jin Wushu first moved out of Zhao Heng to try to force Shen Long to retreat. Shen Long was unmoved. When his plan came, Zhao Heng was originally a **** person. How could he care about his life and death?

Seeing that this plan really had no effect, Jin Wushu had to endure abandoning a batch of gold and silver. Who expected that Liang Shan's soldiers were completely blind, and even chased up without looking at it. In a hurry, Jin Wushu was another battle. He was defeated and chased and killed by Shen Long leading the soldiers. The golden soldiers were countless dead and wounded along the way.

By the time he fled to the side of the Yellow River, more than half of the 150,000 troops going south had lost more than 70,000 horses, and most of the wealth looted and squeezed from Tokyo fell into Shen Long's hands. This business can be said to be a loss The blood.

Although Liang Shanjun kept buying horses from the Liao Kingdom in recent years, the number of cavalry was still much less than that of the Jinbing. Therefore, Jinbing was given a chance. In addition, Jinbing burned the ships on the Yellow River. More than 50,000 gold soldiers fled back, and Zhao Heng was also taken away by them.

Despite this, Shen Long's battle also wiped out about 100,000 gold soldiers. The gold soldiers were badly injured, but within a short time they had no spare power to attack the south, and even the Hedong Road they now occupy is in danger of being lost. .

After shooting for a while on the banks of the Yellow River, killing many golden soldiers and blowing up many ships, Shen Long escorted the captives along the way and collected them all the way back to Tokyo.

At this time, the gates of Tokyo are still pressing, and Shen Longqi looks very angry. Before we attacked the Golden Soldiers, you just do n’t come out to cooperate, and now you are not allowed to enter the city. What does that mean? You ca n’t even stop the Golden Soldiers, can you think we can stop us?

"Let Zhao Go come out and call them to open the door!" Shen Long didn't bother to bother and let Chai go in to bring Zhao Go up.

Chai Jinle happily went away, and soon the trembling Zhao Gou was brought up, but along the way he was terrified, and now even if he sees the Tokyo city wall, he has not recovered his vitality. Under the urging of Chai Jin, Zhao Gou Shimmering, he stood up on the lookout and shouted loudly into the city.

"It's Lord Kang!" An official on the city wall recognized Zhao Go immediately, and he was hesitant for a while, wondering whether he should open the door or not. After thinking about it, they decided to report to Supreme Emperor Zhao Ji first and let him make a decision. .

Shen Long was impatiently waiting for someone to warn him directly, and then mobilized the artillery to blast a few rounds at the gate. The soldiers at the head of the city suddenly dispersed as birds and beasts. They prepared Yanqing and Shiqian and others who had been preparing for a long time in the city. Shing Mun, Tokyo City officially fell into the hands of Shen Long.

"Congratulations on Xiaoyi's wish ~ ~ Seeing Yan Qing's **** dressed as a man next to him, Shen Long smiled and expected this to be Li Shishi," Let the Gongsun Dao choose a good date Marriage for you. "

Yan Qing and Master Shi quickly thanked them, and then led the army into the city, guarding all the important places. That place is important, and that place can be relaxed a little. These Yan Qing and time shifts are clear.

Coupled with the heavy losses of the Tokyo military and civilians during the siege of the Golden Soldiers, Liang Shanjun took control of Tokyo firmly in his hands without much effort.

"Brother Yang may wish to take someone back to Tianbo House to take a look. This time, Brother Yang can finally return home in Yijin? Lin Jiaotou, Gao Ya Nei is over there, you can cook for yourself!" Let them have revenge. When there is grievance, I want to show it. After finishing all of this, Shen Long took Chai Jin and Zhao Go to the palace outside.

Looking at the Royal Palace of Song Dynasty, Chai Jin only smirked. He could think that his dreams for many years had finally been realized. The previous bullying of Zhao Gou was still not too enjoyable. If he could bully Zhao Ji again this time, All right.

"Bold, the palace is forbidden, how can you wait to break into it?" At the gate of the palace, someone suddenly yelled.

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