All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 892: Say old things, Yang family anyway

"Nephew sees Mrs. Madam! Is Mrs. Madam always safe?" In the inner room, Yang Zhigong respectfully kowtowed to Mrs. Madam. At first, in the Yang Mansion, only this Mrs. was kind to him, Yang Zhi was very kind Is grateful.

"Get up, I was very sorry when I heard you fell, but unfortunately my Yang family was not as good as before, and I couldn't save you even if I had the heart. Now that I see you come back safely, my heart is down." Mrs. Tai greeted warmly.

"I was so overwhelmed that Mrs. Lao was worried about me. My nephew was really dead." After Yang Zhi returned to Tianbo Mansion, everyone envyed him for his high office. Only when Mrs. Yang missed his safety, Yang Zhi couldn't help crying. Full of eyes.

"Come on, sit down and tell me about your experience over the past few years." Madam Tai is like looking at her own children, let Yang Zhi sit down to drink tea for snacks, and then slowly listen to him talking about being forced to fall off the grass these years , The experience on Erlong Mountain and Liangshan Mountain.

"Hey, I have been suffering for you all these years. I am a good man, but I am going to be bullied by such a villain. What the world is this for?" Madam sighed after listening.

"It was not only painful but also suffocating when transporting Huashigang and escorting the birthday plan, thinking that my Yang family generation warriors, ancestors fought for the country, even if they worked hard and tired, it was also willing, my unscrupulous descendants have to do these unsightly It ’s a shame for people to think about people ’s affairs! ”Yang Zhi also sighed with a long sigh. Yang Ye attacked the Liao martyr, Yang Yanzhao stayed at the border, and Yang Wenguang attacked Xixia. When he came to him, he became Liang Zhongshu ’s dogleg. understood.

"Huh! Isn't my Yang Jiaer Lang unwilling to contribute to Song?" Madam Tai slammed her dove stick, and she was also extremely dissatisfied with this in her heart. If the Yang family can lead the soldiers to fight, why would the golden soldiers hit it? Coming from Tokyo?

"I came to see you today but I have something to tell you. Yesterday my nephew and your cousin came to me." Mrs. Tai said the matter in detail, "He means, yes I want you to help Kuang Fu She Ji, except for Master Lu, who will return the government to the hands of officials, but I do n’t know what you think? "

Hearing this, Yang Zhi turned pale, and suddenly stood up and said, "Yu private, my brother is so kind to me, Yu Gong, if not my brother led the army of Liangshan, Tokyo might have been slaughtered by the golden people, How can I do such a thing? "

Yang Zhi was furious. If it were n’t for Liangshan, this group of people would have been killed by the Golden Soldiers. They not only missed the help of his brother, but also wanted to harm him. What a shame!

"Mrs. Madam, these words should not be heard by the little nephew, so I will mention it later! The little nephew will go to warn his cousin to let him never want to deal with these people again." After all, he is his own relative, Yang. Zhi couldn't bear to go to report it.

"Oh, Yang Zhi, you are underestimating the old woman!" Mrs. Tai sneered. "Am I such a person who does not distinguish between good and bad, and does not know the current affairs? Lu Taishi is a bit stubborn, but against the court gang It is not enough for borers to be indifferent; now the people of Bianliang are grateful for Master Lu ’s life-saving grace. What can a few rat generations do? "

"To find you these words today is just a temptation to see if you have the ability to put the Yang family on your shoulders. Although your temperament is weaker, you have lived up to my expectations! The Yang family will rely on you in the future. Alright! "Said Madam.

"Madame!" Yang Zhi was terrified. Does this mean letting himself be the head of the Yang family? But hasn't the Yang family head always been served by the heirs?

"I did this not only because you are now a second lieutenant, but also for Master Lu; although the old woman has not read many books, she has heard the words of" the Son of Heaven, the strong and the strong "for five generations. Master Tai Lu held the heavy soldiers and took the sole responsibility for the Zhao Gang. It only took a few years to replace the Zhao family in Tianshui. If the Yang family wanted to preserve or even reproduce the glory of their ancestors, they could not make the wrong choice. "

"This ... my Yang family has always been loyal to the Song Dynasty ..." Although Yang Zhi also thought of the elder brother to do the princely things, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he heard these words from the Taifu population.

"My Yang family is loyal to the Zhao family, but how does the Zhao family treat my Yang family? The old commander has been loyal and sincere from the Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, but he was intimidated by the superintendent Wang Tong and led his troops to fight and die. Later, two generations of great-grandfather and grandfather did not dare to sacrifice their lives for the country, and repeatedly made merits; but since then, no one of my Yang family has been able to lead the army, and the three generations are the country. How many talented Yang's good boys end in depression. "

The wife of Mrs. Tai was also the same. He studied martial arts and martial arts from an early age, hoping to one day be able to fight for the country like his ancestors. However, the court refused to allow him to work as a direct guard until the end of his career. You have to say that Mrs. Tai has no resentment against the Zhao family. It is impossible.

"Jun treats me as a prince, but I protect myself with a prince, but the official family of the Song Dynasty guards my Yang family like a thief, shouldn't my Yang family sell their lives for them?"

"What ’s more, even if this matter succeeds, if you luckyly killed Master Lu, will the officials and civil servants in the court be able to treat my Yang family well? By then, it ’s good that my Yang family will not be punished by copying the family. "Mrs. Tai asked a series of rhetorical questions, but she could see clearly ~ ~ The Song Dynasty has always guarded against martial artists. If the Yang family is involved in this kind of event, even if there will be a commendation at the beginning, it will be looked for in the future. The opportunity completely wiped out the Yang family.

"On the other hand, Master Tai Lu has eliminated all kinds of malpractices since taking power, so that the martial arts are no longer bullied by civil servants; in this case, my Yang family might as well voted for Master Lu, and follow Master Tai to recover Yan Yun, Huang Huang, and Xixia. What a hurry! "On the one hand, he was suffocating as a watchdog, and on the other, he was able to reproduce the glory of the Yang family ancestors and lead the soldiers to fight. Is it necessary to choose that one?

Not only the Yang family, among the generals of the Song Dynasty, in addition to the Pan family, Xiang family, and Gao family who have been married to the Zhao family many times and have been inseparable with the Zhao family, the rest of the Di family in Beijing, The Yao, Bianjia, and Cultivators in the border area are mostly thinking about the Yang family.

If he could live a life of integrity, who would be aggrieved by this? Moreover, they all knew the strength of Liang Shanjun, and they knew that there was absolutely no army that could defeat them. Even if all of them were lost, there was no possibility of defeating Lu Taishi. Instead of doing so, it would be better to get rid of it as soon as possible.

"I have let Sanlang and Shiro wait outside. After a while, you will take them with you, go to your cousin's house, take him down to Master Lu, and expect Master Lu to see me waiting like this. It's fun to know, and it won't kill him. "Madam Tai's decision was completely beyond Yang Zhi's expectations.

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