All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 893: Stop the bad martial arts generals

"Nephew obey the orders!" Yang Zhi admired the wife's admiration as a five-body cast. Even though the Yang family had not been in control for many years, there was still no shortage of courageous people in the family, but if the Zhao family could reuse it a little, the world would not fall to such a point. .

"Well, go! They do n’t have to come back after finishing their errands, Sanlang and Shiro. You can take them to see Master Lu, let Master Tai examine the school, and if they can be used, let them work under Master Tai. Come on! ”Speaking of the wife here, she couldn't help but scold,“ That day, the golden soldiers besieged the city, and those gangsters in search of the rich women, even forced me on the door of the Yang family. I want your sister-in-law to serve the golden man. What else can the General Court deserve allegiance! "

"Ah ?!" Hearing this news, Yang Zhi was horrified again. The Yang family was born and died for his Zhao family. The deceased and the battlefield were unknown. He was so persecuted by the Zhao family, so no wonder Mrs. Madam was so angry.

When I came out of the inner hall, I saw that my cousins ​​and cousins ​​were already waiting outside. All of them were wearing helmets and armor. Their heroic spirits were beyond words and expressions, which was very different from the depression and depression that Yang Zhi had seen before. It seems that they have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

"It has been fifty years since the Yang Family failed to lead the army since the Duke Wen Guang! The Kung Fu of a certain family can finally see the sun again! If you elders and brothers are spirited in the heavens, bless me and wait for the victory!" Yang Jiasanlang burst into tears and said that his grandfather, father and Dalang and Erlang, all of them were in a martial arts arts and could not get the chance to perform.

Now that he has white eyes, he thinks he will be as depressed as his father and brother. Now that he has finally got the opportunity to show his talents, how can he not be so excited?

He also has no opinion about Yang Zhi becoming the new head of the family. The Yang family has always been the master of the capable. Since Yang Zhi has become a second lieutenant and has repeatedly made meritorious deeds before, he defeated the golden soldiers and fled. Everyone is willing.

At the moment, Yang Jiazhong Erlang followed Yang Zhi out of the house, went straight to Mrs. Nephew ’s nephew, and took him down to Shen Long. After Shen Long asked, he greatly praised Yang Family, and then according to Yang Jiazhong Erlang ’s ability Give them official positions respectively, "You first went to the army to get acquainted with the army. Now the Yanmenguan where Yanzhao Gong was stationed is still in the hands of the Jin people. The Xixia that Wen Guanggong once fought against is still intact. I hope that you will be able to reproduce the Yanzhao Gong and Wen. Guanggong's demeanor, destroy these two prisoners! "

Recovering Yan Yun and calming down Xixia is also the obsession of the Yang family. After hearing this, Yang Erzhong was all grateful to him, and immediately obeyed, "I wish to die for the Master!"

Arranging them to go north to Yanmen Pass to attack Xixia is also beneficial. The Yang family is loved by the people in these two places. In addition, they have relatives with the northwestern goalkeepers such as Zhejia, which allows them to go to reduce many troubles.

The Yang family, which had been silent for half a century, regained its light, and once again got the chance to lead the soldiers to fight. The Yang family's sons and daughters worked hard every day and were ready to sell their lives for Shen Long.

After the news spread, the rest of the Song Dynasty generals finally began to move, first of all, the Fuzhou Zhejia, who had a relative relationship with the Yang family, the Zhejia ancestor was once an in-law with the Yang family, and the gold knife Lao Ling Gong Yang Ye The wife is from the family home in Fuzhou. She is the old lady of She in the storytelling.

Over the past few years, the two families feared that they would have less contact with each other, but their relatives were still relatives. The tenth-generation general, Zhe Yanji, was originally arranged to guard the Pingyang Palace when Jinbing went south, but Lin Jiren, the governor of Pingyang, did not intend to stick to it. Chaudu ruled Liu Rui and refused to use his life. Eventually, Pingyang Palace fell. Zhan Yanzhi could only lead the army to the Yellow River.

Zhan Yanzhi was extremely dissatisfied with the civil service. He thought that if Zan Yanzhi was born as a goalkeeper and learned martial arts from a young age, if he was allowed to command him on the battlefield, how could Pingyang Palace fall easily? Now I heard that Mrs. Lu reused the Yang family. The Song General who had succumbed for more than 100 years finally had the opportunity to turn over. Where could he bear it?

Immediately dispatched a close brother to come to Tianbo Yang House to inquire about the news. After listening to the subdivision of Mrs. Tai, the messenger returned with a letter. After seeing the letter, Zeng Yanzhi became more confident and not only came to Tokyo Bian personally. Liang expressed his surrender to Shen Long, and wrote letters to the northwest goalkeepers such as Zhongjia and Yao, to persuade them to return to Shen Long as well.

The seed stars of the seed family and the seed masters are among the great stars of the Song Dynasty. Unfortunately, these two are also the same as Zuo Yanji, because the drag of civilians and friendly forces is lost to the golden soldiers, and the seed masters are killed in battle. In the battlefield, the seed master died in Beijing, and the descendants of the seed family, seed stream, seed Yan Chong, seed Yan Song, and seed Yan Chong all died in the army.

Now only Zong Xun, Zong Hong and others are still alive, and they are guarding the spirit of the seed master in Beijing, and Shen Long led the Liangshan people to worship the seed master after entering the city, and gave kind support to the brothers of the seed family. Arrange for Lu Zhishen, who previously worked in the public race teacher of the small race, to take care of them.

Shen Long worshipped them for their kindness, Lu Zhishen took care of them as old friendships, and Zhe Yanzhi's letters were to distinguish their interests. Can the three-pronged seed family still resist it? Zhong Xun and Zhong Hong also expressed their surrender to Shen Long on behalf of the seed family, and then together with Lu Zhishen, guarded the spiritual coffin of the seed master and returned to the northwest for burial.

When they arrived in the northwest, the younger siblings who remained in the northwest came to the breeder to negotiate under the name of the cult of the cultivator and the breeder. , Shen Long's character, and the Yang family, Zhejia family and their breeders received the blessings, Northwest will return the door together.

Anyone with a brain can see that Lu Taishi is invincible, and compare the end of Zhao Zhao ’s life and the prospect of playing for Lu Taishi, as long as he is not stupid, he can make the same decision. The military commander really suffocated for too long.

So after the Yang, Zhejia, and Zongjia, the Yao, Miao, Liu, and other northwestern generals came to Jingzhong together. In addition, the Di family in Jingzhong all went to Shenlong. Di Qing was forced to death by civilian officials. Yes, how can the descendants of the Di family have a good impression on those civil servants?

With so many more talents, Shen Long can finally put the rest of the Song Dynasty into his own hands. Since then, the elite soldiers in the Song Dynasty have almost become Shen Long's men.

However, if you want to govern the country, you ca n’t rely on the military commander alone. You have to have civil servants. Shen Long had also trained some talents on Liangshan, but it was not enough.

Therefore, when the situation stabilized, Shen Long opened Enke in the name of Zhao Go, preparing to use the imperial examination to absorb a batch of fresh blood for the court to replace the corrupt and incompetent bureaucrats of the Huizong and Qinzong periods.

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