All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 894: Kai Enke's teacher

The news came out, Shilin reacted differently, some were ready to prepare for the exam, some saw the change of heart in the church, and some relatives and teachers had attached to the six thieves or blamed the people because of Shen Long. They were swearing; but now there are a lot of places vacated above the hall, and these civil servants trained by Liang Shan can't fill up at all. Everyone saw the opportunity. Most literati still hurried to Tokyo to prepare for the exam.

Scholars from all over the country have rushed to restore Tokyo, which has just suffered heavy losses from the war, and those who opened inns, restaurants and even Qingqinglou have quickly prepared to entertain these scholars.

On the top of the hall, there was also a discussion on this. How to hold Enke has been customized before, but it is not too troublesome, but this examiner has become the focus of everyone's competition. Anyone can see that this group of candidates has broad prospects. If you can get a job as an examiner, it will definitely benefit you.

Shen Long will naturally not give this opportunity to others. He will try to appoint Wen Huanzhang as the examiner. Although Wen Huanzhang does not have a junior scholar, he is also a world-famous celebrity. They also gave civil servants who were close to themselves. How could they get a cheap imperial examination?

As for the temple test, Zhao Gou was still a little careful, and wanted to buy a lot of people's hearts in the top spot, and then Chai Jin, who served as a living house, blocked him back directly. "The official family was scared by Jin Bing before, or It ’s good to rest in peace for a while, let the teacher go to work in the temple test. "

"I ... I know, I would like to thank Taishi for thinking about it." There was a bitterness in Zhao Gou's heart. The emperor really did not have any taste for it. He took care of it, and he only sat on it as a mud-carved wood-plastic during the Dacha conference.

Back in the palace, there were also Lu Taishi ’s celebrity guards, so that he had no chance of contacting the outside world. The most abominable thing is that this Chai Jin was actually a living person, who was responsible for recording and compiling living notes. The official position is specifically responsible for recording the words and deeds of the emperor. This Chai Jin deeply hates their Zhao family, and he does not know how to write himself in the future history books.

However, compared to Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, Zhao Gou is still good. Zhao Huan was taken away by Jin Bing, and I do n’t know what crimes were suffered in the north. But Zhao Ji, can only write in the cold palace all day now There are not many people waiting for painting. The teacher said, don't you like writing and painting? After that, I will use this for food.

If you can't get a satisfactory work every day, go hungry first! You have made the scourge of Jiangshan like this, and have a good face and good food? It's not convenient to kill him now, so let's torture it for a while, and wait for home to replace Zhao Jia ascend the throne, imitate Li Yu to give him a cup of medicine.

Zhao Gou also needs to go out occasionally to deal with the next group of ministers, so Shen Long does n’t torture him for a while. As for the future, it depends on whether he is interested or not. If he is interested, he can be raised like the Chai family. A flight medicine.

Enke ’s examination method has also been changed. The examination of poems and vocabulary is removed, and the subject is more practical. After all, the poems and vocabulary are well written and the country can be governed. It ’s completely different. This is the reason why Su Shi's poems are unprecedented in the world, but his career is not as good as Su Ru. This is the reason.

In response, the scholars also reacted differently, with joy and loss. After the test results were posted, dissatisfaction grew.

Maybe it's because after Zhang Yuan voted for the summer, the Song Dynasty Temple has never fallen off the scholars, or that Shen Long won't deal with them easily, or simply that the brain is not enough, and when the palace test begins, some scholars come out Shen Long was in a difficult position. The Interrogation Palace had always been presided over by the official family. Why didn't you see the official family today?

Wen Huanzhang, Chai Jin, and others used the official family's physical discomfort to stop them, but the scholar still refused to give up. "If the official's family is unwell, then it is reasonable to choose the great Confucian to preside over the palace test. The teacher is a general. Poetic poetry? "

As soon as this remark came out, there was a sudden uproar above Chao Tang. No one dared to be so presumptuous in front of Shen Long for a long time. Someone immediately wanted to come out and take it down.

"Wait! You say that the official does not understand the scriptures, then the official asks you, which scripture do you learn? What do you think? Let's say it and let the official listen to it?" If Lu Junyi himself may not understand Shen Long is not at all illusive. Anyway, we have inherited all the talents of Wang Anshi. Now that is also a top-ranking Confucian, how can we confuse a little scholar?

Before speaking these words, the scholar had envisioned many situations, either drove himself out and even went to jail, or ordered to make no noise, and continue the temple test, but the teacher wanted to discern the scriptures with himself, which he had never thought of!

Not afraid, not afraid, but just a warrior, where he understood the saint's insignificance, the gentleman comforted himself in his heart, and then said his understanding of Jingyi one by one.

What surprised the group of ministers and many scholars in Chaotang was that Shen Long cited the scriptures to refute the person for nothing. Not only did he come out to speak, but the person was unable to refute, even the several Confucianists in Chaotang also amazed, "The master of Confucianism is profound and worthy. I am ashamed to be a great Confucian in the world! "

These are all well-known figures in Rulin ~ ~ They all admire Shen Long's Confucian accomplishments. What else can these scholars say?

When he came out to speak and was ashamed, he was ready to retreat, but after all he was a little unwilling, "The Confucian masters of Taishi admire the students, but the imperial examinations are not beautiful after all, but is it because Taishi is not good at poetry?"

"Don't step back! Taishiken is tolerant and discerning with you already. Don't be too intrusive. I don't know what's wrong!" Despite the scolding, the scholar still looked at Shen Long with his neck.

"Speaking of poetry, when the officer led the army north to meet the emissary who went to the Golden Kingdom to seek peace, he actually got a song of water tone, but he did not show anyone. Today he wants to let you taste one or two."

Shen Long cleared his throat and chanted, "I didn't see Nan Shijiu for a long time, and I talked about the North Qunkong; only one hand on the spot, after all, I returned to Wan Fuxiong; since the emperor's emperor is like an ocean of water, it still only flows east? And the complex will worship, will meet on Gao Street!

The capital of Yao, the land of Shun, the seal of Yu; Yu Zhong should have it, one and a half shameful ministers! Thousands of miles are like this, the eternal spirit is there, when is it magnificent? Why should Yun Yun ask, Herri is among them! "

As soon as the first word came out, the hall suddenly went silent.

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