All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 931: Bear Shield

You may not know what the concept is to cross half of the earth with steel armor. We generally only use four words to describe this kind of person: superhero! When Tony Stark was able to fly from the United States to the Middle East to fight the Ten Commandments, it was not a problem for me to fly Shen Long from New York to Moscow.

Behind F22? Dodge his hand, this plane can't hit, this one doesn't need to hit, he can't catch up with me; the backhand gives a super accelerating, making a big fortune, he is also super accelerating? But don't be afraid, he can't catch up with me, the speed of Mach five starts, five six seven eight nine eleven twelve, more than half of the squadron intercepted in one breath.

The Kun-type fighter caught up and was discovered by me despite the stealth facility. I saw Maria Hill, with the crossbones next to it; pour a cup of cappuccino to Aunt Hill, Aunt Hill, please Starting your missile show, have the ability to blow me up? Come, blow up, beautiful, two missiles as soon as they come up.

However, there was no use to induce the launch of the bomb. Aunt Hill ’s missile exploded, taking advantage of the chance of the missile exploding to escape, and successfully entered Canada.

Afterwards, Shen Long changed his flight trajectory many times, and finally got rid of the SHIELD tracking when he entered the sky above Alaska. At this point, it was basically safe. The Russian airspace was ahead.

While crossing the Bering Strait, Shen Long saw from the radar screen that a new fighter formation was ushering forward. Comparing the information in the radar database, this is the Russian T50 fighter. In the real world, the Russian T50 fighter I haven't served in a long time, but in the Marvel world, people are not allowed to burst the technology tree?

In the south, a few light spots disappeared in a flash, Shen Long felt that this might be the surveillance of the Shenmao Bureau; Shen Long was not nervous, he slowly slowed down, and then called the other party through the public channel, "Here It ’s Ivan Vanke. I brought my love for Russia and the most advanced weapons. I ’m willing to dedicate all of this to Russia. I ’m asking to talk to the emperor! "

After a brief silence, I spoke back to each other, "Mr. Ivan Vanke, you have done a great job in New York! I have reported your request to the superior, please relax now, we will protect you to a safe place!"

The speed of news dissemination is really fast. How long did it take to defeat Tony Stark himself, even the Russian pilots knew that Russia has never dealt with the United States, and heard that a Russian has learned **** the American territory With the American superheroes, these pilots are very excited.

"Understood, I will cooperate with your actions!" Shen Long adjusted his flight trajectory and followed the leading aircraft to fly forward. The remaining T50s were scattered and placed Shen Long under his protection; said protection In fact, it also carries the meaning of surveillance. In their current formation, if Shen Long moves slightly, the opponent can immediately attack.

After flying for a while, the lead plane landed in a secret military base in Siberia, Shen Long also landed, the airport was ready, the surface was peaceful, but there were countless weapons aimed at Shen Long in the dark, he It is understandable that the other party's complete trust has not been obtained for the time being.

"I'm coming out of the armor!" Shen Long reminded them first, and then came out of the whip armor, spreading his hands to signal that he had no weapons.

An officer wearing the rank of lieutenant general greeted him, "Hello Mr. Ivan Vanke, I am the commander of this base, Valentin-Igor-Vladimirlovich, welcome back! Sorry, This is the practice of the base! "

"It's okay, I understand very well!" Shen Long stretched out his hands and let a few soldiers come over. He took a variety of strange qualities and searched carefully. He had hidden some sensitive things in the portable space for a long time. .

"The emperor has received your request. He is flying here to meet you with a special plane. He attaches great importance to this meeting!" Vladimir Lovech breathed a sigh of relief after seeing him cooperate so much. "Waiting for this For some time, you can make any request like me, I will try to meet you. "

"I am not the only one coming back from the United States this time, and there are two people about to arrive in Moscow, one is the former British special forces ace Emile Bronsky, and the famous black widow Natasha Alia Loz Na Normanov, they have been convinced by me and are willing to work for their motherland! "During the flight, Shen Long had found the whereabouts of the two of them.

When I heard Natasha, Vladimir Lovech frowned slightly, but said nothing, "Well, I will arrange for someone to send them to Moscow, how do I contact them?"

Shen Long informed the contact information, then pointed to the whip armor and said, "This is the gift I brought back. You can ask the researcher at the base to start researching now. I can answer any questions."

"That's so grateful!" Vladimir Lovech's eyes lit up, but this was a big gift. In fact, he had long been curious about this suit, but he was embarrassed to raise it, and now Shen Long offered it His trust in Shen Long is a little more. If a spy, such a gift would be too expensive?

"You've been in the United States for so long, must you miss vodka? I have a few bottles of Soviet-era military special vodka, let's have a drink together!" Vladimir Lovech embraced Shen Long's shoulder warmly Base ~ ~ The two of them drank happily.

What? You said that it would be hard to drink after seeing the emperor? Is it still a good thing for Russians to drink a few glasses of vodka? Vodka is in our blood!

After drinking two bottles of wine, the emperor arrived, and the people of Vladimirlovich also found the traces of Natasha and Bronsky, and they were being sent here.

Shen Long and the Emperor discussed secretly for several hours. When Natasha and Bronsky arrived, they just saw the door of the meeting room open, and the Emperor and Shen Long came out with a smile on their faces.

The Emperor immediately announced that Russia will soon establish a department similar to SHIELD, and all three of them will become the core personnel of this department.

"Excuse me, what's the name of this department?" Natasha asked.

"I haven't decided yet, I want Ivan to name this department!" Said the emperor, patting Shen Long on the shoulder.

"I'm not good at naming such things, but I have already thought about the department's logo, just use a bear!" Kuma best fits the character of the Russians, eh? Someone at Xiongdun Bureau seems to have done it?

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