All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 932: Director Natasha

"The organizational structure of the new department and the recruitment of these things will be discussed later, and now, you and I will go to a place together!" There is not much time to leave this world. Shen Long must grasp every minute.

The base had prepared the plane for them long ago. Shen Long boarded the plane with Natasha and Bronsky. After taking off, he proceeded according to the coordinates given by Shen Long. It didn't take long for the secret of the Hydra to hide in Siberia. Inside the base.

This base has been abandoned by Hydra, but the things hidden inside are very useful. There are various facilities information left by Hydra. More importantly, there are several super soldiers in hibernation! The Bear Shield Bureau has just been established. Natasha and Bronsky can't do it alone. With these people, they can barely persevere for a while.

Let the base followers go out first, and only take Natasha into it. After awakening them, Shen Long thought of the brainwashing password, "желание (desire), ржавчина (rust), семнадцать (seventeen), рассвет (Dawn), печь (fire stove), девять (nine), доброта (goodness), домой (home), грузовик (lorry), один (one) ... "

These people stood straight behind their hands, waiting quietly for Shen Long ’s order, and Shen Long told them, “From now on, you will all be under the orders of Director Natasha-Alia Lozna-Normanov, Allegiance to Russia! "

"Yes!" Everyone looked at Natasha together and gave her a solemn military salute. Without any hesitation, he accepted Natasha's leadership, and Xiongdun Bureau added several more officers.

"Natasha, I believe you also know their existence. Each of them is a fighter who does not lose to Bucky Barnes. I believe that with their help, you can definitely do this job. From now on, The task of protecting Russia falls on you! "Shen Long said to Natasha.

"Ivan, I think you are more suitable for this job than me." Natasha was both surprised and touched. She was surprised why this important task fell on herself, and she was moved because of Shen Long's trust.

"No, you are the most suitable candidate. In the future, my work will focus on the research and development of the steel armor. Tony will not stop, and I have to keep up with his speed. In addition, I also lack in The experience of working in a similar department, as for Emil, he is just a mere warrior. "If you can stay for a long time, it is better to say, but you will soon leave the Marvel movie world. After you leave, Ivan- Vanke estimates that it is not a good job.

"You have worked in the Russian intelligence department before, familiar with the working style of the relevant Russian agencies, and worked for many years in SHIELD. You are also familiar with the working methods of the management departments of these extraordinary talents, so it is up to you to take up this job. It ’s better. ”Natasha will be the director of SHIELD in the future, and she has done a great job. Shen Long is completely assured of her ability.

"I have spoken to the emperor just now, and he has also agreed that you will be directly responsible to him in the future, without worrying about anyone else's ideas!" After persuaded by Shen Long, the emperor also agreed to the appointment.

"Okay, now S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra and Tony Stark will all be busy for a while. We just took this opportunity to build the structure of the organization. These are all up to you; after returning to the base, General Vladimir Lovech will cooperate with your work, and you will work with him for specific work; now, we should take them back. "

After speaking, Shen Long came out with Natasha and the super soldiers. Seeing the super soldiers behind Natasha, Emir Bronsky's eyes were burning hot, he could feel the strength of these soldiers, I can't wait to make a move with them.

"Emile, this is something I promised to give you before." Shen Long handed him a tablet. "There are a variety of magical martial arts for you to choose from, and it also comes with my explanation. You can learn by yourself! "Shen Long really put" Evil Sword Spectrum "in it, but I don't know if Emile Bronsky has made this determination. Will it become Emily Bronskaya for more power?

"From now on, you have to study Chinese and Chinese traditional culture. If you want to practice these martial arts to a higher level, you are not familiar with the classical Chinese philosophical thinking contained in these martial arts." Shen Long solemnly reminded, He also explained to him the danger of getting into trouble.

"Understood!" Emile Bronsky carefully packed the tablet, walked to the corner of the cabin, and scanned it carefully.

"Emir can serve as your assistant, military training instructor, and operational department commander. If you need any special equipment, you can contact me. I will try to help you complete." Shen Long said to Natasha, Natasha served as The director, Bronsky serves as the commander of the action team, and Ivan Vanke serves as the leader of the technology department. This structure is basically reasonable.

"Let us work together for the re-greatness of Russia!" The three men held their hands together ~ ~ The military representatives who followed them also stretched out their hands. Russia has been sinking for too long Why don't they want to see this scene?

Back at the base, Shen Long began to ask for a list of all the necessary items, so that they could prepare the various equipment, materials and R & D team members needed by Ivan-Vanke as soon as possible.

As soon as Bronsky arrived at the base, he sent a request to the super soldiers. Natasha agreed to his request. For such an assistant, she was both relieved and a bit regretful, but the other side was only concerned about their strength , Will not infringe on her power, but unfortunately, it is difficult for the other party to help her outside of action and training.

Natasha and Vladimir Lovech started a discussion. This department can't be achieved by just a few of them. Natasha still needs a lot of grassroots staff, just like the grassroots agents in SHIELD. , These all need the help of Vladimir Lovech.

Since he can serve as the commander of this secret base and is trusted by the emperor, it proves that Vladimir Lovech's loyalty is no problem, and Natasha is very relieved.

Listed and given the design drawings of the new laboratory, the finishing work on Shen Long's side is basically over. When the time is up, he returns to the real world.

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