All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 935: Still comfortable behind the scenes

"I also don't know anything!" Academician Lu dragged the mouse down the bottom of the mail, pointing to the several requirements listed by Shen Long. "Now, what should we do about these?"

"I think he meant that we were not allowed to mention his name in these research results, but wouldn't that be an occupation of other people's research results? I can't do this kind of thing." Academician Lu said seriously, this kind of Things are not uncommon in academia, but he has his own morals, which he has not done before and will not do so in the future.

"Why doesn't he want to reveal his identity? Is it because he is a member of a research institution in another country? It's not reasonable to say that? How could the progress of that research institution lead us so much, and ..." The academician of the business academy didn't finish , But everyone knows what he means.

It is difficult for overseas Chinese to enter the core circle of such research institutions, and even if they enter, it is unlikely to pass the news back. Which institution does not have a confidentiality system?

"Whether it is the American Ignition Plan or the ITER of Kadarashe, we know the research progress of these institutions. They have no such level at all!" Academician Lu nodded in agreement.

"Otherwise, let me report to the superior to see if we can take some technical measures to find this person?" Lin Qianjun asked. Through the dialogue between these two academicians, he also understood the value of this person. If this person is willing to work for the country, then domestic research in the field of controlled nuclear fusion can immediately throw other institutions around the world out of a few streets, maybe the commercial operation of controlled nuclear fusion will soon be on the agenda. table.

"Can you be sure that your investigation will not be discovered by him? But others have emphasized this point deliberately, and do not want to be disturbed by anything." Academician Lu reminded, what if he found someone investigating himself and then made a decision?

Although this email alone has been enough for them to digest for a long time, and once digested successfully, it will surely make a major breakthrough, but who would think this reminder is too much? Who can guarantee that the content described in this email is all the knowledge he has? Maybe some people still have more advanced technology.

In addition, they may not be able to fully digest this email alone. After reading it just now, there are countless questions in the hearts of Academician Lu and Academician of Business, waiting for Shen Long to answer them.

"In any case, it is necessary to report to the superiors. We must not hide such a big thing!" Lin Qianjun said hesitantly. "As for whether to conduct a trial or not, let's wait for the superior's decision!"

"Well, this is fine, but I must emphasize that all actions must be done with caution. A slight omission may lead to a rapid slowdown in China's controllable nuclear fusion research. I am afraid that no one can afford this responsibility!" Academician Lu and The academician of the business whispered, agreed, and offered his persistence.

"I know, I will communicate your opinion to the superior department, and at the same time I think that the superior department will ask your opinion before making a decision!" Lin Qianjun agreed, and then immediately used the confidential line to do it to the superior department Report.

"What? Is there such a thing?" After receiving the news, the superior department was also ignorant, and immediately invited several parties to discuss in detail. During this time, academician Lu and academician of the business had a new research on this email. As a result, they made minor adjustments to the existing Tokmark device according to the method written in the email.

This adjustment directly led to a significant increase in the performance of the Tokmark device. Whether it was the combustion temperature or the continuous stable output time of the energy, it broke the record of the research base and the world.

"I think that no matter what decisions are made, you have to be careful and careful. After all, maintaining such a special communication channel is simply too important for us! This is just a trivial point in his first email. , So that our research progress has been raised to such a degree, if we can completely digest this email, and even continue to obtain a more advanced knowledge system from him, to what extent? No one can say. "

"Yeah, it would be a pity if I lost this channel of communication! I even had a hunch that I always felt that after a period of more contact with this master, I could live to see the day when the controlled nuclear fusion was officially commercialized. "Academician Lu emphasized," What does this mean that I don't need to say more? "

"That's good, you first reply to his emails according to his request, and raise all your questions; and we will investigate his identity without trying to alarm him." After several rounds of discussion, the superior The department consulted its superior again, and then came up with such a method.

"For example, to study his writing style and wording habits, and start to screen articles of similar style across the entire network; and for example, use technical means to find the address where he sends his mail, see if he can enter his mailbox, and find more useful clues." The representative of the superior department said.

"Are you sure you wouldn't disturb him like this?" Academician Lu doubted that the other party's technical level was really too much ahead of them. It was better to control the writing style. I am afraid that the way to enter the other party's mailbox might be discovered by him?

"You just said ~ ~ that his research in the field of controllable fusion is ahead of us is too much, I think people's energy is ultimately limited, since he has made such a great achievement in this regard I ’m afraid I do n’t have time to study computer technology? We are doing it for his own good. The Internet is not safe. Maybe he has entered the eyes of other institutions. Instead of letting others find him first, we might as well get ahead first! " Say, academician Lu has lost their temper.

He even started to worry about the other party. This kind of research is too sensitive. Once the institutions of other countries find out, I am afraid that they will do everything possible to take him back to his country; in some extreme cases, the other party may even be Kill.

Academician Lu and Academician of Business agreed to their plans, and then began to write a reply email, sending all the questions they had accumulated these days; and the capable staff of the relevant departments began to use various advanced technologies and methods to try to find each other's traces.

Unfortunately, Shen Long now not only leads the world in the field of controlled nuclear fusion, but even if the network technology is also the world's top, he soon discovered some clues.

Hey, I do n’t want to be in the limelight. I ’ve got enough of the limelight in the mission world. I just want to stay behind the scenes now.

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