All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 936: Who has technology?

"Captain, this mailbox was just applied for. The applied iP address has been modified. We found the hidden IP address, which is the internal network IP of this research institute." The network elites of the relevant departments were ashamed when they saw this result. Force, is this intentional or intentional?

Is the technology too good to cover up the actual IP address, or other reasons? They knew that the email was sent by Shen Long crouching on the roof of the research institution and cracking their wireless network.

"Can't you even find it?" The captain was taken aback. Several of the elites in the field were all in the field. Even if they met the world's top hackers today, this would not be the result.

Unfortunately, their technology is good, but there is still a certain gap compared with Shen Long. Shen Long personally built a domestic network system in the world of Scarlet Romance, and came into contact with more advanced network technology in the world of the task just ended. It has long been incomparable to the elites in the real world.

"What's in the mailbox?" Since you can't find any valuable clues by checking the IP, then start with the other party's mailbox. Useful clues can be found in other emails, usernames, and passwords in the mailbox.

"There is only this email in the mailbox. Wait. He just sent another new email. The recipient is the same as Academician Lu!" The technical staff saw the new changes halfway through.

"Wait a moment, I'll let Academician Lu check the mail immediately!" The captain hurried out. He didn't know what the email said. For security reasons, it was best to let Academician Lu read it first.

Academician Lu hurriedly logged in to the computer and opened the email using a secure network. I saw that this email had few words, but the content was very scary. It said abruptly, "In view of your violation of my warning, I have specifically emphasized Case, still trying to investigate my personal situation, so the reply email originally scheduled to be sent next week was postponed for a week. "

"If there is another time, postpone it for a month; when I find it for the third time, there will be no new mail! Finally, let me say one more thing, the content that has been sent to you is far from my limit." This time Shen Long did not conceal his address. As before, this time it was still the IP address of the institute where Academician Lu is now.

"Don't you say you won't be discovered! How could it be like this!" Academician Lu was directly on fire. He was eagerly looking forward to the other party's reply next week, but the result was to be postponed by a week. It's hard.

"I'm sorry, Academician Lu, this is our work mistake!" The captain quickly apologized. Those network technicians were confused. They tracked the results of others, but they were tracked by others. The others found themselves, but they did not find themselves. The opponent's slightest trend, this technology is too awesome.

"Now, you must stop all actions immediately, even if it is filtered through text style!" The academician of the business is also hot. The information provided by the other party is too important to allow for a little sloppy. This time, okay, the other party just delayed Send a mail a week, and if it happens next time, it really angers people, but there is nothing.

"Academician Lu and academician of the business, you both dissipated. This time, we really did not think about it." The other party's leader quickly apologized, and they were also depressed. Who knows that the other party's computer network technology level is so advanced? "I will stop all actions now and submit a formal review to the superior department."

"I think we are all in a hurry! Since people have said so deliberately in the email, there must be some concerns; no matter what the concerns are, they are aggressive after all, and it is not good at all; it is better to maintain such communication and then send In the process of mailing, I slowly had a relationship with the other party. After a long period of time, when I gradually gained the trust of the other party, I might ask something. "After more than half an hour, when both sides calmed down, the academician suggested .

"This is the only way. Let's discuss first, how to write an apology email! This time we did something wrong." Academician Lu said with a sigh.

Fortunately, in Shen Long ’s first email, there was still a lot of things that they needed to digest. One week ’s time was not particularly difficult. Academicians Lu and Academicians of the business digested new knowledge while continuing to follow the instructions in the email. The Tokmark device was improved, and it was time for the other party to reply unconsciously.

They were exactly the same as the time when the last email was sent. They received the email on time. In this email, Shen Long not only answered their questions, but also further elaborated on the previous email and provided them with a lot. Useful knowledge is both technical and theoretical.

"Although he didn't reply to our email of apology, he felt he hadn't completely given up on us." After reading the email carefully, Academician Lu was relieved a little.

"That's good, that's good!" The captain who previously conducted the investigation operation also temporarily rested his mind. The last operation has made him carry a punishment. If this channel is completely cut off, not only him, but last time tended to A large number of leaders in the investigation also have to eat and fall, and the impact of this matter is really too great.

"Then, let's do it according to the previous negotiation! Before the other party absolutely trusts us ~ ~ We only maintain technical communication." The academician of the business said.

"Well, that's the only way!" The captain was really not reconciled. If such a person can be found, the help for the country is too great, but since the other party said so, he has no good way.

Who makes people have technology, not only the controllable nuclear fusion technology that the country desperately needs, but also the computer network technology that is ahead of them, the combination of these two technologies is enough to make them dare not easily move; once the people really disconnect I can't afford this responsibility either.

Since there is no way to do work on the other party, then you have to start with yourself first, increase the confidentiality level of this institute by several files, and then start a new capital plan for the verification of these technologies to ensure that they are used well. This opportunity to make a breakthrough as soon as possible, and ensure that this breakthrough will not fall into the hands of others.

In this way, the two sides maintained email exchanges and exchanged technical and theoretical knowledge alone. Academician Lu and academician of business felt that they had returned to college and became an open-minded student. However, after all, they can be students for such a big cow. The two are absolutely willing.

It feels almost the same. This one is quite reliable. Do you want to give him some excitement?

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