All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 938: 2 Battalion commander, pull up the Laozi Gundam

Dear, can we not talk nonsense, oh, if you like Iron Man, you will build the Ark Reactor, if you like "Doraemon", you still have it? Academician Lu couldn't help but talk in his heart.

But thinking about the theoretical knowledge I received before, Academician Lu was speechless. Maybe he really has this ability; he continued to look down. In the mail, Shen Long first followed what was written before and would make The theoretical knowledge of the Ark reactor is presented, and then the design drawing, operation principle and so on of the Ark reactor.

"How are the two academicians? Is this thing reliable?" Lin Qianjun asked quickly after seeing them move away from the screen. The superior leaders were waiting for him to reply.

"In theory, it is feasible!" Academician Lu and academician looked at each other, and then academician Lu replied after considering it. The operating principle of this thing is completely in line with his existing theoretical system and the theory Shen Long had taught to them.

"So, can we make this kind of reactor?" Is this how controlled nuclear fusion is realized? Is n’t this incredible? Lin Qianjun is definitely a materialist, but at this moment he sincerely wants to say, thank God, this is a great event for the country and the nation.

"No, you misunderstood what I meant, I just said that it is theoretically feasible!" Academician Lu poured him cold water before he was happy. "There is still a long way to go from theory to reality."

"Let me give an example!" The academician added, "In 1905, Einstein proposed the theory of relativity, the most important of which is the mass-energy equation E = mc2, where E stands for energy, m stands for mass, and c stands for speed of light; With the mass-energy equation, mankind has a theoretical basis for using nuclear energy. "

"Since the square of c is a large number, a very small mass can burst into a large mass. One consequence of this is to realize that if the uranium atomic nucleus splits into two nuclei with a smaller total mass It will release huge energy, that is, nuclear fission, which is also the principle of the energy release of the atomic bomb. "

"But it wasn't until the Manhattan Project on December 2, 1942, that Enric-Fermi's research team realized the release and control of atomic energy for the first time at the University of Chicago."

"On July 16, 1945, at 5:29 am, an atomic bomb referred to as a thin man was successfully detonated at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. In the following month, the United States used two atomic bombs to level the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. ; This is the first time humanity has successfully applied nuclear energy to war. "

"The Soviet Union built the world ’s first atomic power plant before 1954, using enriched uranium as fuel, using a graphite water-cooled reactor, and an electrical output of 5,000 kilowatts; this is the first time that humans have successfully applied nuclear energy to peaceful development. It has been almost fifty years since Einstein proposed the mass-energy conversion equation! "

"So, although we now have the theory, there is still a long way to go before we can successfully realize the commercial application of controlled nuclear fusion!" Said the academician of the business.

"But you don't have to be disappointed!" Academician Lu smiled when he saw Lin Qianjun's face. He pointed to the computer screen and the Ark reactor not far away. "We now have the theory and even a micro-nuclear fusion." The actual material of the reactor can be used for reference, which is equivalent to pointing us to a correct path, which can save us a lot of time, money and energy; if other countries have not encountered similar things, then China becomes the first to master the controllable fusion technology Country is a foregone conclusion! "

"This is really great!" Lin Qianjun also understood the meaning of Academician Lu. From a military perspective, it was equivalent to China's acquisition of the old Mao Zi Su 27, which was very helpful to the development of its own new fighter.

"I will report the good news to the superior immediately!" After finishing Lin Qianjun left in a hurry, he was also considering whether the institute should be relocated. Such an important project is no longer suitable here, but once relocated Will it affect subsequent communication? Should academician Lu communicate with him in the mail?

"Old businessmen, let's study and study the real thing?" Academician Lu looked at the ark reactor with two eyes shining, which was even more exciting than Howard Stark got the universe cube.

"This thing means that research can be done? Let's make a detailed plan first, and then talk to that person! What if it's broken down?" The academician of the business school is older and needs to be more cautious after all.

So, they immediately began to formulate a research plan, and communicated with Shen Long, and then obtained permission from their superiors. This began the formal research under the guidance of Shen Long.

First, add palladium element to the reactor for energy output test according to Shen Long ’s plan, and the test results far exceed their existing Tokmark device; then carefully disassemble the Ark reactor and study the parts one by one, watching Seeing more and more doubts in their hearts.

"I said Xiao Lu, have you seen any characteristics of the design style of this miniature reactor?" The academician of the business asked.

"Overall, it has a strong American industrial style, some Russian industrial characteristics, and even our technical style!" Almost all of the world's top industrial powers are in line ~ ~ What is going on?

These two are worthy of being academicians, and their vision is absolutely first-class. They can see so many things at once. Their analysis is very correct. This ark reactor is based on the knowledge reserve of Ivan-Vanke by Shen Long, plus it was found from the Stark family The data has been modified. In addition, he has been engaged in scientific research for so long in the world of Scarlet Romance. Naturally, he has brought some domestic industrial styles, so he has born this magic product with the styles of three major industrial powers.

"Hey, this thing is simply too advanced, and the materials and design are far beyond our existing level! However, as long as we have enough time and resources, plus the help of this one, I think even if I can't make the same The micro reactor, the large fusion reactor is still no problem! "Academician Lu is full of fighting spirit.

At this time, Shen Long also received a new mission reminder, "Li Yunlong from the world of" Sword "asked you to help him kill more devils!"

Ok? I want to fight the devil again! And still to help the same face, Shen Long remembered "Passing Kanto", who played Zhu Kaishan and Li Yunlong but the same person.

When the lines in "Bright Sword" sounded, Shen Long suddenly smiled. I don't know if there will be such lines in the future: The second battalion commander, pull up the Laozi's Gundam!

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