All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 939: Battle of Lijiapo

"Liang Jian", this TV series can be described as impressive. Although the description of "Liang Jian" in some places does not conform to historical facts, due to the excellent character creation and plot description, it attracted a large audience and created a classic. Shen Long read it several times while studying.

In the future, "Liang Jian" will develop from a simple TV series to a culture. Many training institutions edit the Liang Jian TV series, and then use it to train the team spirit and Liang Jian spirit of the company's employees. Shen Long also accepted when he was still working. After many such trainings.

I ’m too familiar with this plot, and I can recall most of the plot without even turning over the original, but Shen Long did n’t rush into it. Just knowing that the original is not enough, he also needs to understand precisely what happened in the original. Background so that the task can be better completed.

Looking back at "The Bright Sword" again, Shen Long found that there were still a lot of bugs. For example, Chu Yunfei's identity. According to the description in the TV series, Chu Yunfei was born in Huangpu, but he held an important position in Jin Suijun.

Of course, if people from Shanxi went to Huangpu to study and then returned to Shanxi in the future, this may indeed happen, but it would be unrealistic to want to be trusted by Chang Kaishen and Yan Laoxi at the same time, but these two have always been there In an open battle, Chang Kaishen would have seen Yan Laoxi trust Chu Yunfei so much? What would Yan Laoxi see when Chang Kaishen favored Chu Yunfei so much?

The biggest bug is Li Yunlong ’s character. Indeed, Li Yunlong ’s bold and gangly character has won him the love of many audiences, but his various actions in the play are not in line with the Eighth Route Army ’s discipline, so many people say this The TV series is definitely black and white.

Forget it, compared to other anti-Japanese **** dramas, "Sword of Swords" is definitely stronger. These things don't matter for a while. Shen Long shook his head and opened the original novel to read it slowly. When the novel was finished, he began to read it again. TV series, focusing on the comparison of the strength of the enemy and the enemy in each battle in the original work, weapons and equipment, the tactics used, etc.

He is not Xiaobai now. In the world of "Crossing the Kanto", Shen Long is also a person who has led soldiers and fought in wars. Although he may not have excellent military talent, he can see that some basic doorways are still ok.

With the knowledge obtained from Anim Zorana, Shen Long looked at these backward weapons and equipment, feeling very different, and instinctively began to think about how to modify these weapons in order to give them greater power.

It is not enough to study the theoretical things. Shen Long also found a relationship to visit several surviving old Eighth Route Army and listened to them tell the story of the year, comparing with the little devil in his memory, when he dealt with it in the Northeast It was the Kanto Army, and Li Yunlong played mainly the little devil in North China. There is still a difference between the two.

It took more than a week for Shen Long to make preparations before entering. During this period, he also responded to an email and exchanged ideas with Academician Lu. According to their current technology, it is obviously not very good to copy the Ark Reactor Realistic, so Shen Long gave a design plan for a large nuclear fusion reactor.

This achievement is more in line with the current state of the art in the real world. After Academician Lu has digested it, they may be able to realize the commercial application of controlled nuclear fusion in the real world.

At noon that day, Shen Long chose to enter the world of "Bright Sword" in his bedroom, and through the light door, a fierce gunshot sounded immediately in his ear. He instinctively leaned down and lay on the ground, looking around, All are the Eighth Route Army wearing grey military uniforms. Look at yourself again, and they are dressed the same.

This time Shen Long traveled through the flesh. Just like before going to the "Gambling Saint" world, the system arranged his identity and became a soldier under the Li Yunlong independent regiment.

Looking up at the surroundings, they are now lying under a high ground with a flat circular platform at the top of the high ground. The little devil built the ring-shaped fortification in the center of the flat circular platform of the high ground. The attacking troops could n’t see the defenders under the slope. The firepower would be useless, and the curved firepower of the Eighth Route Army mortar and the like was extremely rare. The attacking troops had just rushed up the steep slope, and as soon as they appeared, they were immediately knocked down by Japanese snipers.

Well, the author of the novel used the word sniper, but in fact, in World War II, the Japanese did not have the sniper position, because snipers required more advanced firearms and more training, which was a bit too wasteful for the Japanese.

However, the old devil's marksmanship is indeed good. They have always emphasized the accuracy of shooting in training. They believe that instead of fearlessly consuming bullets on the battlefield, it is better to use each bullet in the field. Until the late World War II, the little devil's The veterans were gradually wiped out, and recruits who had not been well-trained were added, and their shooting accuracy began to decline.

While Shen Long was observing, he suddenly saw a crooked horn made of tinplate sticking out of the hillside, and there was a shout in Japanese over there, "The Japanese army captain Yamazaki listened, and Li Yunlong, the head of the Eighth Route Army Independence Corps, learned of your warrior Family background, proficient in swordsmanship; Leader Li believes that the swordsmanship of your country is just the fur of Chinese swordsmanship. The distinction of master and apprentice has been finalized as early as the Tang Dynasty; if you cherish the honor of the samurai ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ just stopped shooting and walked out of the fortifications. Leader Li was willing to perform a duel with your sword. Leader Li used the honorary guarantee of the soldiers. If you lost under your sword, the Eighth Route Army independent regiment immediately stopped the attack and gave your army Open the way. "

Biao! Biao! The Japanese sniper opened fire, and the metal horn was suddenly punched in several holes; the Japanese translation of the Eighth Route Army was shocked and numb.

Yamazaki, who was stationed at the top of the mountain, replied, "Your Eighth Route Army Commander Lee, I admire the heroism of your army. I am very honoured by your challenge, and I cherish the title of warrior very much. Military affairs

I cannot a duel alone, I am very sorry. If you can lead your troops into the ring-shaped fortifications of the scumbag, the scumbag is willing to fight against you in a melee battle. "

Hey, really a cunning old devil, not at all fooled! Shen Long understands where he is now. This is the battle of Li Jiapo at the beginning of the novel. It seems that he will carry out civil excavation work for a while, and then throws a grenade at the defense line near the Yamazaki Brigade.

At the order of Li Yunlong, Shen Long quickly started the civil digging along with his comrades, and at this moment, the little devil on the top of the mountain also found them, chasing artillery and throwing bombs.

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