All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 966: Broken City (Thanks for calling me Tian Ritian's Ten Thousand Rewards)

During World War I, Italy imported a batch of such artillery from France. A large number of used goods were eliminated after the end of the war. The arms merchants ordered a batch of M1897. Later, these artillery were sold to the National Government. After being turned around, M1897 also came to the Eighth Route Army. The independent regiment, and these cannons have Italian words inscribed by Italian merchants. At that time, our troops did not understand these and thought they were Italian goods, so Li Yunlong called them "Italian cannons."

During the Second World War, Miss Seventy-five was already eliminated by Europe, but in the Eighth Route Army, it was still quite a treasure. The Italian cannon of the independent regiment was finally obtained. Due to the lack of artillery shells, Li Yunlong had not been very good before. He was willing to use it. In today's big battle, he finally gave up.

"Understood! Commander, you just look at it!" Shen Long pushed the cannon in place, raised his thumb to measure the distance, adjusted the firing angle, and launched the precise talent. The first shell was directly hit. The machine gun position was suddenly dumb, which made it a real hit.

"Student! You **** good shot of this gun! Go back and reward you with two pounds of sweet potato burning! Add more energy and knock the firepower point for me!" Li Yunlong was overjoyed. The heavy machine gun position just pressed the Eighth Route Army. They couldn't raise their heads, and after they knocked them off, their pressure suddenly dropped a lot.

"Understood!" Without saying anything, Shen Long immediately adjusted the muzzle and fired again at this firepower point. Under the command of Li Yunlong, he shot out all the few shells left by the Italian cannon in one breath. It was a direct hit. Every explosion would make a devil's fire point disappear, and the little devil at the head of the city suffered heavy losses.

"This artillery is really a good thing, but we have too few artillery in the independent regiment." Seeing this scene, Li Yunlong was both relieved and somewhat regretful. "Our independent regiment is also as generous as Chu Yunfei's 358 regiment. Well, if we have Chu Yunfei ’s artillery battalion, it will take so hard to dig tunnels, Ping An County may have been beaten down by us. "

"Commander, don't worry, Chu Yunfei's baby artillery battalion will have the surname of Li even sooner or later!" Shen Long snatched Li Yunlong's line directly.

"Haha, this is a good saying. Our independent regiments must have this momentum! Whatever they see, they will **** it back to us! But Chu Yunfei is also helping us to fight the little devil this time, his artillery camp Let him stay for the time being, let's first lay down Ping'an County and grab the devil! "Li Yunlong laughed," The Italian artillery shells are gone, can you still shoot the mortar? "

"No problem, just move forward!" For Shen Long, no matter what type of gun, there is nothing he can't beat. The only thing that can limit him is the number and range of shells.

Li Yunlong let people excavate the tunnel to move forward, and then transported the mortar into the tunnel. Shen Long personally fired it. After firing a gun, he changed the place. There was no way for the devil to fight back.

Shen Long was not only busy himself, he also had to spare time to command Wei Monk and their second battalion, and he let snipers suppress the city head, Pan Fu went to guide the excavation, Wei Monk led people to continue to disguise the commando Attract the attention of the defenders of the city and continue to increase the pressure on the devil.

At night, the independent regiment did not completely stop the attack. They continued to harass the city and used the sound of mortar explosions and machine guns to cover up the excavation.

The next day, when Chaoyang had just risen, the tunnel was finally dug under the city wall, and explosives could be installed to detonate. Shen Long personally came into the tunnel and placed his own special explosive package.

In the original novel, the wall of Ping'an County was exploded with explosives. In fact, at the thickness of Ping'an, the thickness of the wall of Ping'an County could not be blasted with just the explosives on the wall, so Shen Long improved it. He specially shaped the explosive.

The American Monroe discovered the Monero effect in 1888, also known as the charge effect; that is, after the explosive exploded, the explosive product basically flew outward along the normal direction of the explosive surface under high temperature and high pressure.

According to an example, after detonation of a cylindrical grain, the detonation product is scattered in a direction approximately perpendicular to the surface of the original grain, and only the detonation product at the end of the grain acts on the steel plate part, and the area of ​​action is equal to the grain The end area; the cylindrical grain with a conical hole is different: when the detonation product of the conical hole is scattered, it first concentrates on the axis and converges into a gas flow with high velocity and pressure, called the concentrating gas flow, the detonation product The energy is concentrated on a smaller area, and deeper holes are punched in the steel plate, which is why the tapered holes can increase the damage.

Using this principle, Shen Long calculated the weight and shape of the explosive needed to blow the walls of Ping'an County. After the transformation, he installed the explosive and then exited the tunnel to detonate.

"Student, can a little bit of explosives work?" Li Yunlong saw that he used much less explosives than he expected, not only puzzled.

"I can do it, I'm pretty good. These explosives are enough to blow up this wall!" Shen Long replied confidently. Don't look at this simple thing, but it is a combination of Laobai and Ivan-Vanke. There are many directors of Anim Zola ’s super-scholars ~ ~ must not be underestimated; and the amount of explosives installed by himself is much more than that in the TV series.

The lead was ignited, and the fuse sparked into the tunnel. The soldiers of the independent regiment were all ready to attack. The little devil seemed to be aware of it. The number of soldiers appeared in the city.

But this kind of behavior made their failure come faster. With a huge explosion, a huge V-shaped gap appeared in the city wall, and the attacking forces rushed up; the defenders at the head of the city were all heard by this sound. The explosion was shocked, and by the time they responded, the soldiers of the independent regiment rushed into the city.

At the forefront are the special company led by Wei monk, and the second battalion under Shen Long. The soldiers of the special company have outstanding marksmanship and instantly suppressed the devil. As more people attack the city wall, this battle There is no suspense in the victory.

In this case, Li Yunlong had no interest in personally charging. He was more curious about how Shen Long used such a little explosive to cause such great damage. He grabbed Shen Long and asked, "Student, what the **** is going on here?" ? Teach me too? "

Leader Li, don't you say, study, learn a fart? How can you learn so much now?

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