All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 967: Heiyun Village (Thank you for the great reward of the sun)

"It's very simple, you only need to master the Monroe effect. Simply put, the shape of the explosive powder will have a huge impact on the explosion effect. Usually, these formulas can be applied!" Shen Long Take out the notebook and write several formulas on it with a pencil brush, "The first formula is ..."

Li Yunlong had never counseled him before whether he met Guojun or the little devil, but today, when he saw the sky-like gadgets on Shen Long's notebook, he could not help but open his mouth wide and his head was dizzy for a while.

When he was in the military school, he could say, "When I was a kid, I was a poor child. Because my family was poor, I couldn't afford to go to school. I still learned about this culture in the army. We are muddy and have no culture. Because we are poor, we have revolutionized and rebelled. This world is hit by our uncultured mud legs! Chang Kaishen ’s general is educated, he is going to university and studying abroad, he ’s a fart, or No matter what, we were rushed to the island by our mud legs? "

But now he ca n’t say this, because Shen Long has proved with practical cases that the formulas he wrote are effective. It takes so little explosives to create such a big victory. This stuff is really useful. If the Eighth Route Army can master this technology, it will definitely save a lot of explosives.

Let Li Yunlong learn it. He wondered if he would blow up his own seeds and he wouldn't be able to learn. He regretted letting Shen Long teach himself.

Shen Long looked at Li Yunlong's reaction and said deliberately with a smile, "Head of the team, this thing is quite simple. I guess you can learn it a few times, let's look at this formula first ..."

"Student, please wait for a while, there seems to be some trouble in front, I must hurry to command!" Li Yunlong grabbed Zhao Gang, "Since it is simple, then I don't have much meaning to learn, you still teach the old Zhao "Right." After Li Yunlong ran away, leaving only Shen Long and Zhao Gang standing here.

"This old Li! Just never love to learn!" Looking at his back, Zhao Gang couldn't help shaking his head. Li Yunlong was good, but he had a bad temper, and he didn't like learning. He couldn't do it like this.

"Let me see the formula you wrote?" Zhao Gang, a senior student at Yenching University, still understands this simple formula. After a few inquiries, Zhao Gang thinks this thing is still very useful. Time to write a report. This kind of good thing should be promoted by the whole army. In the next two days, I will recruit some comrades who have a good cultural foundation in the group and let them follow you to learn more. If this technology is promoted, we How much explosives can be saved! "

The Eighth Route Army ’s arms supply is not ample at first. If you learn this hand, then the meaning will be more significant. Each time you blast, you will save a little. The amount of hundreds of thousands of Eighth Route Army that can be saved in a year is definitely not a small number. .

"No problem, I will go back and think about it and see if I can compile the formula into something smooth, so that big guys can understand it better!" The wisdom of the masses is endless. During the war of resistance against Japan, the Eighth Route Army compiled a lot of combat skills into smooth words. Or folk songs, which have been widely circulated. When reading, Shen Long also listened to mathematics teachers talk about such things as "the odd and even unchanged, the sign sees the quadrant". This kind of advantage will not be forgotten.

"This is a good way!" Zhao Gang now appreciates Shen Long more and more. He is both cultured and understands the ground. This is what our party's intellectuals should be.

The battle results of Ping'anrad in World War I were much greater than in the novel. More than 1,000 defenders of Ping'an County were killed in battle. The Taiyuan squadron was wiped out by Chu Yunfei and the local armed forces. The remaining reinforcements were also killed and injured by more than half. The Tongpu Railway was broken into several pieces, and the entire Japanese northwestern Shanxi ’s wired communication network was completely destroyed. In most areas, there are no more than 20 kilometers of electric poles left. Some Japanese strongholds have been rendered empty due to reinforcements. Take advantage of the local anti-Japanese armed forces.

What's more terrible is that because the arsenal was blown up by Shen Long, more than half of the senior generals of the First Army died, which made the First Army unable to support Northwest Shanxi in a short time, and the remaining devil in the area began to become uneasy. I'm afraid I will be the next target to be attacked.

The Eighth Route Army, Jin Sui Army and the anti-Japanese armed forces in northwestern Shanxi were keenly aware of the weakness of the little devil. They began to attack and harass the little devil nearby by various methods. The anti-Japanese armed forces in the area of ​​thousands of square kilometers entered in advance To the stage of strategic counterattack.

However, it is not all a good thing right now. The power of the little devil appeared in the northwest of Shanxi, and some areas showed a power gap. However, it was not only the Eighth Route Army that filled this gap. If the Jin Sui Army occupied these sites Perhaps it's better to say, but to let those bandits with no bottom line occupy these sites, then the people around them will not be much better than under the rule of the little devil.

It may be even worse. After all, the number of little devils is small. Even if they occupy a certain place, they mostly stay in county towns or military sites. They will not go to those remote villages. These bandits are different. Do n’t look at some anti-Japanese gods. In the play, the bandits are described as bounty, but in fact, the bandits are bandits. The vast majority of bandits are not very friendly to the people ~ ~ Their brutal and fierce, cruel and irritable personality, they do n’t know anything about it. Faith, there is no political point of view, and even the general sense of likes and dislikes is not clear; they believe that in life, you ca n’t come in vain, to enjoy the blessing, to have wine and meat and women, and money.

As for those who took it from, it was natural to grab it from the people, drink a large bowl of meat and eat meat, and then grab a woman for a long time to enjoy a night in the Dongfang Huadeng Night. .

It is against this background that Li Yunlong raised the topic of bandits at the meeting of the independent regiment. "The old hole of the new second regiment seems to be collecting bandits recently. The big guys all said, should our independent regiment do the same? "

Zhao Gang, Guan Dashan, Sun Bin and others spoke one after another, with different opinions. Zhao Gang believed that the united front against Japan should be emphasized, as long as they were willing to fight against the sunrise, they should unite; and Sun Bin thought that bringing these bandits into an independent regiment would be bad Gained his reputation.

It was Shen Long ’s turn to speak, and he said, “I think we want to unite all groups that can be united, even the bandits; but for bandits like Heiyun Zhailiang Erhu, we not only ca n’t unite, we even have It should be destroyed! "

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