All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 987: Hiroyuki Nagatomi

"His mother, I spent a year working in the mountains. I always heard that the brothers were fighting, and now it is our division!" After receiving the order, Li Yunlong laughed and immediately called an officer to a meeting to formulate a strategy and quickly Lead the army to Jinnan area, prepare to participate in the battle of Yuncheng.

"This time we are going to touch the foundation of Lao Yan, he will definitely send those little devils to the battlefield! You can fight the devils again, Master!" Shen Long said, Yuncheng is an important place in southern Shanxi, and is located in the three provinces of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan At the junction of the Yellow River, the Longhai Railway in the south, the Tongguan main point and the Yellow River ferry, and the North China and the Northeast and Northwest are the important towns of the Tongpu Railway. The strategic position is very important. Fight for the military.

The People's Liberation Army has now liberated 19 counties in the southern Jinan region except Yuncheng, Anyi, and Xia County, as well as a large number of regions. The remaining Guojun troops have gathered in Yuncheng. In order to wipe out the Guojun's vitality, attacking Yuncheng has become a necessary choice.

"We are going to fight the city this time, but the real goal is not to attack the city, but to destroy the enemy's vitality. Don't you fight Lao Li!" Zhao Gang reminded that attacking the city will inevitably lead to the rescue of the enemy, and now The strength of the People's Liberation Army is not enough to deal with two enemies outside the city at the same time, so it is necessary to distinguish what is the main strategic goal.

In fact, Yuncheng was beaten three times in a row. Li Yunlong was also very clear about this. "Relax, I can never lose money when I fight for war. I want to take advantage of our old Lee, no way!"

"Brother troops cleaned up the fifth group of the little devil in Yangquan, we also have to clean up the little devil left in Yuncheng, lest the brother army joke!" Although the main enemy at the moment is the Guojun, Li Yunlong's heart is the most nagging Those little devils.

Outside Yuncheng, Li Yunlong ’s division was assigned to Wang Beard ’s command, and Wang Beard was very happy when he heard that Li Yunlong was coming. “I ’ve heard that Li Yunlong is a warrior. I ’ll give you the hardest bone this time. Nibble, are you willing? "

"The head of the report, I have always been fighting hard for Li Yunlong!" Li Yunlong was so desperate that he immediately stood up to salute and accepted the task.

"Okay, this is the station of the 10th Squadron of Yan Laoxi. These little devils fight fiercely, but the bones are not good to eat. Li Yunlong, do you have the confidence to take it down!" Wang Huzi introduced Li Yunlong to the enemy.

"Guarantee the completion of the mission!" Li Yunlong shouted loudly. He held it for a year on Lvliang Mountain, and he waited for the day. He immediately accepted the order and took the position from the brothers' army with his men.

"Oh, these little devils have been defeated by his mother for nearly two years, and they are still selling their strength!" After coming to the position and observing the position on the spot, Li Yunlong said, I saw the bunker fortifications in front of me, and the devil shrank in the bunker. Here, the offensive line was blocked with a machine gun, and it was really difficult to fight.

"If we put it in the past, we will either approach it slowly with tunnel work, or fill it with human life, but now?" Li Yunlong smiled. "Student, take out our new weapons and give the little devil a little bit of power. Look! "

"Yes!" Shen Long immediately took orders, and began to command his regiment to suppress the enemy with firepower, and then let the rocket launcher enter the range through the tunnel and aimed at the little devil's bunker.

Shen Long personally shot, he stood at the front of the team, aimed the bazooka at the most critical bunker, and then launched it. The rocket went into the little devil ’s bunker with a scream from the shooting port, and then issued a huge Explosion, after the explosion, the machine gun in the bunker suddenly turned off, and the bunker collapsed by half.

"Good fight!" Li Yunlong punched the trench with excitement. Shen Long's shooting talent really envied him, but when he went to Shen Long for advice, Shen Long would say something like angles, formulas, etc. Li Yunlong was depressed because of his uncomfortable headache. Previously, he was among the best in the independent regiment, but since Shen Long came, more and more people have surpassed him.

The other rocket launchers also launched one after another. Although their shooting level was not as high as Shen Long, they could not directly shoot rockets from the shooting port like him, but even if they were directly hit on the bunker, it was enough to cause huge damage to the enemy. After a round of shooting, several key points of the bunker were destroyed.

"Comrades, rush with me!" Li Yunlong jumped up, he would lead the army to charge at this time, and then ... he was dragged back by Zhao Gang, "Li Yunlong, you are all commanders! Don't forget Your real responsibility! "

Li Yunlong was depressed again, and had to stay in the trench to command the battle. The rocket launcher destroyed several key nodes of the Japanese defense line, resulting in loopholes in their firepower network. Steady and steady along the way, watching this wave of little devils will be completely finished.

At this time ~ ~ A little devil rushed out of the bunker with a katana, shouting in his mouth, Li Yunlong pulled Shen Long, "Student, translate and translate for me, this bastard. What are you talking about? "

"He said that his name was Yongfu Bozhi, he was a true warrior of the Great Japanese Empire, and he was a master of the four sections of Kendo. He wanted to invite us to send someone to fight with him in a white-blade battle!" Shen Long's face cooled down, he saw in the information of later generations. Ever passed this name.

Nong Fubo was born in Kumamoto Prefecture, the strongest spirit of Bushido in Japan. He received rigorous training from an early age. When he was seventeen years old, he once opened a killing ring in Nanjing. Afterwards, he committed a heinous crime on the Chinese battlefield and was extremely cruel.

What made Shen Long dumbfounded most was that in 1956, in the Great Hall of Haizibian, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, Yong Fu Bozhi was put on the dock as a war criminal, and an unbelievable scene appeared in the solemn court.

Based on the evidence, the court found that there were 111 Chinese Yongfang Bozhi killed in Shanxi, and Yongfubo Zhi had tears of pain. He firmly said that the figures held by the court investigation were too far away from the real numbers. He He said that he will never forget that there are at least 200 Chinese people he killed himself!

Is such a beast. The court did not sentence him to death, but only sentenced him to 13 years in prison on the grounds of his guilt during his detention.

Perhaps the court had his own consideration, but when Shen Long encountered a beast like Yong Fubo, there was no reason to keep him alive, and even death would not make him die easily.

He is ready to fight in person!

:. :

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