All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 988: Punished him

"His mother, dare to come to this set in front of Lao Tzu?" Hearing this, Li Yunlong didn't fight, and he would step forward and split Yongfubo in half with his ghost sword. Wei monk, Duan Peng and other masters of fighting are also eager to try, but none of them moves Shen Longkuai.

Shen Long jumped up and rushed to the front of Yongfu Bozhi in three steps and said to him in Japanese, "I heard your name, and today I am going to avenge the Chinese who died under your hands."

"Come on then!" Yongfu Bo shouted with a terrible face, and at the same time clenched the katana with both hands and pointed at Shen Long, there was a trace of doubt in his eyes. He didn't have a weapon in his hand.

Shen Long stepped on the three or eight lids dropped by a little devil, twisted and picked, and the three or eight lids flew up. Shen Long took the three or eight lids in his hands; oh, he was using a bayonet and I'm contesting, Yongfu Bozhi thinks so, Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang and others in the distance have the same idea.

Who expected Shen Long to surprise them again? I saw Shen Long clicked, removed the bayonet from the 38th cover, threw the gun to the side, and held the bayonet in his right hand, indicating that Yongfu Bo was ready.

"How did Xiao Shen do this! The bayonet is so short, I'm afraid you will lose money in the heads-up?" Zhao Gang in the back couldn't help getting nervous, leaving the three or eight large covers okay, but also accounting for the length of the weapon. ...

"Political commissar, you can rest assured. The little devil wants to bargain with the leader. I am afraid it is delusional. Don't say that he is one. Even if you come with ten or eight devil, then it is not the leader's opponent!" Wei Monk He scratched his head and said that he could not understand Shen Long's skill level.

"I'm wondering, this little devil is afraid of bad luck!" Duan Peng was pleased with misfortune, seeing Zhao Gang puzzled, he also specifically explained, "Political commissar, if you don't take the bayonet down, the attacker Most of the time, I stabbed with a bayonet, and the devil's half-life was gone. After it was taken down, it became a long dagger. The head of the group estimated that he was planning to torture him slowly, and cut it with a knife. Some have suffered! "

"Haha, scholars are bad! But I like it!" Li Yunlong also understood that Shen Long didn't want to let the little devil die too happy.

"Isn't this chaos!" This is a little bit disciplinary, and Zhao Gang is dissatisfied.

"Hey, old Zhao, can you not be so disappointed? The little devils have been almost wiped out by us, you can't let the big guys have fun?" Just now, the defensive line of the little devils has all been broken, only The remaining few devils are still fighting in the bunker, and it is only a matter of time to eliminate them. The victory of this battle has been decided, otherwise Li Yunlong will not let Shen Long and the little devil entertain.

"Yeah ~~~~" The situation in the field had changed, and Yongfu Bozhi yelled towards Shen Long, raising the katana in his hands and hacking!

"It's too slow, too slow! You want to kill me at your speed?" Shen Long flashed past him with a light flash, and the bayonet touched his rib gently, just opened in his rib. With a big and small mouth, blood came out of Yongfu Bozhi's military uniform; in fact, Shen Long just had the opportunity to wipe his neck directly, but how can such a murderous devil let him die so simply ?

"Okay! Teacher, do you see it? The leader is definitely playing with him!" Wei Monk said excitedly to Li Yunlong. When training in the special camp, Shen Long never taught him so much.

"Haha, this little devil met the scholar, it's been a bad thing for eight lifetimes!" Li Yunlong smashed his mouth, such an interesting thing, it is a pity that he can't watch while drinking sweet potato, and he is also in the bottom of his heart To admire Shen Long's kung fu, you have to let Li Yunlong go on his own, and you will definitely be able to do it with Yong Fu Bo, but it is absolutely impossible to play such a heavy weight as to tease Yong Fu Bo.

His mother, Laozi's education level is no better than a scholar, and even the skills of shooting and white-blade battle are not comparable. How long is this kid? Li Yunlong was a little bit depressed, if he knew that he couldn't even drink Shen Long, he would be more depressed? Of course, it is also possible to pull Shen Long to drink every day from now on. After all, it is not easy to find an opponent who is equivalent to his alcohol.

This knife is neither light nor heavy. It will neither let Yong Fubo lose his fighting power nor make him feel too much. He feels the pain from his ribs. Yong Fubo ’s mouth twitched, and his mood fell to the bottom. At that moment of confrontation, he already understood that he was far from the opponent in front of him.

But the stubborn Yong Fubo never refused to admit defeat. He gave a pig-like roar again and rushed toward Shen Long with a samurai sword. The situation was almost exactly the same as before. Shen Long flashed again and added a wound to him, just This time from the left rib to the right rib.

Pain and humiliation stunned Yongfu Bozhi's mind ~ ~ He completely gave up the defense and launched a crazy attack with the same situation, but all this did not use anything. Shen Long's speed and response were really Beyond him too much, Yong Fu Bozhi's movements were slow in his eyes like a turtle.

Shen Long brushed away from Yong Fubo's side, the bayonet in his hand constantly brought a trace of blood on him. The original main function of the bayonet was to stab, the blade was not so sharp, this blunt knife was used at this time to increase In addition to the suffering of Yongfu Bozhi, it also increased the pleasure of Shen Long.

As the battle progressed, Yong Fubo's body had more and more wounds. None of these wounds were fatal. Shen Long had always controlled the size, even if Yong Fubo wanted to take his neck to the edge of the knife.

The little devils around have been completely cleaned up by the People's Liberation Army, and now there seems to be only one little devil left in Yongfubo. There are more and more people coming from the People's Liberation Army. Yongfubo gradually falls into despair.

"Ah!" Under the despair of Yong Fubo, he simply reversed the katana and tried to cut off his stomach, but Shen Long didn't even want to give him the opportunity to commit suicide. It's not light or heavy.

Then Shen Long continued to stick the samurai sword with a bayonet, and continued to add wounds to Yong Fubo. Shen Long counted silently in his heart. Until more than two hundred times, Shen Long used the bayonet to scratch his throat. These wounds were Revenge for the innocent who died under your hands!

Hey, the leader is so ruthless, he gave this little devil alive!

Recommend the City God Lao Shi Xinshu:

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