All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1007: Discovery of the Underground World

Chapter One Thousand and Seven Discovery of the Underground World

After giving orders to the earthly team, Han Chen started the massacre.

One by one, the lives he had used to perform illusions began to wither, and those chasing soldiers who chased him were also stopped by Lao Huai.

For the legendary tree monster, it is not difficult to create a forest of tree monsters.

Han Chen was not trying to compromise when he killed these people who had been performing illusions, but he wanted to investigate exactly what happened to these people.

As the sword of the night demon continued to take lives, Han Chen saw the people who died, and his eyes seemed to bloom with the glory of humanity, with fear and regret before he died.

Fear is the fear of death, and regret is the regret of not fulfilling the dream.

This expression is obviously richer and more humane than the expressions of the Stars and Yao Federation soldiers who were chasing him before they died.

After Han Chen killed hundreds of people, he felt that the divine punishment around him seemed to be smaller.

"By doing this, you are telling me that as long as I kill all the people I have used illusions, will you let me go?"

Han Chen whispered to the sky in a mocking tone.

He just did some experiments just now, and the attempt just now proved one thing, that is, the dreams he created for them are still effective.

At least it can make their lives more.

Of course, in this world, more humanity is not necessarily a good thing, and even the disadvantages outweigh the benefits.

Similarly, he felt the power disappearing from those people, and began to cut off the source.

"What is the disappearance of these people? This is something that just appeared after they were induced by me and had some humanized emotions. However, there is an unknown existence or something unknown that is absorbing them. The... emotions on your body?"

The only difference between these people and others is that they just woke up by Han Chen.

After that, Han Chen fought with the chasing soldiers while performing illusion skills again, guiding those who were sleeping in their dreams to give them those dreams.

After Han Chen made such a move, the cloud of divine punishment became even heavier.

"Why is the punishment of the gods directed at me, not at these transformed people, and why after I kill these people, the gods are willing to let me go?"

Such a question seems to have a natural answer, that is, the behavior angers the gods, and of course you will be forgiven after making compensation.

And since the source of this matter is oneself, then of course the object of punishment by the gods is also oneself.

But this doesn't make sense, that is, do gods really have such a broad mind?

Since the source of this matter was himself, the gods did not intend to directly hack to death those who had been reformed by him, which means that the gods wanted to solve only the source, but this makes no sense. Why would the gods Divine punishment is weakened by killing those affected by illusion?

As long as the source is still there, is the threat still there?

What's more, when he cast illusion skills again, the punishment increased again.

There is another question, why don’t those chasing soldiers kill those who are affected by illusion?

Combining these contradictions above, an incredible guess appeared in Han Chen's mind.

"Unless the being who performed the divine punishment on me is not a god, or it is not a **** in a complete state, even this **** has no idea what is happening here, but through his own divine power, he discovered that there are some drawbacks here, so God's punishment came instinctively."

It's like the skin is itchy, so I stretched out my hand, but I don't know if the itchy skin is because of mosquitoes or some dust.

"While the divine punishment is not serious now, look at the source of those invisible forces!"

Han Chen opened the eyes of the night demon and began to observe the source of the invisible powers.

Soon, his eyes cast to the ground.

"Underground, isn't that the place where the special life is? No, no, why not?"

The special life underground is probably related to the invasion of the earth, but the hazards of this special life have not yet been manifested.

"Could it be that this divine punishment was caused by a special life?"

Han Chen had some doubts in his heart. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to go down and take a look.

After all, he didn't know whether this special being was an enemy or a friend.

Soon, he shook off the chasing soldiers and went three thousand miles underground.

After coming to this range, he quickly saw those familiar passages, but it was different from what he saw last time, that is, at the altar under these passages, some black humanoid life appeared, these The black humanoid beings are constantly starting from the square, marching upward along the passage in an orderly manner.

"It turns out that the power of these special emotions turns out to be a factor that awakens the special lives underground. Could it be that the divine punishments against me just now were meant to prevent these emotions from appearing?"

"It's just that the appearance of such a thing is good or bad?"

"It doesn't matter, the unknown is the most terrifying. If we face an unknown enemy without even understanding, how can we defeat such an enemy?"

"It is better to let this disaster erupt on Zulong star than on Earth."

Because of the particularity of this kind of life, Han Chen is also not sure whether this special life will exist on the earth at the same time as Zulongxing.

If this happens, it will also be a disaster for the earth.

If he can see the true colors of these monsters now, it may not be a good thing for him, at least understanding the enemy can increase his chances of winning.

However, just when Han Chen thought that these black humanoid monsters would march into the surface world along a spiral passage, these monsters suddenly turned around, and then began to march in another direction.

"What do they want to do?"

Han Chen was a little puzzled and curious. The march of these monsters was like one, almost like a person. Even if humans control their arms and legs, they may not be able to achieve the order of commanding these monsters.

And these monsters suddenly turned around, there must be a reason.

These black humanoid monsters, when the leader came to one end of the underground cave, he stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the wall, and then the wall began to melt and became a new cave channel.

Behind the new cave channel, some black and red little monsters suddenly showed a vigilant look, and then black wings grew behind them, and then their mouths showed fangs.

"Abyss Demon! They are really here!"

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