All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1008: balance

Chapter One Thousand Eighth Balance

Although there has been speculation about this for a long time, and a lot of evidence points in this direction, when Han Chen saw the abyss demon appear here, he was still a little surprised.

Then, to his surprise, the two sides actually fought.

These humanoid creatures that emerged from the altar in the square fought with the abyss demons, and soon left a corpse on the ground.

But after these humanoid beings died, all the corpses disappeared within 10 seconds, and then a cloud of black mist floated towards the direction of the altar again.

On the contrary, it is the abyss demons. Although they have the upper hand in the battle, their numbers are constantly being consumed, and the situation has become precarious.

Seeing this scene, Han Chen was even more surprised.

"That's right. I was told that this special life can open up the channel between reality and God's Domain, so I thought that there would be a cooperative relationship between the Abyss Demon and this creature, but if the relationship between the two parties is not cooperation , But use each other?"

"This special life is in a hostile state with Zulongxing. The Abyssal Demon has established a lair here, but it has not shown any involvement with the Zulongxing people. I originally thought this should be due to my inability to detect intelligence. , But now think about it, do the two sides have to be involved?"

"There are restrictions on special life, and there are restrictions on gods, and demons need to be restricted if they want to descend in the real world, but if these three complement each other, it must be a disaster for the earth."

"The reason why the disaster on the earth has not come until now, and the battle situation in God's Domain is constantly improving is because there is a balance between these three."

"Even the abyss was repelled once before, for this reason."

One by one speculation continued to emerge in Han Chen's mind. The information obtained before could be linked together, and some unreasonable points were also explained.

"The war between civilizations is more cruel than the war of annihilation of the nation and race, so in such a war, I can't make any reservations."

A stern look flashed in Han Chen's eyes. The benevolence to the enemy is cruel to himself. If he does not care about the balance of the current Zulong star, then after the plot of the abyss demon is successful, the one who greets the earth must be one. An unprecedented catastrophe.

If there is an opportunity to bring disaster to the east, it may reduce the number of casualties on the earth in the future.

As the saying goes, benevolence does not control the army, whether it is the kindness to the enemy or the kindness to one's own people, it is not suitable for the control of military power. Only the most thunderous means can bring victory.

Now that the space node and the hiding place of the abyss demon have been leaked out, the remaining part will be invisible under the eyes of Han Chen's Night Demon.

"Since you are going to make small moves, I will show all this to the public!"

God's Domain, Starlight Federation Control Area.

Since the earth and Zulong star merged into the realm of the gods, the earth has been mixed with wind and water. Although there are many enemies established, and the enemies are also very powerful, the growth of the earth should not be underestimated.

Today's earth can already affect the entire Tianzhuyuan situation.

Even if it loses the protection of the Dianxing Temple, the earth is still Tianzhuyuan's top power.

Among other things, the 13 legends crushed most of the original Tianzhu forces.

Even if the strength of the legion is a little bit weaker, there is no difference between Wenrenduan and the Dragonborn Legion.

Therefore, the earth has changed from a new civilization that can survive only by attaching to the star temple, to a behemoth that can stir the situation.

But Zulongxing is different, Zulongxing can only survive in the cracks of God's Domain.

After all, in the domain of the gods, the areas below level 30 occupy the most proportions. These areas are to provide a space for the weak to develop.

Similarly, after the fallen strong are resurrected, they can also get a chance to come back here.

However, all wild areas and resource areas above level 30 are not fully able to be included in the sphere of influence of the Zulong star. Therefore, many forces on the earth have almost forgotten that this has destroyed several legions on the earth, and even gave it to the earth. The homeland has brought great disaster to the opponent.

Now, the earthly team is here under Han Chen's order.

"Unexpectedly, players below level 30 still use the mode of group combat until now, and they don't even have the ability to deal with the wild independently. Does such a civilization really have a future?"

Zhang Qing glanced at the Xingyao Federation soldiers who were hunting below, with some doubts in his eyes.

When fighting monsters in the wild, the less the number of people, the higher the risk, but the efficiency will increase a lot. After all, what one person encounters does not need to be divided between two people.

But until now, the people of Zulongxing are still adopting the team mode of more than seven people, and there is no single person fighting alone.

Such a long time is very unfavorable for the cultivation of masters.

After all, even if teamwork can bring out 150% of the team’s strength, if the base of team strength is not enough, what's the point?

Deng Qing said: "We can't underestimate any opponent. Since even the boss thinks Zulongxing is a big threat, then we must never underestimate them."

In the past few years, they have also investigated some very important information in the Zulong star area, but important information does not mean that the Zulong star is dangerous. On the contrary, as they learn more, The more I feel that Zulong star is not a threat to the earth at all.

How can the light of fireflies compete with Haoyue?

Xia Mengsi’s eyes turned purple: "In any case, this is also a powerful civilization with gods as a background, and the two major forces can unite and have the power to fight against gods. It is definitely not something we can take lightly. Okay, I am ready to do it. ."

With that, the invisible mental power began to affect some of the soldiers of the Star Federation.

Then, the eyes of these soldiers began to turn red.

A warrior looked at his teammates around him, and evil thoughts began to breed continuously: "If I kill him, then all his equipment can be owned by me. If I kill all the teammates around me, rely on With these wealth, my strength can rise to a higher level.

When I have enough strength, I can become a member of the security army, and I will no longer be bullied by others. Those who underestimate me, after I have the strength, can also teach them one by one. "

"Kill them, kill them."

"Snatch their equipment and everything."

"Our harvest this time is very rich. If I can swallow these alone, I will definitely make a fortune."

Just as this soldier was constantly struggling between reason and desire, he suddenly saw the red eyes of his teammates. He saw greed and desire in the eyes of his teammates.

"He wants to kill me too!"

The warrior's final sanity was overwhelmed by the eyes of his teammates. He didn't hesitate to choose to start first, and then the long sword in his hand collided with the dagger in his teammate's hands.

The teammates behind them wanted to persuade them more, and suddenly had a moment of contact with their eyes, and evil thoughts also breed in their hearts.

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