All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1009: The power of ethnic disaster

The first thousand and nine chapters of the power of race disaster

"Me, what did I do?"

A professional assassin player from the Star Federation got up from the bed and looked at his hands in disbelief.

Just now, in the realm of God, he actually acted on his teammates for his own benefit, and finally caused a melee.

Thinking of what he had done just now, there was a fine cold sweat on his forehead.

"Why, I would do such a terrible thing?"

"If people know that I did such a thing, then the entire Star Federation will not be able to tolerate me, and the security forces will come here to harvest my head."

The assassin covered his eyes with pain on his face.

Because internal friction is a very resource-wasting behavior, this behavior is strictly prohibited. Once you find that you are doing something to yourself, then you will be greeted with endless punishment, until you die.

At this time, a terrible thought appeared in his mind.

"If everyone who knows about this is killed, will no one know?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help taking out his dagger, his gaze fell on the roommate in the same room as him, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"No, how can I do this..."

When he was hesitating, his teammate suddenly opened his eyes.

The two of them looked at each other, and at the same time saw killing intent, greed, fear and cruelty in each other's eyes.

At the same time, scenes of fighting each other in God's Domain appeared in their minds.

"He wants to silence!"

"He wants to kill me!"

This thought appeared in the minds of the two at the same time, and then the two flashed the same thought at the same time:

"Strike first!"


As a result, the dagger and the long sword in the hands of the two were intertwined.

"You actually want to kill me!"

The two shouted at the same time.

Then, their teammates heard the movement and went to their room and saw the two fighting.

When they were in contact with the eyes of the two, scenes of their battle in God's Domain appeared in their minds.

"They not only want to do it in God's Domain, but also do it in reality!"

A few people turned their heads stiffly and saw the eyes of their teammates full of suspicion and murder.

"They want to kill me!"

A melee broke out.

"We are really like villains!"

Xia Mengsi closed her already sore eyes and took the next bottle of medicine to restore her mental power.

She has arranged thousands of nodes to spread fear and suspicion in the Star Federation, and this has caused many killings, and even such an impact can affect the real world.

Where she passed by, countless people who were supposed to be teammates began to wield butcher knives at each other, killing their close teammates.

She is like a goddess who spreads evil and is also the source of disaster.

Wang Cheng smiled bitterly: "War is always sinful, and only sin can fight against sin."

Su Yue said indifferently: "Yes, if this is the case, then why does God's Domain deliberately create an environment where war is necessary?"

With her words, all the responsibility for the war was shirk on the head of God's Domain.

After hearing Su Yue's words, everyone felt much better.

Although shirking responsibility cannot solve the problem, it can effectively comfort people.

A figure with four wings on its back fell from the sky, the holy light dissipated, and the appearance of Zhang Yun emerged.

"The people of the Star Federation are too scattered, because they have no need to communicate with each other. Since they merged into God's Domain, they have never had a large gathering. It is too difficult for them to gather on a large scale. Now, if you want to speed up efficiency, you can only attack the Legion."

The power of racial disaster, the more people on the other side, the better the effect.

However, the Star Federation has no reason to gather at all!

If there is any news, they only need to convey it through the God Domain watch.

The only reason for them to gather is because of the Legion War.

Xia Mengsi shook his head: "No, you can't attack the legion, because the highest duty of the legion is to obey orders. If they change their will forcibly, this is a violation of the illusionist's taboo. I am not afraid of the consequences of this taboo, but the effect is not good. It will be too big."

It is the vocation of the legion to obey orders. If they are allowed to kill each other from the psychological level, they will definitely refuse, even if they have such an idea in their hearts, they will not do it.

If you force them to control, the effect will only be counterproductive.

Shen Yunbing asked: "Can you manipulate an officer to issue orders?"

Xia Mengsi shook his head: "In this way we will be exposed."

Zhang Chengxue returned to several people and said: "The Star Federation has begun to encircle us, and is now mobilizing the forces of the Legion to encircle us."

Wang Cheng sneered and said: "The strength of the Legion is indeed strong, but when faced with a few masters, it can't always exert much effect. They have not learned a lesson for several years."

Xia Mengsi said: "Let's go, the boss told us not to have too much contact with the other party's army."

Although the earthly team didn't understand Han Chen's order, since Han Chen specifically ordered it, it must have his intentions.

What Xia Mengsi didn't know was that the power of the racial disaster far exceeded her imagination.

In God's Domain, there is no need for the people of the Star Federation to gather on a large scale, unless it is a legion fighting, but on the Ancestral Dragon Star, the Stars Federation people are living in groups.

The racial disaster is like a spiritual plague, and it continues to spread.

When the sheriff was also infected with the same racial catastrophe spiritual plague, the real catastrophe came.

The security forces used to take pleasure in bullying others. Now, in their eyes, every civilian who has been bullied by them is full of killing intent in their eyes.

"These ants actually want to kill us!"

Several members of the security army were angry and waved their butcher knives at the civilians.

They feel very angry, because they are used to these ants looking at them with awe and obedient to any requirements of them. They dare not even look at them with an angry look, but now these The ants actually have the idea of ​​killing them.

This makes them feel that their dignity has been offended, so they desperately want to slaughter these ordinary people.

And these ordinary people, when faced with the security forces, even if they were killed, they would not have the slightest resistance. However, under the influence of the racial disaster, the awe in their hearts, the only remaining reason, in the endless blood Among them, was completely detonated.

A fireball exploded on members of the security forces.

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