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Chapter 1010: Immortal life

The first thousand and ten chapters of immortal life

"How did these black humanoid lives increase?"

When Han Chen was looking for the channel where the abyssal demon was located, he suddenly found that the number of dark humanoid lives had increased dramatically.

Under curiosity, Han Chen observed with the eyes of the night demon.

Those special energies suddenly increased in quantity, as if they had become the nourishment of special lives, causing the rapid increase in the number of explosive soldiers on these square altars.

"What's going on? Could it be that Xia Mengsi did it?"

Han Chen knew that although he had also exerted influence on some people, he was not a master of illusion on the album after all, and those who were influenced by him were also controlled.

Although divine punishment did not directly punish those people, those people did not affect too many people.

In addition, Xia Mengsi is the only thing that can change the mood of those people.

He gave an order to Xia Mengsi when he started it, and now it was Xia Mengsi who had done it.

"Could it be possible that racial disasters can have a greater effect than I thought?"

Although Han Chen is not clear about the specific reasons, so far, the development of this matter is a good thing for him.

Those abyss demons, with the abyss legion behind them, were supposed to be a slaughter of the black humanoid beings, but over time, the power of these abyss demons gradually weakened.


An abyssal creature similar to a kobold was suddenly choked by a humanoid life, and then opened its black greasy mouth and bit it on the kobold.

Then, there was a feast.

Han Chen has experienced many battles and has never known how many **** scenes he has seen, so he is not surprised at this kind of scenes, and does not feel too disgusting.

But what really made him feel strange was that these special humanoid beings were able to directly use the abyss demon as food.

Although many creatures of God’s Domain will drop a certain part of their bodies after death as a drop after death, it can also be interpreted as a loss of aura. These things are edible, but abyss creatures are not the same. The drops are all with the breath of the abyss.

If you eat the things that fall from the abyss creature, you will get the aura of the abyss.

If you don't perform purification in time, you will also fall into a member of the abyss creature.

But these black humanoid beings were not afraid at all. After eating the abyss creatures, the aura on their bodies made Han Chen feel even more terrifying.

From a weaker ant to a stronger ant.

Not only the humanoid life that ate the abyssal creatures, but also the humanoid life around that humanoid life, it felt stronger.

"These humanoid beings, in a sense, are interconnected."

Han Chen's pupils shrank slightly, and he discovered some connections between these humanoid beings.

If a humanoid life is harmed, it will often hurt the humanoid life around it at the same time, but on the contrary, a humanoid life will eat the abyssal creatures, and after being strengthened, the humanoid life around them Type life has also been strengthened.

"No, some humanoid beings are originally one!"

"The reason why they look like this in my eyes does not mean that they were originally like this, but that I can only understand life like this."

"So, they can appear in two different spaces at the same time."

After coming to this conclusion, Han Chen's eyes also showed a look of jealousy.

Although one body injury will affect other bodies at the same time, but from another perspective, when a body attacks, the attack will become many parts. More importantly, the existence of this kind of life and Human understanding is different.

This is the biggest threat to Han Chen.

Those special black humanoid lives were quickly killed by the abyss demon, but at this time, in the induction of Han Chen, some special human lives were born in the altar square, and the breath of these lives, It was as strong as Han Chen's just now.

"This, is this..."

Han Chen suddenly thought of a possibility, and then took a breath.

Then under his observation, more and more abyss demons were killed by special beings, and then they became food for these black humanoid creatures.

After these black humanoid creatures become more powerful, even if they are killed, monsters as powerful as the killed humanoid creatures will be born in the altar square.

"Not the same powerful, this is the same one at all!"

"They are immortal!"

After coming to this conclusion, even Han Chen took a breath, and he finally realized what kind of monster he had released.

These monsters can continuously devour enemies to strengthen themselves, and they are immortal existences, even if they are killed, they can bring the altar to life.

But he didn't have any regrets, anyway, things had already been done, and it wasn't the earth that was unlucky. As for the coldness of the lips and teeth, it would be even more nonsense.

Zulong star originally wanted to destroy the earth, and the gods of the glorious Vatican almost succeeded.

In addition, the abyssal demon is also convening a legion on the Ancestral Dragon, which will affect the earth in the future.

Even this special life could threaten the earth in the future, but for the earth, it is just that there are more lice and it is not itchy, and the debt is not worried.

Maybe after letting the enemies of the earth fight each other, can they find a chance?

Thinking of this, Han Chen also relaxed a little.

Because according to the original development trajectory, the possibility of the earth leaving the destiny of destruction was originally 0, and his attempt only turned the spirit into 1%, even 0.1%, which is a huge gain.

With the increasing number of these special beings, the battle of the Abyss Demon gradually became more difficult.

But then, more and more abyss demons began to appear, and the abyss demons that appeared began to become stronger and began to slaughter these special lives.

The living space of special life is getting smaller and smaller, and the situation has become precarious.

Han Chen returned to the ground after watching the battle for two hours.

He did not intend to intervene in the underground battle, nor did he need to intervene.

All he had to do now was to see what Zulong Xing wanted to do.

The Zulong Xing refused to talk to all enemies, but if the Zulong Xing faced the catastrophe of destruction, would they still maintain their original frame?

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