All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1011: God of Heaven

"This... is this the influence of [Racal Disaster]?"

Seeing the chaos in the city under his feet, even Han Chen was dumbfounded.

When he left the underground world, he had already contacted the members of the team and confirmed that Xia Mengsi's use of race disaster had caused some impact.

But what he didn't expect was that the racial disaster had such a powerful force.

Under the influence of racial training, a whole city fell directly into panic.

Everyone in the city is enjoying the killing, looting frantically, killing people and overtaking things is the only idea for them.

Of course, the cloud over his head became more and more dense, and the will of the gods seemed to be angry.

Of course, not everyone was immersed in this kind of spiritual disaster, but some of them woke up briefly and began to choose to escape.

Those who can wake up are more powerful-willed people. Such people may not be very smart, but they must not be too stupid. After seeing the scene of the killing around, they know that when the legion comes, they will definitely All this is cleaned up.

The Star Federation has never been a force of women's benevolence, and their attitude towards threats has always been destruction.

Farther away, the Legion of the Star Federation began to gather here.

Looking at their posture, they should choose to surround this place, and then kill all those who have been mentally polluted.

"If it is so simple to destroy a country, why has no one developed such a skill before? Is it because it hurts heaven and harmony? Haha, the theme of God's Domain is war and killing. Are you afraid of a skill that hurts heaven and harmony? ?"

Han Chen experienced such despair when he was training in the Soul Locking Tower.

Whenever he thinks that he has a brand new idea, can develop a new skill, or develop a new path, he will find that this path has been eliminated by the predecessors.

Either someone has already walked through it, or it has been proven wrong.

Even some paths that can be followed are eliminated by the times.

Although Xia Mengsi’s [Racial Disaster] is a very rare magical power, there should be many illusions in God’s Domain who have reached the legendary level. Even if such skills cannot be developed, skills similar to spiritual pollution should have been created by someone. of.

But until now, the mental skills Han Chen has seen are all single.

The most is to be able to continuously release individual skills to achieve the effect of group attack.

This is the only thing that can affect the real world when releasing skills in God's Domain like this.

"Skills like this that can bring huge disasters to a race in an instant, or even cause genocide, should be the most suitable skills for group attacks. There must have been geniuses in the past to think in this direction, but no relevant records have been passed down. ."

"Either such a skill can get the attention of God's Domain and be directly blocked by God's Domain, or it is such a skill, which is very tasteless."

"Could it be that there are any limitations to such skills?"

Han Chen thought for a while, and asked Xia Mengsi to change places to experiment, and even went to the Abyss Demon to experiment.

After all, even if such supernatural powers are known to the Abyss Demon in advance, it is very difficult to guard against it, unless the Abyss Demon does not engage in legion battles.

Just after he sent a communication to the earthly team, Han Chen suddenly felt a powerful breath approaching him.

Of course, the so-called powerful is just an ordinary legend.

For Han Chen today, ordinary legends are no longer in his eyes.

After seeing the people who came, Han Chen was slightly stunned: "Son of God, you came here."

The supreme ruler of the eternal dynasty is the emperor of the gods, the emperor has the supreme prestige, and the entire dynasty must obey the orders of the emperor.

In the third year of the advent of God's Domain, the emperor of God also became a legend, but the only legend of God.

When Han Chen was collecting information, he also came to the emperor's side, and found that the emperor was just an ordinary mage, and there was nothing special about it.

During the time when he hid beside the emperor with the restraint technique, Han Chen also confirmed a lot of important information, one of which was that even if he killed the emperor, it would not be a fatal blow to the eternal gods.

In China’s corps, every member of each team is numbered. For example, if a platoon leader dies, the deputy platoon leader has the command, and the deputy platoon leader also died. The person with the highest number takes over the command. , This can ensure that there is a unified command no matter what.

Under such a system, it is rare for a group of dragons to have no leader.

The reason why God's Domain did not adopt such a model is because their strongest believes that if they die, then the remaining people will immediately choose a new command. Then if the battle is over, the new command is still there, and the team will also pay. Now, will the new commander return power to himself?

It's not as good as everyone died together, and when they were resurrected, everyone stood on the starting line again, so that they could regain their dominant position.

The eternal dynasty is also the same system. When the emperor dies, the candidate of the emperor immediately succeeds to the throne, the military power remains unchanged, and the civil official position remains unchanged.

Even if the royal family died, the princes and nobles would immediately make up for it.

The same is true for hundreds of civil and military officials. For any official, there will be more than three candidates as alternates, and there will be no competition for power, whoever has the ability will go.

Although killing the emperor can cause a certain degree of chaos, it has little effect.

Now, the emperor of God, has found himself directly?

This made Han Chen a little wary.

Seeing Han Chen, the emperor immediately dispelled Han Chen's doubts.

He pointed to the clouds in the sky: "Don't doubt, this is God's will to help me find you, Your Excellency Han Chen, the ruler of the earth, did not expect that Your Excellency came to Zulong Star in person, really flattering us."

Although Han Chen never fights for power, when outside, Han Chen is the voice of the earth.

Han Chen looked at the emperor with a playful smile: "The will of the gods can command the army of the Star Federation, and the emperor of the eternal gods can come and talk to me. What I imagined is even more chaotic! Shouldn't it..."

Han Chen's voice suddenly became gloomy: "The three powers of you were originally one, and the war for hundreds of years is basically a game!"

Speaking of this, Han Chen's murderous aura became extremely rich, approaching the emperor of God.

At this time, a wave of will descended from the dark clouds to protect the Son of God.

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