All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1013: Leadership

Chapter 1013: The Responsibilities of Leaders

Han Chen ignored the choked emperor, but continued:

"A true leader can bring his people not what their people want, but what their people need. Most of them don’t want to become a slave or a factory. At the time of the screw, you were able to make the decision to turn the entire country into a war machine in order to preserve human civilization and to be able to confront the enemy. So you should understand this truth better than I do.

Although I do not consider myself to be the leader of the earth, the responsibility of guiding the progress of the earth’s civilization has fallen on my shoulders. What I need to bring to the earth is not to survive as a soul, but to truly pass on our civilization. Go on, so that our civilization can continue.

If the world cannot become what I want, then I will change the world. Even if the entire earth wants to live, I will vote against it.

So there is no need to talk to me about any major principles, what I ask for is the continuation of the Chinese civilization, rather than making the Chinese people become the next civilization NPC! "

The wheels of history are driven by the broad masses of the people, but the direction of the wheels is guided by a few people.

Han Chen is the leader among these few people.

For most people on earth, it would be nice to be able to live.

If a democratic decision is made, I believe that most people on earth will choose to live, even if it is in the form of an NPC, at least their soul and will will be preserved.

But does Han Chen need to consider the will of most people?

No, because most people don't know what the most important thing is.

Many people pursue a stable life, and most people hate war, but only force can maintain their stable life.

Therefore, if you follow the opinions of most people, most countries will have to withdraw all their troops and become slaves to others.

The son of heaven felt a little chill in his heart: "However, your decision like this is really selfish. If it is for civilization, you should..."

"I don't need you to teach me how to do it!"

Han Chen’s eyes showed a strong killing intent, “Don’t think you have a god, I can’t kill you without the protection of the ancestral dragon’s will. If the country and civilization I live in is what I like and a country I identify with, That's worthy of my protection. If my hometown becomes what I hate, then even if it is destroyed, what is a pity?"

The emperor felt more chills.

Han Chen's approach is basically to decide the future of civilization with his own power.

What is even more frightening is that such a person really has room to determine the future of civilization.

Because Han Chen and the people around him agree with Han Chen.

If the support of the top beings is lost, where does the earth have the ability to determine the future?

Minority obedience to the majority seems to be an immutable rule through the ages, but in fact the decision of the majority is always guided by the minority.

The democratic elections in the Mitia State is an example.

"Even if you bring civilization into the abyss of destruction with your own hands, are you willing to hesitate?" the emperor asked.

Han Chen nodded: "I know that in extreme cases, there may be many people on Earth who are willing to follow the same path as Zulong, but I do not agree. As long as I do not agree, then no matter how many people agree. , Their opinions are not important anymore."

Han Chen is not a dictator because he does not control power at all.

However, he is also an extreme paranoid, and to make the earth look like the Zulong star, it is better to let such a planet be destroyed.

He can understand Zulongxing's choice, and can understand the decision of the Eternal God Dynasty, but this does not mean that he really agrees with this approach.

The emperor took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled: "I understand, okay! Then I won't talk about silly things like lips and teeth. I want to discuss a coexistence path with the earth. I can help the earth and help you improve. Earth civilization, the possibility of the continuation of your hometown civilization, in exchange for the continuation of the Zulong Star civilization."

He wanted to talk to Han Chen about the threat of the underground world before. He believed that as long as Han Chen understood the threat of underground creatures, he would definitely be willing to join hands with him.

Because he believes that Han Chen is a smart person and a person who understands the overall situation.

But what he didn't expect was that Han Chen's thoughts were so extreme.

He knows what the overall situation is, he is simply arbitrarily deciding the path of civilization.

Such a person is called a hero if he succeeds, and a careerist if he fails.

Of course, with the current situation of the earth, if it fails, no one can clamor in front of Han Chen.

Han Chen saw that the emperor had finally entered the rhythm of his conversation, and smiled slightly:

"I'm actually very talkative, now I can tell me about the underground."

The reason why he had been interrupting the emperor's words before was actually that he wanted to control the initiative of discourse.

If he still decides to let this thing destroy everything after hearing the emperor's threat about the underground world, then he will feel a little owed.

This is a moral debt.

After all, in front of the common enemy, if he doesn't let go of his wars, then his mood will also be affected.

However, if he shirks all the responsibilities and sticks to the bottom line of the continuation of Chinese civilization, then even if he is an unscrupulous person, it is for civilization.

Han Chen has always valued things about his mood.

After thinking for a few seconds, the emperor began to slowly explain the things in the underground world.

In fact, Zulong Xing didn't know what the underground world looked like, but when the Zulong Dynasty was at its most prosperous, it was destroyed by things in the underground world.

A steady stream of dark legions emerged from the underground world, and these things would never die at all, and would continue to be reborn no matter how many killed.

In order to fight against these threats from human civilization, the Zulong Dynasty did everything.

But even so, they still failed.

It was a dark age, it was a desperate age.

The most powerful army of the Zulong Dynasty was wiped out in ashes, countless lands were turned into scorched earth, and countless creatures became food for those dark creatures.

No one knows how that war ended. People only know that after that war, the Zulong Dynasty became history forever.

No one knew what the true colors of those dark creatures looked like, because anyone who saw the existence of dark creatures eventually died.

Later, the royal family of the eternal gods found the truth of the matter in the ruins, or part of the truth of the matter.

As long as everyone who has seen the dark creatures is killed, the remaining dark creatures will not continue to attack the remaining people.

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