All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1014: Monster that devours dreams

The first thousand and fourteen chapters devour dream monsters

"So, why are these things revived again?" Han Chen asked, "I helped some people in the Star Federation awaken some of their longing for the future. As a result, some power emerged from them, and these powers turned into those things to recover. key."

The Son of God was taken aback: "Do you believe what I said?"

Han Chen raised his brows: "You hope I don't believe it?"

The emperor shook his head hurriedly: "I just think these things I'm talking about are too bizarre. This kind of thing beyond common sense is hard to understand."

He didn't know that Han Chen was no longer surprised at this.

No matter how bizarre things are related to high latitudes, it is not surprising.

What makes Han Chen strange is, why can the spread of disaster be prevented by killing everyone who has seen dark creatures?

Could it be that the existence of these monsters is not real.

Or is this an observer effect? When the observer observes, the essential attributes of those monsters have changed?

In addition, the people of the Star Federation should not know the existence of those monsters, and why they can still serve as nutrients for the monster's recovery.

Shenchao Tianzi explained: "Those monsters feed on imagination and emotions. Unless they are nobles and people who are blessed by the will of the ancestor dragon, if ordinary people are too emotional or use their imagination, they want to create something. , It will become the food for those monsters and let those monsters resuscitate.

That’s why our eternal gods ordered everyone to obey the order. Everyone must stay in a fixed position and accept fixed arrangements. Every day’s behavior must be strictly restricted. If you can’t adapt to this framework People, we can only kill them to prevent these people from becoming the bargaining chips for the recovery of those monsters. Inventions, creations, and imaginations are the patents of the nobles.

Dreams and desires are the same. They must be restricted. We have broken such restrictions many times and let those monsters reappear in the world. In the end, we can only bury everything by massacre. "

Han Chen was silent. He did not expect that the reason why the Eternal God Dynasty made such a rigid rule was to prevent the recovery of these things.

Although it was cruel, it was precisely such cruel regulations that allowed Zulong Xing to continue.

Similarly, Han Chen also somewhat understood why those monsters would recover.

When he entered the members of the Dream Star Federation, he saw that those people had no dreams at all, because they had no desire at all, or their desires had been obliterated, and they only needed to obey the arrangements. Once broken Restriction will bring disaster.

A civilization where even dreaming is delusional, really lives too sad.

He brought dreams to those people, and brought a direction that could move along the goal, but he didn't know that this goal was the source of their destruction.

"But, what about those rebels?" Han Chen was a little confused.

If what he did was the source of the disaster, what about the rebels? Why did they not bring disaster?

The emperor said: "After the arrival of God’s Domain, a will that is stronger than the Ancestral Dragon came. This will is too great. Even if it is the Ancestral Dragon, it is like the fireflies and the Haoyue contending for glory. The will tell us that the underground things have been suppressed, which gives us a chance to breathe. The rebels are also our temptation. The dream that the rebels can have represents the situation in which the underground creatures are suppressed.

The original tug-of-war will continue forever, and we will continue to gain the upper hand, win the final victory, and restore civilization to what it was like a thousand years ago, but your appearance will break everything. "

Han Chen was slightly embarrassed when he heard this.

It sounds like he broke the persistence of others for a thousand years.

But he didn't feel embarrassed. If it wasn't for him to cause trouble, would the emperor of God negotiate with him in this way?

No, if he doesn't cause trouble, then the earth and Zulong star are bound to die endlessly.

The so-called weak countries have no diplomacy. If you don't have a bargaining chip that threatens the other party, then all diplomacy has no meaning.

Because you are not qualified to negotiate terms at all.

The earth seems to have the upper hand, but compared to the background of Zulong Star, the earth's hole cards are still too few.

Han Chen continued to ask, "So, what's the matter with the glorious Holy See? What's the matter with their gods? And the most important point..."

Han Chen's words turned and became serious: "You have been trying to induce me to ask what the will of the Ancestral Dragon is, but you have been avoiding a question, that is, what is the matter with the Legion of the Star Federation? Can the Legion of the Yao Federation also be able to order and prohibit?"

If it is according to normal people's thinking, then Han Chen should be curious about what Zulong will is.

In fact, Han Chen was really curious.

After all, the will of the ancestral dragon is the eternal god's backing against the glorious Holy See, and it is also the capital against the underground monsters. Of course, Han Chen cannot be curious about such things.

However, in this way the initiative of negotiation will begin to gradually drift.

The anger flashed in the eyes of the emperor, but it was not aimed at Han Chen, but at the glorious Holy See.

"The Glorious Holy See is when the Zulong star was caught in the greatest disaster, he suddenly jumped out and wanted to steal the existence of Zulong's faith. If most of our Zulong Stars believe in the Glorious Vatican, then the will of the Zulong It will also be stolen by the glorious Holy See, making all of us Zulongxing become slaves of the gods, providing faith for the gods, just like livestock.

If there was no glorious Holy See, we would not have been so difficult to fight the monsters under the ground. Under our unity, the monsters under the ground would definitely be eliminated by us. "

It sounds like the will of Zulong is a mysterious power to protect the Zulong star.

And the glorious Holy See is the evil existence that steals the will of the ancestor dragon.

However, Han Chen felt that something was wrong.

When the Ancestral Dragon Dynasty was at its most prosperous, the Ancestral Dragon's will did not defeat the monster, but after the destruction of the Ancestral Dragon Dynasty, the underground monsters prevailed.

Although it can be explained that the Zulong Dynasty struggled into its own fortune, and died with the monsters underground, or it gave the Zulong star a chance to breathe.

However, Han Chen's instinct told him that things are not that simple.

What made Han Chen even more strange was the nature of the underground monster.

"This is a monster that can feed on human dreams. When a person has goals and is full of expectations for the future, these monsters will wake up, and even people's imagination and creativity will become The food for these monsters, it sounds like this monster should be a disaster of human civilization, it should be the common enemy of mankind, but what is wrong?"

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