All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1021: The only way out

Chapter One Thousand and Twenty One The Only Way to Live

After arranging the back road, Han Chen began to consider his situation.

He found a problem. When the gods of the Glory Vatican sent the angel army to encircle him, the existence that pretended to be the will of the ancestor dragon retreated, but when he was far out of the range of the angel army, the ancestor dragon The will reappeared.

After discovering this, Han Chen repeated experiments with his clone.

"The Glory Vatican has never converted anyone from the Eternal God's dynasty into its own believers, nor has anyone in the Eternal God's dynasty transformed into a normal person. It seems that there should exist between the two. An inevitable connection."

"I only know that the two parties fighting for faith are irreconcilable. They may fight side by side for a short time for common interests, but they will not really go together, but I did not expect that facing my common enemy, the two sides will still There is no intersection?"

"Could it be that my enemy is too weak to let them join forces?"

"Maybe for this reason, but it is undeniable that the relationship between the two parties is really bad."

In fact, this has already been seen in God's Domain. Although the three major forces immediately stopped all disputes and became unanimous with the outside world under an order from the top, there has never been any real joint combat, but it is among the nations of the earth. Despite constant friction between them, they also fought several battles together.

It now appears that even if the three major forces really carry out a truce, there are still some constraints.

However, after Han Chen sent the email, he didn't have much time to think about these issues.

Although there are still many doubts that have not been solved, this is already a matter for the future.

"Now I have received the gaze of the gods, even if no one on the entire planet is my opponent, but the steady stream of legions encircling me will still not give me any chance to breathe, and these legions are in the true sense. Not afraid of death."

"Everyone’s stay in reality and God’s domain is fixed. After reaching the legendary level, they already have room for bargaining, but this bargaining room is to glue together months of vacation. There is a fixed time to enter God's Domain."

"Once my time is up, it will inevitably go to sleep, and then it will be my death."

So Han Chen seemed to be free and easy under the chase of countless angel legions, but against a planet by himself, there is still no chance of winning.

Even if it becomes a legend, fighting is not a matter of one person.

"Now, my only way to survive is the passage of the abyss demon."

This is the reason why Han Chen came to the ground. Not only was the vast majority of lives unable to go to the ground to chase him down, but also to reduce his pressure on chasing troops. The more important reason was that the spatial channels here could directly connect to the realm of God.

If he can find the space passage here, then he has hope of escape.

"Where, where!"

Han Chen opened the eyes of the night demon, constantly searching for the possible location of the space channel, while releasing Lao Huai, allowing Lao Huai to take root directly in the ground, and left a clone in various places.

Lao Huai's exploration ability originally originated from the tree monster's huge root system. After it became a legend, it became even more like a fish in the underground world.

"Master, there is a breath change in that direction! It seems that a powerful presence has appeared."

Lao Huai pointed in a direction and said to Han Chen.

"Since it is the place where the Abyss Demon appears, it is very likely that the space channel is located."

Han Chen looked back at the angel legion chasing soldiers with the eyes of the night demon, then blurred his body, using shadows to jump continuously, and went to the place pointed by Lao Huai.

The angel legion appeared in the underground world and quickly defeated the black humanoid creatures, but did not make any contact with the abyss demon.

"The gods of the Glory Vatican really colluded with the devil."

Although he had expected it a long time ago, Han Chen still felt a little chill after confirming this scene with his own eyes.

"Forget it, what does someone who raises the table say about others?"

Han Chen laughed at himself, and then went to the direction of the abyss channel.

As soon as he approached the abyss channel, Han Chen felt a strong breath.

A gaze projected toward Han Chen, which made Han Chen feel a little shuddering.

"Human, you are very good."

A voice of approval came, and then a little demon with black pointed horns appeared in front of Han Chen, wearing light red light armor and a blood red cloak, blocking Han Chen's path.

Its gaze was looking at Han Chen, and the mere shot of its gaze gave Han Chen a feeling of being seen through. The concealing effect of the Night Demon mask was useless in front of the opponent.

"Unexpectedly, the earth would be able to give birth to a genius like you, but since you have become enemies with those despicable gods, why not just join our abyss? Let us subvert the Tianzhuyuan together, and then we divide the world. How about plotting the entire God Realm together?"

Its words are very tempting, and there is a convincing feeling in the words.

And its dress made Han Chen think of a blood-clothed demon in the records of the Angel Race.

This is a demon who once invaded God's Domain. When it first debuted, it was still an ordinary legend. The cloak on its body was also purple, and the armor was white. Every time it killed an enemy, the cloak on its body was bloody. It will be richer, which also symbolizes its strength has also improved.

After all its cloaks turned blood, its strength had already become the title level.

When it appeared in God’s Domain for the last time, it killed a title-level existence. In that battle, it showed power beyond the title-level, knocking on the door of the mythical realm, and at the same time, the battle on him A also began to become blood red, a symbol of blood.

After knocking on the gate of the myth realm, the blood-clothed demon never appeared in the realm of God.

Unexpectedly, here, he would once again encounter this strong man who only exists in the classics.

"How? I think the conditions I put forward are generous enough. Although the enemy's enemies are not necessarily friends, at least we can cooperate before we join hands to overthrow the hypocritical forces of the gods." The blood-clothed demon persuaded. Tao.

"Your condition, there is a big problem." Han Chen's mouth curled up slightly.

"Oh? What's the problem?" There was a playful smile in the blood-clothed devil's eyes, and he even bargained with it. Has this junior heard of its reputation?

"How can you use my things as a bargaining chip!"

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