All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1022: Blood Demon

The first thousand and 22 chapters blood-clothed demon

Hearing Han Chen's words, the blood-clothed demon was startled, and immediately understood.

"Hahaha, interesting and interesting!"

The blood-clothed demon let out a hearty laugh, laughing forward and backward.

In what Han Chen said just now, he actually regarded the entire Tianzhuyuan as his own bag. Since these things are already in my bag, how can you grab food in my hand? What? You still want to use my things as a bargaining chip with me. Is there anything more absurd than this?

"However, I want to see if your strength can match your Kyogen!"

The eyes of the blood-clothed demon projected fierce brilliance, and two blood-colored scimitars appeared in its hands, slashing towards Han Chen.

Han Chen's figure was easily torn apart, and then disappeared like a bubble.

What was left in place just now was just a phantom.

"I won't accompany you!"

Fighting against an existence that has already opened the door of the mythological realm in this kind of place, no matter what the outcome of the battle is, it is not good for Han Chen.

You must know that he is now directly watched by the will of the gods, and if the speed of escape is slightly slower, it may usher in the disaster of extinction.

But at this moment, Han Chen suddenly felt a pain in his left arm.

He looked down and found that he didn't know when a wound appeared on his left arm.

"When is this?"

A look of surprise flashed in Han Chen's eyes. He didn't know when he was actually injured by such a knife.

Is it so terrible that the existence that knocked the door to the realm of mythology?

He is already the best at speed and stealth, but he didn't even notice the timing of the opponent's shot?

Although the damage was not great, it was enough to make Han Chen's heart vigilant for 12 points.

At this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a phantom incarnation of the blood-clothed demon rushing towards him.

"not good!"

It is impossible for the blood-clothed demon not to know that his phantom is a fake, so his current actions are very suspicious, and then related to its abnormal behavior just now and the inexplicable scars on his body, an incredible guess appeared in Han Chen's. In my heart.

"It can attack the deity through phantom!"

Although he didn't know how the other party did it, Han Chen thought of this and immediately let his phantom clone disappear.

Just before the phantom clone dissipated, the blood-colored blade light slashed past.

Han Chen felt something sharp across his abdomen, but was blocked by the light armor attached to the Night Demon's cloak, and did not suffer much damage.

But his heart was already full of jealousy.

Although he understood that the existence of knocking on the door of the myth field was not easy to provoke, and none of them were simple characters, but such a method was beyond his expectation.

The blood-clothed demon looked at Han Chen with a mocking look: "Now do you dare to speak wildly?"

Han Chen's heart sank.

His best method is to use his avatar and phantom as bait to deceive the opponent's attack, and then create a flaw to make his own body launch a fatal blow.

I didn't expect that the other party would have the means to attack his deity through the phantom. Although the damage may not be high, such a means would really restrain him.

If you can't use avatars or phantoms and other skills, you can only fight head-on with such people, which is very detrimental to an assassin.

"Young and energetic geniuses are always very conceited. They think that their talents can be scorned by a certain amount of growth time. However, there are countless geniuses who have fallen in God's Domain. "

The blood-clothed demon didn't take advantage of the victory, but looked like everything was under control.

"You think that the entire Tianzhuyuan is already in your bag, but for us, although Tianzhuyuan is very important, it is not something that is inevitable. After we use it for a period of time, take the Tianzhuyuan Everything is back to you, including the creatures in it, and it’s not impossible to talk..."

Looking at the blood-clothed demon who was not in a hurry to pursue, Han Chen's thoughts turned sharply.

The blood-clothed demon's speed is indeed not as good as his own, but the existence of the door to the mythical realm has been knocked around, is there no way to deal with speed-type enemies?

If it encounters a speed-type enemy and is crippled, how does it get such a reputation?

Therefore, Han Chen quickly guessed the other party's purpose.

It is delaying time.

The will of the gods is still locked in to themselves, but those angel legions and underground creatures are constantly fighting, but they haven't separated any legions to encircle and suppress themselves, and the abyss legion is the same, which is abnormal.

Even if the enemy is present, it would be too disrespectful to the opponent.

Excluding the opponent's underestimation of the enemy or the option of having a mental problem, then the opponent must be preparing a killer move with one hit.

"Hey! I want to ask, what kind of agreement did you reach with the God of Radiance?"

Han Chen asked in a deep voice, "The two parties that unite with each other either have common enemies or common interests. According to your personalities, it should be the latter! But I can't think of any common interests between you. ."

The demand of the gods is faith, that is, human beings. If the Abyss Demon is allowed to wreak havoc on the Zulong Star, it will not be of great benefit to the gods.

Even for the benefits of jointly attacking the earth, it seems a little insufficient for risk and effort.

"Are you trying to trick me?"

The corners of the blood-clothed demon's mouth were slightly raised, revealing a mocking smile, but he appeared very patient and did not feel angry at Han Chen's behavior.

"The essence of life is growth and progress. This is the instinct of life. No matter how powerful life becomes, as long as it does not really age or die, then the desire for growth and progress will never stop. The only thing the devil has Fun is destruction and destruction, but further hope is still our instinct. For this hope, we can pay all the price."

Further hope?

Han Chen's pupils tightened, he has a strong intuition, there is a big problem behind this sentence.

Perhaps this sentence itself is true, but sometimes a part of the truth is sometimes more concealed and misleading than a lie.

As they were talking, invisible power quietly surrounded them.

The blood-clothed demon has gradually lost his patience after explaining: "Now, I give you the last chance, either to let your body fall here, or to sign a cooperation contract with us. You now only have 10 seconds to think about it."

However, just as he said the 10-second consideration time, a powerful thunder-punishing force suddenly came and slashed at Han Chen with lightning speed.

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