All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1023: Broken space

The first thousand and twenty-three chapters of broken space

Thunder Punishment with a sacred aura came to Han Chen almost in the blink of an eye, leaving Han Chen no time to react.

On the surface, Han Chen was given 10 seconds to consider, but with the devil's cunning, how could he really tell the truth honestly?

When I was delaying time just now, I was preparing for the shot of the God of Glory.

Once this trick is implemented, Han Chen will be seriously injured even if he is not dead.

A badly injured Han Chen, if he could run in front of the blood-clothed demon, then he wouldn't need to mix.

"Hehe, human beings with insufficient greed, let you pay for your arrogance!"

When the Thunder landed, the blood-clothed demon flashed a delighted look.

It is quite certain that Han Chen's body is in front of him, because with Han Chen's combat knowledge, after seeing his methods, he absolutely dare not expose his avatar in front of him.

Faced with the existence of knocking on the door of the myth realm, the ontology can still resist, but if it is an incarnation, it will only flatly increase its injuries.

Moreover, the gaze of the gods is not a joke. If it is hidden when the gods are not aware, it is fine. Since the whereabouts have been exposed to the eyes of the gods, then Han Chen's deity has never concealed the possibility of the gods.

Just when the blood-clothed demon was holding the double knives tightly and preparing to make up for Han Chen, it was suddenly stunned.

In its eyes, Han Chen's eyes flashed resolute, and... a successful smile.

When the thunder punishment with a sacred breath came, Han Chen raised the sword of the night demon and swiped lightly on the top of his head.

It was such a tiny movement that sounded the alarm in the blood-clothed demon's heart.

"What does he want to do?"

The blood-clothed demon's eyes widened. He definitely didn't think Han Chen would scratch the sky for no reason.

Then, a powerful force erupted around Han Chen.

After the thunder penalty, Han Chen's figure had disappeared.

An eight-winged angel came next to the blood-clothed demon and sighed: "Let him escape."

The blood-clothed demon asked, "How did he escape?"

It was very curious. In such a desperate situation, how Han Chen escaped, even he didn't even see how Han Chen escaped.

The eight-winged angel said: "When I launched the attack, he caught the moment when the attack came, and opened a gap in the direction of the tide of space, and then launched a space technique, which disrupted that space. In an instant, I don't know where he went in this instant."

From his tone, it can be judged that he turned out to be the incarnation of the gods!

The blood-clothed demon couldn't believe it: "You can't find his whereabouts?"

The eight-winged angel pointed to the space channel not far away: "If the power of the space channel is not too strong and the scope of influence is too wide, it is absolutely impossible for him to escape from my palm, but when you delay time , He is also delaying time.

Although he didn't know exactly how he did it, but at that instant, the flow of the tide in the entire space was rewritten by him. If you want to use the space to leave, sometimes only one moment is enough. "

Did he rewrite the direction of the tide in the entire space?

The blood-clothed demon was shocked: "Isn't this something that the myth realm can do? Even if it's only a moment, this is the ability of myth!"

"Knocking at the door of the myth realm, isn't it just being able to borrow some power from the myth realm? Is it strange that he can do this?" the eight-winged angel asked rhetorically.

"Impossible, how long has he become a legend? How could he have knocked on the door of the mythological realm so quickly in just a few years!"

The blood-clothed demon shouted loudly, it couldn't believe this answer at all.

There was even a little trembling in its tone.

Knocking on the door to the realm of myth! It has only been a few short years since Han Chen entered God's Domain!

Opposing such an enemy is simply a misfortune in life, and it is even more unfortunate that such an enemy is still alive.

The eight-winged angel said: "Human cognition may be close to the truth, but it will never become the true truth. What you think of common sense may be able to adapt to many civilizations, but among these many civilizations, there is always Some alternative beings will be born, and this is the unexpectedness of human beings.

The chance of such an accident is very small, but it can never be eliminated, so if you become an enemy with such a person, don't use common sense to guess. "

The blood-clothed demon was silent for ten seconds before slowly saying: "Yes, against such an enemy, you must not use common sense to guess."

Probability statistics can solve many problems, but in certain fields it can always expose limitations.

Under normal circumstances, when the probability of a certain situation occurring is less than one in ten thousand, people tend to ignore the possibility of such a thing happening.

However, even if the possibility of a person surpassing common sense is only one in a billion, such a person can be found on Earth several times, and even more can be found on Zulong.

If you look at the endless history of God's Domain, the endless and vast world, such people are simply the norm.

The eight-winged angel said: "When your abyssal demon opens up the space passage leading to here, you have no retreat. Now that you have borrowed his power, you must pay a relative price, or It is destroyed, but you have no possibility of paying the price."

The blood-clothed demon trembled.

He is the source of underground creatures.

If it weren't for the existence of this kind of existence, it has certain limitations, and it would not be so bold as to conspire for such an existence.

After a while, the eyes of the blood-clothed demon gradually showed a bitter and firm complex look: "Yes! We have no retreat at all. Apart from perish, then there is only one way to go. God's Domain does not give anything at all. Life leaves no retreat."

"Did you make it?"

Feeling the protection of the Night Demon suit, Han Chen felt relieved for a while.

He is now in a turbulent space, and the blood-clothed demon is delaying time for the arrival of the divine punishment, but is he not delaying time?

While delaying time, his body was hidden in the clone, using the eyes of the Night Demon to quietly observe the changes in the surrounding space, looking for a ray of life.

Because of the coincidence of the body and the clone, even the gods have been concealed, because for the gods, just hitting the body is enough.

This also gave him an opportunity to capture the moment when the divine punishment came. With this opportunity, it caused the tide of space to collide with the space here, plus the power of the divine punishment to break Open up the space here.

His true body took this opportunity to leave Zulongxing.

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