All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1024: Into the abyss

The first thousand and twenty-four chapters into the abyss

After some time, Han Chen finally landed on the "ground".

After leaving the space channel, Han Chen only felt a depraved dark aura rushing over his face, making people unable to help but feel repulsive.

"This is... the abyss!"

Because the Darkborn also came to the abyss to challenge their limits when they broke through their limits, so Han Chen quickly figured out his situation.

After all, the unique environment of the abyss is also easy to distinguish, as long as you have been there once, you will never forget it.

This is not accidental, but a result that Han Chen had already expected.

Because he originally broke the space next to the abyss channel, it is reasonable to appear in this place, and it is completely expected.

After confirming his situation, Han Chen immediately checked the God Domain watch.

"Enter God's Domain."

Han Chen issued an order to God Domain Watch, but was refused.

At the same time, an unspeakable feeling appeared in Han Chen's heart: You are already in the realm of God.

"Sure enough, the abyss is actually part of God's Domain."

Han Chen used his own body to appear in the abyss, so in theory, he should be able to enter the coordinates of his stay in the gods through the gods watch.

But this is only a theory, because the rules were not set by Han Chen.

Among the rules approved by God Domain Watch, this is God Domain.

Moreover, although Han Chen descended from the body, the soul is the essence of everything in the cognition of God's Domain Watch.

God's Domain strengthens the player's system, which is essentially an improvement of the soul.

After stretching his body for a while, Han Chen didn't notice the difference between his body when he entered God's Domain in peacetime.

"Sure enough, the power conferred by God's Domain is in the soul, which is why when you leave God's Domain, your body in God's Domain will disappear, but when your body leaves reality, the body in reality will stay in reality and weaken a lot.

But when I became a legend, the body in the real world also disappeared, and other people who became legends did the same, because this process is not just the transformation of the soul, but also the transformation of my own body. Allow yourself to adapt to God's Domain. "

After confirming that his strength can be used perfectly, Han Chen started to travel through the abyss and observe his own situation by using the [Suppression Technique].

There are 99 floors in the abyss, but not so much as 99 floors, it is more of 99 independent spaces, each independent space has the existence of the abyss monarch.

These abyss monarchs are at least title level!

But the Abyss Lord is the title level, which does not mean that the title level will definitely be able to become the Abyss Lord. Some Abyss creatures have mastered the perfect realm and reached this level, but they are still not qualified to have their own title, because they are in the Lord’s Lost in the competition.

You can't even occupy an abyss alone, so what qualifications do you have to have your own title?

Compared with the icy God's Domain, the darkness of the abyss is even worse, and the weak and powerful here have no means of restraint.

Don't wonder why the power of the abyss is far greater than the Tianzhuyuan. The abyss was originally used to oppose the entire God's Domain, so it is normal for the power to exceed the Tianzhuyuan, and Tianzhuyuan is only a part of the God's Domain.

Every time an abyss invasion occurs, more than 3 abysses often join forces, and more than 10 abysses often join forces to attack.

This is not to say that the Abyssal Demon likes to act collectively, but because if they attack alone, it is easy for someone to take the opportunity to give up their lair, so that even if they transform many abyssal creatures and expand their own forces, they will eventually be just Uselessly make wedding dresses for others.

Therefore, with the character of the abyss demon, there are often more than 3 levels of abysses, and the force of each level of abyss does not exceed 1/3 of the total force. When attacking, the force through the space channel is also three. If it is shared, we must ensure that the remaining forces will not lose balance.

The reason why they are so careful is that there is no way, in case they encounter a major setback in God's Domain, at least when the remaining forces are in balance, they can reduce the possibility of their own demise.

They also understand the truth of lip and tooth cold, and no matter how much they fight, they will not be in trouble with their position.

"According to the consistent habits of abyssal creatures, when attacking God’s Domain, the entire abyss will be on guard, and then no more than 1/3 of the troops will be dispatched. Judging by the number of enemies Tianzhuyuan has encountered today, this attack The Abyss Demon of God's Domain should have joined forces in more than seven layers."

"But considering that some of the abyss demons have gone to this world, there should be more abyss demons who will join forces to attack God's Domain."

Thinking of this, Han Chen also aroused the thought of investigating the emptiness of the abyss demon.

Since there is a chance to come to the enemy’s lair, or to the enemy’s rear, it would be too unreasonable not to take this opportunity to investigate the enemy’s reality.

Relying on the effect of the restraint technique, no Abyss Demon could find Han Chen's trace along the way.

After all, what can penetrate the concealment of the Breath-Containing Technique, except for the existence of special talents, can only have this possibility if it reaches the legendary level.

And the legendary class is not Chinese cabbage, looking at the entire abyss, there is not much.

After wandering around for three hours, Han Chen found something wrong.

"When the Darkborn wanted to break through their own limits, they also came to the abyss to trespass, so they also have a certain understanding of the abyss. Fighting in the abyss is ubiquitous, but I walked all the way and didn’t even watch. As far as any battle involving the King's rank, that is to say, the entire abyss, there is no dispute between the little lords."

This situation may be understandable in God's Domain. After all, fights are not always continuous fighting, at least there is still time for intermission.

Of course, there are many examples of people being attacked during the intermission.

But it would be incredible to put such a situation in the abyss.

The law of the weak and the strong in the abyss is more naked and undisguised than the realm of God. Han Chen has passed through unknowingly many territories in these three hours, and his night demon’s eyes can see a very wide range. But still did not see any disputes at the king level.

"If you don't make chaos while the king is fighting, it would be too inconsistent with the style of the abyss demon. Could it be that the king of this level has been able to control all the fighting power above the king level, or become his own servant? , Or become a member of your own legion?"

Thinking about his possibility, Han Chen felt a headache.

Because there are only 7 who can have absolute control over the abyss of their own rule. If one of them is one of them, then it would be too unlucky.

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