All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1025: Blocking of the God Domain Watch

The first thousand and twenty-five chapters of God's domain watch stop

Han Chen thought for a while, and then sent his clone to continue exploring, while the deity hid in a corner of no one and began to contact Wu Yuan.

As soon as she connected to the communication of God's Domain Watch, Wu Yuan anxiously connected.

Wu Yuan’s lovely face was full of anxiety: "Han Chen, you finally connected, what is going on with you? I read your email before and thought you were writing a suicide note! Even I wanted It’s impossible to connect to your God Domain watch, and you can’t even send an email successfully. This is the first time the God Domain watch cannot send an email.”

Write a suicide note...

Han Chen thought for a while, it seems that this is not wrong.

Because he also has some understanding of the methods of the gods, if it is deliberately calculated by the gods, then it is not impossible for his own existence to be completely obliterated.

Although the cost of completely obliterating a person's existence is high, Han Chen thinks he still has this qualification.

As for the time when there is no way to connect to the God Domain watch and the inability to send emails, it is also very understandable. At that time, Han Chen was in the space channel, and was also in the gap between God Domain and reality.

"Okay, am I okay?"

Han Chen said softly and comforted, and then he went to the main topic, "By the way, the email I sent you that cannot be opened, don't open it, even if you just understand what is recorded in it, it is possible. It will bring disasters to ourselves. Although we cannot give up understanding because of this, we must at least alleviate our own crisis."

If you are afraid of the monster that devours wisdom, then try your best to cut off the connection between the two sides. This is a self-destructive approach, which will only delay the pace of your own demise. More importantly, it will make you lose the Jedi counterattack. Opportunity, and possibility.

But not being afraid of death and facing, does not mean that you will die in vain.

To reduce the danger, it is necessary to reduce the lion's fight against the rabbit. If the rabbit wants to fight the lion, it is better not to get caught in the first place.

"However, three months have passed since the time at that time! The remark you gave me at that time was that I should not open the email within 10 days, but after 10 days have passed, I still have nothing to do. I contacted you, so I opened that email." Wu Yuan said.

"What? Another three months have passed?"

Han Chen was shocked. Although he had already experienced the last time of disappearing inexplicably for 5 months, but this time it disappeared again for three months, which still shocked Han Chen.

If you encounter this kind of thing once is accidental, then you encounter it twice in a row, there must be something wrong with it.

Is it because of those spaces?

Han Chen frowned. There are too few clues about this kind of thing, and he can't even reason.

Seeing Han Chen not speaking, Wu Yuan continued to complain: "I couldn't reach you at the time, and even thought you were dead. Fortunately, I went to the Lost City to check the life imprints you left there. Make sure that your soul is not damaged in any way, that is, it is not dead.

I have read the email you handed to me, but it seems that there is something wrong with the things you recorded in that email, or the form of recording things. "

Han Chen thought for a moment, and then said: "Send the email back to me and I will confirm it."

After receiving the email from Wu Yuan, Han Chen took a cursory look at it and compared it with the previous email, and soon discovered that one record was missing.

That's about his guessing that the enemy of God's Domain is the enemy of gathering faith.

Han Chen thought for a moment, and then said: "We have already speculated before that God's Domain exists to cultivate the strong, and the purpose of cultivating the strong is to..."

When his words came to this, the communication of the God's Domain Watch was suddenly interrupted.

Then, on the surface of the God Domain watch, a line of words suddenly appeared in the form of projection:

[This is a secret, unless the person who discovered it by himself, you can’t tell it to others. 】

After seeing this line of words, Han Chen fell silent.

He suddenly felt a little irritable. Although what he did just now may have violated some taboos, he was immediately discovered as soon as he went in. This was too timely.

Is her every word and deed being monitored by God Domain Watch? And it's all-weather?

Then, God Domain watch projected a line of words again:

[As a person who sees the truth, your confidentiality is not without any cost. After you formally submit your application, I can answer some doubts for you. 】

Then, communication resumed again.

Wu Yuan asked nervously, "Did it happen to you just now?"

Han Chen shook his head: "No, but our communication will be disconnected for a while. I will have to wait a while before I can explain it to you."

Wu Yuan understands Han Chen's character and is not willful, but she directly agreed: "Well, if things are very important, then our affairs can be delayed later."

She knew that Han Chen was definitely not the kind of person who didn't worry about her feelings for the sake of business. This was her trust in Han Chen's character.

Then, Han Chen closed the communication, and then asked the God Domain watch: "What can you tell me?"

A line appeared on the God Domain Watch: [As long as it is not something you shouldn't know, I can tell you that this is the privilege you deserve. 】

The privilege you deserve...

Han Chen chewed these words earnestly, and then asked: "Does God Domain Watch monitor everyone's words and deeds?"

[Shenyu Watch can monitor everyone, but it does not mean that it can monitor everyone. Otherwise, when you break the growth balance of novices with the knowledge that you should not get for the first time, our punishment will not be After you get all the benefits, proceed. 】

Han Chen was startled, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Even if it is a 24-hour surveillance without dead ends, as long as its executors are humans, there must be dead ends, or blind spots where humans can rest.

Although it is still under the surveillance of God's Domain Watch, it still makes people feel better.

This is also no way. After all, Han Chen has no possibility of resisting God's Domain at all. The result now is at least acceptable.

Then, Han Chen asked: "Why can I say something about special lives, that is, life that transcends dimensions, but I can't tell others that this is the enemy of God's Domain? Is the importance of the hostile relationship between the two parties more important than Is the other party’s information important?"

Han Chen is not surprised if the Gods Domain watch prevents him from spreading information about the enemy, but the appearance of Gods Domain only prevents him from spreading the relationship between the two sides as enemies, which is somewhat intriguing.

Is it because this news is false and will be misleading? Or is there something wrong with this message?

[Because the cost of betrayal is too low. 】Shenyu Watch replied.

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