All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1026: We tried

The first thousand and twenty-six chapters we tried

[Because the cost of betrayal is too low. 】

Han Chen felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer when he saw this sentence.

To be honest, this sentence made him feel a little... ashamed.

Not ashamed of oneself, but ashamed of human nature.

Everyone has both sides of goodness and evil, as well as both sides of reason and impulse. Human beings are the most complex creatures.

If the origin of these rules of God's Domain is the character of human beings, then it is somewhat intriguing.

The God Domain watch continues to project text:

[Legend’s path to the gods does not necessarily depend on one’s own comprehension and accumulation of the rules. It can also be accumulated through faith. As long as enough faith is collected, every legend can become a god. If too many legends become Believe in God, then the end of wise life will come.

Making this matter public will not arouse too many people’s vigilance. Instead, it will be regarded as the hope of gods by many legends. You have to embark on this path at all costs. God's domain cultivates people who fight against belief in gods. Fighters, not train your own enemies. 】

When reading this passage, Han Chen only felt that his heart was heavy.

Can every legend become a god? Is this a good thing?

Are you kidding me? It is as terrible as everyone becomes the emperor, this kind of thing simply cannot happen.

Moreover, imagine that there are scenes of belief in gods competing for their people everywhere, and countless lives are used as nutrients for the gods and provide power for the gods endlessly. This kind of scene makes people shudder.

And he knew that the speculation of the Gods Domain Watch was not an unprovoked speculation, but a real one.

Just as during the great development of the Western world, a large number of slaves were arrested to become laborers on the plantation. Some newspapers condemned this behavior, believing that this behavior violated human rights, but in fact, this condemnation did not serve Any positive effect has caused a large number of people to follow suit.

Such examples abound, and it is also very prosperous in China.

For example, a certain method of phone fraud, when there are not many people who deceive this method, it is often not announced to the public, because if a certain method is made public, many people will still not see the reminder, or Even if he was reminded, he didn't take it seriously, but the liar opened up new ideas.

There are also some criminal tactics, such as drinking a bottle of alcohol to pretend to be a drunk driving after driving a dead person. For example, some art students paint the back of the test paper when they hand in the paper, destroying the next student's painting.

The more condemned such behavior, the more it will become.

"The only lesson that mankind can learn from history is that mankind cannot learn anything from history."

The reason why this sentence is regarded as a famous saying is because of the contradictory character of human beings.

When the benefits are large enough, trampling of the law is already commonplace.

Thinking of this, Han Chen asked: "The reason you are willing to tell me this is because even if you tell me these news, I cannot become the **** of the way of faith, right?"

【Correct! 】

This time the answer of God Domain Watch is very concise and quick.

Han Chen still felt a little heavy in his heart.

After seeing the living conditions of the people in the territory of the Glory Vatican with his own eyes, Han Chen has made up his mind that even if the earth is destroyed, it is impossible for the earth to become a believer in the God of Glory.

It's better to die if you become so sane.

And he knew that the faith of the glorious Holy See was a little different from the faith on earth, and that kind of faith could directly swallow all the autonomy of the tired people.

Of course, the God of Radiance cannot yet be swallowed absolutely, and can induce the people in his territory to willingly devote his reason to the gods.

Of course, with their living conditions, even if they retain their minds, there is no fun, and they simply lose the motivation to live. Therefore, it is normal to devote one's faith to the gods.

There are also a few who don't obey, then just kill them.

Caroline was found to have not entrusted all of her beliefs to the gods at the time of the breakthrough, and she still retained a part of her autonomy. This was why the protagonists were regarded as traitors and directly obliterated in the real world. Body.

Fortunately, Caroline, who was advised by Han Chen, seems to have embarked on another one...


Thinking of this, Han Chen took a breath: "So, do you have supervision over Caroline's affairs? Is she going to become a new **** of faith?"

If he cultivates a faith in God himself, then things will happen.

[God Domain watches are not omnipotent. 】

After seeing this sentence, Han Chen didn't know whether he should be worried or happy.

This shows that God's Domain Watch is indeed unable to achieve 100% monitoring, or there are certain limitations, for example, when I fouled the rules, I waited for remedies after the fact.

But he didn't have anything to entangle, no matter what method he used to the enemy, he could be forgiven.

In that case, he didn't have much time to think about it.

With limited information, how can he predict the consequences of his actions?

After consoling himself, Han Chen continued to ask his own questions.

"Why should every civilization be destroyed if it fails the test, and then choose a brand new civilization? Can't you choose and cultivate outstanding civilizations on your own?

It's like opening a school. You can open any school for the kind of students you want. "

When the country needs a lot of talents in a certain area, and there are very few talents in this area, the country often does not spend a lot of money to recruit from other countries, but starts its own training.

Loyalty is one aspect, and more importantly, the caring you cultivate.

Just like when China was waiting to be thriving, it needed a lot of basic talents to develop, so exam-oriented education was born at the expense of creativity.

Similarly, if God's Domain needs gods who can resist faith, then special education should be done!

God Domain Watch quickly responded:

[We tried and failed! 】

After seeing this line of words, Han Chen felt even more depressed.

He didn't ask what kind of attempts God's Domain had made, because it didn't matter at all.

The important thing is that neither the creator nor the manager of God's Domain will lack experience, experience, and wisdom.

This kind of existence has tried, but failed.

So what is ahead of this road, and will there be light at the end of this road? Is there hope ahead?

What is the future path?

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