All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1027: We look forward to

"Why do I think so much?"

Han Chen suddenly laughed at himself, is he the kind of person who has the world in his heart?

No, he is just a person who fights for himself, at most after taking good care of himself and the people around him, he can only take on some things within his power.

Now that the earth’s crisis has not been resolved, why is he worrying about the future of intelligent life?

If the earth is gone and China is gone, then even if he opens up a new path for the future of intelligent life, what is the point?

With this thought, Han Chen asked the question that was closest to him.

"Why did the earth and Zulong star enter the realm of the gods at the same time? We must know that the human beings on earth belong to intelligent life, but the Zulong star has been corroded by the gods of the way of faith. Let these two civilizations appear in the area cultivated by novices at once. What do you think?"

[This is an attempt. 】

God Domain Watch responded, but did not give much explanation.

Because of the height of existence behind God's Domain Watch, does this still need to be explained?

I told you this is an attempt. Do you have any temper?

Han Chen unexpectedly did not get angry. Perhaps he was used to seeing the weak eating the strong, and accustomed to the natural law of survival of the fittest, so now he stands in the position of the weak, and he will also have the consciousness of the weak.

He just said softly: "What if I am not satisfied and want to change?"

【We look forward to. 】

God Domain Watch replied.

Han Chen took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled.

The answer of God Domain Watch is without any emotion, so this answer actually has no special meaning. What it wants to express is "we look forward to" itself.

Because even God's Domain did not explore the correct way.

As far as God's Domain is concerned, if someone can create unexpected surprises and explore a brand new path, then it is simply something to be desired.

So faced with this answer, Han Chen also felt a little weak.

Even if you want to get angry, facing a person that even your anger is looking forward to, what is the point of being angry?

"Forget it, since you can't resist, then accept it!"

Han Chen closed the chat page of the system just opened by God Domain Watch and dialed Wu Yuan's call again.

"What happened just now?" Wu Yuan asked nervously.

The woman's instinct told her that something important must have happened just now.

Han Chen thought for a while, and then said: "I wanted to reveal some secrets to you just now, and then I was warned by God Domain Watch. It seems that I can't tell you those things."

Wu Yuan felt a little uncomfortable, but it wasn't her dissatisfaction with Han Chen, but the God Domain Watch.

She suddenly realized that everything about herself was being monitored by God Domain Watch.

Living in a completely monitored environment, most people will feel very disliked.

Han Chen opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

In fact, it is not an important thing to say that the gods who do not believe in the way of faith are the enemies of the gods are not important things. You only need to say that the belief in gods is the earth.

The difference between the two does not seem to be big, but in fact it is far apart.

One is standing at the height of the earth, and the other is standing at the height of the realm of gods, with essential differences.

Just when Han Chen wanted to hang up, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and then he reminded Wu Yuan:

"Although I can't tell the specific secrets, I can reveal to you a piece of information that it takes a hundred years to become a title level. This is actually a lie. The purpose of this lie is to suppress the new civilization. Add a yoke to the heart of the new civilization.

We have discussed this issue before, but it has not been confirmed. Now I have confirmed the authenticity of this matter. "

Wu Yuan's thoughts were quickly distorted: "You mean, there are certain limitations regarding such methods, or are they prohibited by God's Domain from spreading on a large scale?"

Han Chen nodded: "Yes, okay, I can't say too much. Now my environment is very dangerous. I will contact you again when it is safe. I hope that our team will be in contact next time. All members can become legends, and I hope you can become the title level."

After speaking, Han Chen directly hung up the communication.

"How long will it long?"

Wu Yuan was complaining in the first half of the sentence, but when she thought of Han Chen's words, a bright light flashed in her mind.

Yes indeed! No matter how dangerous Han Chen's situation is, does it take a long time to contact him? He can't even run out of this time!

Is he trying to imply that this method of breakthrough is actually not difficult?

Thinking of this, Wu Yuan landed on the Raiders Forum.

The forum of the Raiders Group was originally a place where all information about the location and terrain was released to everyone on the earth after exploring unknown terrain. Now, because Han Chen continues to offer sky-high rewards, some new functions have been added. That is the contribution at the knowledge level.

Anyone who has made a pioneering contribution to the earth can receive rewards from Han Chen, even if it is just a countermeasure to open up his mind.

Of course, there are many people who have offered rewards here to solicit answers to questions.

The question that everyone talks about the most in the forum now is how to abduct more of the creatures of God’s Domain in Shenzhen’s devil’s territory and become their own slaves.

When Wu Yuan was about to start writing, her inspiration suddenly flashed.

"If it is a normal request for help, then it may not be able to play too much role. Maybe you can ask for help in the opposite direction."

So she wrote such a post.

[God’s Domain has a rule that only legends can deal with legends, and it has now been proven to be false. This is just a lie deliberately fabricated by the legendary existence in order to raise its status.

There is also a rule in God's Domain, that is, if you want to control a perfect domain, it will only be possible to achieve it after at least 100 years of accumulation. This is already the lowest bottom line.

However, my husband has killed more than one legendary level, and the leaders of the Chinese military have also killed title-level existences. Do you think this rule is true or is it a lie? 】

Below the post is the reward and the reward amount.

[Reward: 100 years to become the limit of the title level, is it just a rough figure, or is it a limit that is only valid for creatures other than the Earth?

Reward amount: 1 million Amethyst Coins, or optional purple equipment of any level, and equivalent potions.

Reward: City of the Sky. 】

This kind of sky-high price reward quickly caused a sensation in the entire Raiders Group forum and caused a worldwide response.

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