All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1036: One year

God Domain Watch did not answer Han Chen's words.

It didn't know how to answer Han Chen.

In Han Chen's words, if you say this road is wrong, then you tell me it is right!

As long as you tell me the right ones, I will correct them right away!

Such an almost rogue behavior made the God Domain watch at a loss.

Under such a stalemate, a year has passed unconsciously.

In this year's time, Han Chen has already walked through the three-tiered abyss. For the breadth and height of the abyss, walking through the three-tiered abyss in one year is already an act of watching flowers.

Of course Han Chen is not interested in getting to know the culture of the abyss, anyway, wherever there are fights and kills, does he still have to see a flower in the repeated scenes?

What he really cares about is the movement in these three abysses.

The killings and wars in the abyss are several times more intense than those in God's Domain. Although it is easier to give birth to strong men, many roads are also blocked.

Some roads that take time to settle have absolutely no opportunities for growth in the abyss.

In this year's time, he also obtained valuable information.

"These three abysses are fighting everywhere, but the level of difficulty is obviously not high, rarely involving the epic level, and the demons of the epic level are also very restrained when launching wars with each other. Going all out is like a gentleman's war in the Spring and Autumn Period."

"This situation is nothing in God's Domain, but it is incredible if it is in the abyss."

"There is only one explanation for this situation, and that is a high-level order."

"In other words, these three-tiered abysses stopped most of the disputes under the orders of the top, except for consuming the cannon fodder from the bottom layer, and then nurturing the fight that can become legion cannon fodder."

"There is another important thing, that is, these three abysses have not made excessive vigilance against other abysses."

This information is somewhat intriguing. Since these three abysses are the main force for invading God's Domain, the internal emptiness is a matter of course. Why don't the other abysses take advantage of it?

Is it because the character of the abyss demon is better?

Ha ha......

Believing in the ethics of the abyss devil is not as reliable as believing that the earth is the center of the universe.

At least the latter can also be demonstrated by idealism.

"It's time to act."

Before acting, Han Chen reviewed the news of God's Domain.

The war of the abyss invading Tianzhuyuan has now entered a strategic stalemate. Although it has been retreating steadily and even being crushed, it still persists.

They occupy 1/3 of Tianzhu Mountain and have been reluctant to give in.

In this year, the forces headed by the Dianxing Temple launched a total of 4 battles, each time they captured countless Abyssal Legions. There were even more than 90 legendary ranks that fell during the battle, close to three-digit numbers, and In every battle, a title-level demon has fallen.

On the other hand, there are only 19 legends about the fall of Tianzhuyuan.

Among them, 16 were killed by the ice goddess.

The practice of the Ice and Snow Goddess has caused dissatisfaction among many people. After all, starting to attack her teammates at this critical stage of counterattacking the abyss is simply an enemy of the entire Tianzhu.

But dissatisfaction is only dissatisfaction after all.

There were at least 30 abyssal demons who fell because of the ice goddess' participation in the battle, and the fall of every title-level demon was due to the ice goddess' action.

Coupled with the previous collaboration between the Ice Goddess and Han Chen, the credits made are countless.

Such a record can completely make up for the mistake of killing 16 legends.

Even many cases have begun to acquiesce.

The legend that the soul was collected by Han Chen can no longer come back, and the legendary class killed by the ice goddess does not have a title class.

It is completely worthwhile to exchange these legends for the fighting power of the Ice Goddess.

This looks a bit ruthless, but it's a real god.

As for the betrayal of the ice goddess? This possibility is even smaller.

No one had ever notified the Ice and Snow Goddess about the dispatch of troops on the Tianzhu original side, and had not taken it into consideration every time the battle plan was arranged.

This is also the reason why the goddess of ice and snow can repeatedly make achievements.

Her actions are simply unpredictable!

The abyss has undergone such a great sacrifice, and even four spatial channels have been destroyed. Such a large loss can already make the abyss hurt. But for this, the abyss still has no plans to retreat.

No matter how sacrifices are made, the Abyssal Legion continues to flow.

Even if you use human heads to gamble and life to pile up, the abyss will not give up.

This also led to the fact that although the Dianxing Temple had been winning, it was unable to make a real contribution.

For these military-level news, Han Chen is of course delighted.

But what made him even more ecstatic was the progress of the earth.

In the two months since the division of the three realms was announced, the earth has made considerable progress, and now another year has passed, and the progress of the earth is simply eye-catching.

There are more than 26 legendary existences on the earth today.

Compared to a year ago, it has doubled!

And what caused such a result is the "wrong theory" referred to by God Domain Watch.

The progress of the earth has shocked Tianzhuyuan, and the top forces that have been enemies with the earth are all trembling, for fear that they will be settled by the earth after they repel the abyss.

Some forces have even begun to paddle, deliberately delaying the pace of defeating the abyss.

In the beginning, the invasion of the abyss became a shield for the development of the earth, providing precious time for the development of the earth, but now the invasion of the abyss has become a shield for these top forces, and it has become the most firm defense to prevent the earth from being settled after autumn and delaying the pace of earth dominance. .

The number of epic levels did not increase much, and reached the point of 200,000.

However, the number of people in the third stage of the epic level has been less than 200 from the beginning, and has reached the current 2,000, a full increase of 10 times.

Such results are objective, but they are not surprising.

Private research institutes may be able to produce some outstanding scientific research talents, but only relevant schools can mass produce scientific research talents.

In those excellent schools, a large number of talents are born among the graduates every year, promoting the development of the whole world and changing the process of the world.

This is the gap between systematic learning and unsystematic learning.

And more people didn't know the correct way to improve at the beginning. Now that they have obtained the method, they have just embarked on the path of becoming a strong person. It depends on them where they can go in the future.

"Shenyu Watch, have you seen it?"

Han Chen said to God Domain Watch, "I didn't want to slap you in the face. After all, according to your statement, they are going farther and farther on the wrong road, but why the wrong road can protect us, and the correct road Will lead us to a ruinous future?"

"Forget it, you don't know the answer anyway."

"In one year, I have almost adapted to the abyss, and then it's time to start my actions."

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