All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1037: Lord of Thousand Eyes

The first thousand and thirty-seventh chapter thousand eyes monarch

There is no automatic adaptation system in God's Domain.

In some places such as super-gravity territories and super-magic lands, the environment alone may directly kill the player, which requires the player to adapt.

However, frequent visits to these special places are also good, that is, to enhance their adaptability.

Change one's own environment frequently, even in an unfamiliar environment, you can adapt as quickly as possible.

Of course, Han Chen is not just adapting. The most important thing for him is to collect information, and by the way, give himself a period of time to settle and adapt to the strength he has just improved.

Of course, he was not investigating the opponent's strength. After all, he was the only one, even if he was investigating the strength, he couldn't detect much. He was investigating the movement of the abyss.

He didn't look at the remaining abyss much, but only based on the analysis of the information he had obtained, he could figure out one thing.

The war in the abyss basically ceased.

The current war is just a small fight. Large-scale wars have already stalled, and the elite legions and the strong have stopped fighting.

"If I expected it well, the reason why the war here stopped is because a stronger war is about to erupt next, and the goal is self-evident."

Although Han Chen felt a little distressed, he was not too entangled.

The wheels of war have been slowly advancing, and it is not something that can be stopped by one's strength. There is no point in entanglement. All he can do is to do his best.

And in this year's time, he is not without any progress.

In addition to more complete control of his power, he also has a new idea, a way to improve his strength.

A way to improve the strength of the Legion.

Ten minutes later, Han Chen appeared in an abyssal territory.

This is the territory of the Abyss Lord, the Lord of Thousand Eyes.

The Lord of Thousand Eyes is a legendary existence with a level of 92.

After arriving at the legendary level, the impact of level is actually not too great. Even if the level difference is more than 10, there is a huge gap in attributes, but it can’t keep up with the 10% increase in spell penetration, which has a greater impact on the outcome of the battle. Bigger.

But this does not mean that rank is meaningless.

The greatest significance of level is the sign of the strong.

When the level reaches 70 or higher, killing any existence with a lower level than yourself will not gain any aura, which is the experience bar.

So if you want to increase your level, you have to fight against the strong at the same level.

But as long as you fall once, your level will drop at least one level. If the opponent has special means, you can drop two to three levels without any problems.

So at the beginning, you can also restore your own level by killing some epic existences, but when the level reaches 75 or above, it is already difficult to find an epic existence that can be at the same level as you. After level 80, the epic level that reaches this level hardly exists.

If you want to continue to improve, you must kill the legend.

But fortunately the existence of the legendary level, if you kill the legends of the same level, you only need to kill 100 on average, and you can increase the level by one.

After the level of those killed legends is restored, they can be killed repeatedly.

In theory, a legend can rely on constant sacrifice to provide another legend level improvement, but no one in the world would do that.

The level reached 85 or more, almost all of the title level domain.

A special existence like the Son of the Deep can also be kept at level 86 or higher, but he can't go to too dangerous places.

Otherwise, if you encounter an 85-level title under the condition of placing a single, you can only become an experience baby.

The level reached 90 or above, that is the existence of knocking on the door of the myth field.

Of course, if you have special means in the abyss, or have enough resources and legions as accumulation, you can also make your level exceed your own strength.

The Thousand Eyes Sovereign is a title-level pinnacle, but there is no existence that knocks on the door of the mythical realm.

"That said, it can reach level 92, and can command an abyss as the Lord of the Abyss, and maintain it for a long time. The Lord of Thousand Eyes must have his own cards."

Han Chen thought this way, and then kept approaching the position of Lord Qianyan.

Under the effect of the restraint technique, his actions hardly noticed anything.

A legendary demon passed by Han Chen when he was out, but the two did not have any intersection, as if they did not see each other at all.

Han Chen’s Night Demon suit has truly exerted the power of the suit. With the addition of the Night Demon suit and his understanding of the darkness, his breath-gathering technique is already superb, even if it knocks on the door of the myth field. Exist, if there is no special means, he can't be found.

However, this almost does not include the Lord of Thousand Eyes.

"There are enemies!"

When Han Chen was constantly approaching Lord Qianyan, Lord Qianyan suddenly opened his eyes.

However, its hundreds of eyes are full of fear.

"No, why would an assassin suddenly approach here? I have been able to hide so many guards without being noticed even after passing by the legendary existence. Such a method is almost the same as the shadowless demon. Why is there such a powerful one? The assassin is here?"

His first reaction was, is this assassin looking for death?

The Thousand Eyes Sovereign comes from the evil eye clan, and he is best at mental power and probing. If in a wild encounter, he may be calculated by the shadowless demon, but if he is attacked in his own territory, then It's really a big surprise in the world.

As his mind turned sharply, the Lord Thousand Eyes thought a lot.

"Now the entire abyss has stopped the war. Although I don't know who wants to assassinate me, since I have the courage to assassinate me in my field, I have a certain degree of certainty, at least 20. % Above, otherwise there is no need to try."

20% sure, facing a 92-level demon, it is already very high.

After all, this is fighting on the opponent's home court.

"Be careful, my legion is not here. If the opponent is not here to fight, then it doesn't matter whether I am here or not. If the opponent is here to kill me, then I can still play the greatest combat effectiveness in the legion."

The Lord Thousand Eyes left a clone that was exactly the same as his body, and then the body quietly disappeared and sneaked into the legion.

As for the other demons in its castle?

If you don't stay, how can you hide the fact that your deity has left?

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