All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1040: A clown

The first thousand and forty chapters a clown

"I'm persuading you to give up your plan."

Han Chen said calmly, as if he didn't even realize what he said just now.

"Although the creatures of God's Domain can invade the real world and replace the new civilization as the chance of detachment, this is very limited. If there is not enough background, it is still a very dangerous thing. At most, it is just to gain some benefits. , This has even greater restrictions on your abyss demon."

"Then your real purpose is probably not to seize opportunities for detachment from the new civilization at all, but the gods who are attracted to Zulongxing’s way of faith and want to reach certain agreements with the gods, but those gods are It belongs to outside the realm of God, so if you reach an agreement, it means that you have betrayed the realm of God."

Han Chen looked like he was holding the winning ticket, and talked on the already quiet battlefield.

In contrast to his calmness, the Lord Thousand Eyes almost gave up fighting.

And the legendary demons seemed to be relieved.

They looked at Han Chen's eyes as if they were looking at a clown.

Han Chen seemed to be unaware and continued to persuade him.

"Although the abyss is called the opposite of God's Realm, it is actually a two-sided existence with God's Realm, and it also belongs to God's Realm."

"Your behavior is to betray God's Domain and collude with the gods of the Way of Faith. That is equivalent to denying the path of God's Domain, and you will definitely be punished by God's Domain."

"Perhaps it was just a small fight at the beginning, so I didn’t get caught in the eyes of God's Domain, but since I have discovered this, it means God's Domain also knows about this matter. If you want to continue your plan, That means standing on the opposite side of God's Domain, so I am now persuading you to give up your plan, which is also for your benefit."

After saying these words, Han Chen suddenly felt like a certain wise man who talked about Confucianism.

Of course, although his brain is easy to use, it is not used in strategy.

And the purpose of his coming today is not to convince the abyss demon.

If the Abyssal Demon is so persuasive, where is it his turn?

God's Domain is a world where the strong respect and the weak eat the strong. Although IQ is also of great use, the role of IQ is to serve strength.

Therefore, no matter how much he talks here, he can only be like a clown.

"Haha, man, you have done the most stupid thing."

The thousand-eyed monarch let out a frantic laugh, "Abyss Legion, give it to me, kill this human at all costs, the escaper, there will be no place in the abyss in the future."

This is not to say, but a real threat.

No matter how serious the internal fighting is, they must let go of their prejudices when facing foreign enemies.

Even the abyss is no exception.

Under the order of the Lord of Thousand Eyes, countless Abyssal Legions launched a fatal charge against Han Chen.

Han Chen gently swung the sword of the night demon, and dozens of members of the Abyss Legion were deemed to have fallen. These were all epic elites.

However, they still succeeded.

"Assassin, I'm still not good at having more than one enemy!"

Han Chen glanced at the Thousand Eyes Monarch, and countless phantoms came out of his body, and then began to escape with the power of the shadow shuttle, preparing to leave the battlefield.

Looking at Han Chen who was running away, Lord Thousand Eyes did not directly order the chase, but ordered the demon around him:

"Humans have discovered the true purpose of our abyss. Although it may be only in the stage of guessing, this does not prevent them from taking this guess as a real purpose to deal with."

"Hurry up and notify all the lords and tell them the news."

"All the legions were dispatched together, and the entire abyss together began to siege this madman who was so bold that he dared to break into the abyss."


The subordinates of the Thousand Eyes Monarch led away.

When the subordinates began to carry out their respective tasks, the arrogance of the thousand-eyed monarch suddenly disappeared.

"This human being is deliberate."

A look of jealousy appeared in the eyes of the thousand-eyed monarch.

He had already seen that this human being talked like a clown was only a superficial appearance, and he had deliberately told the abyss that humans had penetrated the abyss conspiracy.

"Just, why would he do this?"

The Thousand Eyes Monarch was a little puzzled. Since they have discovered the conspiracy of the abyss, they should pretend not to know, and then hit the abyss by surprise!

Do they want to force the abyss to start in advance?

No, this is impossible.

The abyss's invasion of the real world was originally something that was carried out in secret, even if it was discovered, it was expected. Now the human beings will only make the abyss more vigilant.

"Could it be that something happened on the front line?"

For the sake of confidentiality, the front and rear of the abyss actually do not communicate with each other.

Not to mention what happened in the real world, even if it happened in Tianzhuyuan, not all the abyss lords knew all the news.

The reason is also very simple. As long as you know the news and know all the inside information, then there is the possibility of leaks, and the plan of the abyss will add a risk.

This kind of confidentiality is of course the less people know the better.

And there are powerful existences in the abyss. As long as those powerful beings give orders, they don't worry about the trouble caused by the non-interoperability of information.

"You don't need to know the meaning of executing this order, and you don't need to know the cost or benefits of executing this order. All we need to know is absolute obedience."

This military rule works everywhere.

Otherwise, even orders and prohibitions can't be done. Isn't it possible that every war has to be taught to everyone first?

This is why the Lord of Thousand Eyes does not know what happened before.

Similarly, this is why Han Chen said such words.

Wanting to threaten the entire abyss to stop his own plan with the threat of a person who has not even reached the half-step myth. This is simply a fantasy.

Even using the entire God Realm as a threat is impossible.

Because the abyss itself had already considered the consequences of being an enemy of the entire God's Domain when making this plan.

For them, Han Chen’s reminder is just a warning in advance: We already know about your conspiracy, so don’t use those tricks. You can fight with us in an open and honest manner. Do a gun!

It is precisely because of Han Chen's death behavior that the Lord Qianyan is not too embarrassed.

This abominable human being is now standing on the opposite side of the entire abyss, so the encirclement and suppression of humanity is no longer my own business. If you want to encircle and suppress humanity, everyone should come together. Don't let me be a demon sacrifice my troops.

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