All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1041: Abyssal Catastrophe

The first thousand and 41 chapters of the abyss catastrophe

"come yet?"

Han Chen stood on a cliff, looking at the Abyss Legion in the distance.

If he wants to escape at his speed, there are not many people in the entire abyss who can keep him, even if a legion is sent out to encircle and suppress him.

If a person wants to run past 10,000 people, he only needs to be faster than the fastest person.

Under the circumstances that he wanted to run, it didn't make any difference whether the chaser behind him was 10,000 or 1 million. Even if he wanted to besieged, chased and intercepted, there was no way to detour to his front.

If it were to break open the space, it would be possible, but Han Chen was only one person, and there was no place to protect. Go wherever you want, how can you determine his location?

The Abyss certainly knows this, but it must come to encircle and suppress.

People have come to dominate your territory, don't you want to express it?

But what they didn't know was that the current situation was what Han Chen needed.

"Han Chen, I didn't expect you to be here waiting for our encirclement and suppression!"

A dark mage wearing a crimson mage robe let out a jealous laugh, "Do you think this is still God's Domain? Do you think you can come and go freely in God's Domain, and you can also come and go freely in the abyss?"

In any case, fighting on a field that is not suitable for you will suffer a certain degree of weakening.

Han Chen can rely on his realm to play 100% of the strength in the abyss, but it is only 100%, and there is no way to continue to exceed it.

But those abyss demons all have a strong abyss aura, which echoes the laws in the abyss. Every attack can be accompanied by the power of the abyss. When dealing with foreign enemies, they can get more bonuses, so they can play 120% power.

Usually when everyone is fighting in the same environment, these additional forces can cancel each other out, but fighting in different places is different.

"You know my name, it seems that you should be well prepared!"

Han Chen opened the eyes of the Night Demon and looked around.

"There are only 19 legendary-level demons to besiege me. It seems that your intelligence work is still not in place!"

Fighting on the opponent's territory, and 19 legendary encirclement and suppression, unexpectedly thought that the opponent's troops were too small to be qualified to deal with him.

Han Chen's arrogance angered the abyss demon.

Of course it is just to anger.

At their level, of course, it is impossible to destroy the original combat plan because of their own mood.

Their purpose of encircling Han Chen was to kill Han Chen. Even if they could not completely kill and seal them, just killing them once was a huge success for them.

At the very least, the face of the abyss can be saved.

Face is far less important to the abyss than benefits, but it cannot be thrown away casually.

At least not a mere title level can make them lose.

Even if it is a myth-level existence, entering the abyss cannot be arrogant, let alone a title-level?

"Hehe, you brought a lot of legions."

Han Chen looked at the legions behind these legendary existences with a satisfied look, "It seems that you are already ready for a carpet search."

"So what?"

The dark mage wearing a red robe admitted frankly, "In the information we have, you should be a wise man. Why do you want to make such a decision to kill yourself? Is it that a trap has been arranged here, or you Isn't the deity here at all?"

This is why they did not greet them immediately.

Han Chen's IQ has been reflected in the past battles, and the loss of the abyss side confirms Han Chen's fighting wisdom.

If such an existence with high combat wisdom accidentally enters the abyss, shouldn't he find a way to leave the abyss and return to the realm of God? Why do you want to make such a move?

They even doubted whether Han Chen deliberately attracted them to encircle and suppress.

It's just that they must do it even if it is doubtful.

If they gave up the encirclement and suppression, it would be like stepping the face of the entire abyss on the ground, and they could not bear the consequences of wanton destruction in the abyss.

If Han Chen relied on superb assassination methods to continuously kill legendary demons, it would be a loss to the abyss.

So even if they waste time with Han Chen, they have to put in this part of their energy.

"If you know enough about me, then you should know that my teammates and I once used a skill, and that was a racial disaster."

The laws around Han Chen suddenly began to change, and his figure began to continuously twist, and countless abyssal legions were shrouded in a shadow.

"This is a skill we specially developed to deal with Zulongxing, but after so long of trials, we suddenly discovered that this skill has a better use."

"not good!"

When the shadow domain shrouded, many abyss demons shouted badly in their hearts.

However, it was too late.

Han Chen had no plan to fight them head-on, but let countless invisible forces directly enter the eyes of the Abyss Legion.

The shadow realm caused all the abyss legions to temporarily lose the light in front of them. This darkness only lasted for two or three seconds, and all the abyss legions recovered.

Suddenly plunged into darkness, and suddenly received light, which made the Abyss Legion instinctively start to look at each other's surrounding changes. At this time, they saw each other's eyes.

"It wants to kill me!"

An Abyssal Sword Demon, when he saw his close companion looking at him with murderous eyes, he immediately followed his instinct, stabbing his companion's abdomen with his arm like a big sword, almost at the same time , A paw caught him.

"Fortunately, I just made the move first. I didn't expect someone to launch an attack at this time."

The Abyssal Sword Demon felt very fortunate. In such a dangerous place around him, when the people around him showed hostility towards him, it was already an instinctive reaction to directly attack the killer.

If he didn't even react to this point, he would have never known how many times he died.

And the attack from his companion just now made him confirm this, that is, his companion really wants to kill himself, so he has to act first to be strong and there is nothing wrong with it.

Even if the legendary demons were to be judged, there was no sin in this behavior.

But when he got rid of his comrades, he suddenly saw the surrounding chaos, countless legion members killing each other, frantically attacking all the enemies he saw in front of him.

This chaotic feast of killing began to bloom in the entire Abyss Legion.

"The abyss is a place full of wars and killings, with struggle as the main theme, so the skills that can use life's killing intent like racial disasters are the most suitable places in the abyss."

"When this skill is used to deal with the abyss, it should have an exclusive name."

"Why, call it [Abyss Catastrophe]!"

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