All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1042: Do you want to learn?

Do you want to learn the first thousand and forty-two chapters?

"Well, what is going on?"

Looking at the feast of killings that took place right under his feet, countless abyss demons felt cold in their hearts.

As a legendary existence, they are not greatly affected by the racial disaster.

But seeing the army in chaos underneath, they were full of shock.

Even the mage who is best at mass attack, wants to kill a legion with more than tens of thousands of people, it takes a certain amount of time and a certain amount of consumption, unless the members of these legions are stupid and stand together in a dense formation. .

The existence of the legendary level can enlarge the power of skills and reduce consumption, but the number of range-based spells released is still not too much.

However, Han Chen's move, in less than ten seconds, caused more than 2 million legions to fall into cannibalism, and the number of cannibalism will continue to expand.

This is a legendary demon and dare not move.

If they want to suppress the people below, it is not impossible, but if they do, they will definitely encounter Han Chen's sneak attack.

In front of an assassin of Han Chen's level, any rash behavior will become a fatal flaw.

"You, what are your skills?"

An abyss demon asked tremblingly.

"Do you think I stupidly told you the principle of this skill?"

Han Chen's eyes were joking.

The demons sank.

Indeed, such a magical skill, but a powerful single-handed weapon in the face of legion battles, how can it be easily said?

This is a skill that can be used as a person's greatest hole card.

"But seeing the look of your eagerness, I'll tell you compassionately!"

Han Chen said with a relaxed face.

All the abyss demons felt anxious.

Since you are going to tell us, what do you mean by what you just said? Are you kidding us?

It really is.

Anyway, Han Chen is not in a hurry, so what if he casually molested him?

"Racial disaster is an illusion skill, no, it shouldn't be regarded as a skill! It can only be said to be a skill for casting illusions."

Han Chen sternly explained that he certainly couldn't explain other skills, but he was not afraid of skills such as race disaster.

Not to mention being cracked, even if he was learned, he would not worry.

Even if all the demons present had learned this trick, he would wake up from a dream.

"Each intelligent life possesses sensibility and rationality. Even the beasts deprived of their intelligence have two sides. For example, these abyssal creatures under your army, if they kill their teammates, they will get certain benefits, or The increase in experience, or some items dropped, are all good in short."

"If it is encountered in some no man's land or in the wild, as long as they have a certain degree of certainty, they will choose to do it in all likelihood to obtain these benefits. It's just that in the Abyss Legion, if so If you do, you will take a certain risk, and this risk is life."

This is the most direct manifestation of the collision between sensibility and reason, and it is also the biggest foundation for the illusionist to perform illusion.

If the opponent is an absolutely rational person, then illusion can't change the opponent's will, nor can it have much impact.

This is also the reason why there are few brilliant illusions in God's Domain.

No matter how strong you are, if you have restraint in your abilities, you may be directly targeted, and you will be suppressed if you target it a few times.

Even if there are too many deaths, the soul is at risk of complete extinction.

The abyss demons glanced at the fighting army, thoughtfully.

These abyssal creature legions, with the exception of a handful of elites, do not trust each other, even if they are elite legions, there is not much in the ordinary fighting.

There is some restraint in the struggle in God's Domain. Of course, this restraint is only reflected in the same force. Under the constraints of rules, the same force cannot attack each other.

There may be some struggles when competing for credit or resources, but they all have a certain bottom line.

But the abyss is different, and the battle in the abyss is naked.

As long as there is a suitable opportunity, you can directly kill your boss, and then replace them. There are many examples. Most of the demons have also done things that directly kill their teammates for resource competition.

Therefore, even in the same legion, they do not trust each other.

When the Abyssal Biological Army fights, it often relies on the prestige and coercion of the strong to directly force the weak to obey. If the strong falls, the weak will immediately be scattered.

Therefore, the decapitation tactic is very effective for the Abyss Legion.

Of course the danger is also great.

Those powerful abyss demons have to guard against the betrayal of their subordinates from time to time, and of course they have a wealth of experience in dealing with decapitation operations. At this point, they are better than God's Domain.

"The members of these Abyssal Creature Legion do not trust each other. I just used illusion techniques to show them the greed in each other's eyes, and let the evil thoughts in their hearts directly manifest themselves in the outside world. Will immediately fall into cannibalism."

After listening to Han Chen's explanation, these legendary demons carefully observed the Abyss Legion.

They discovered that Han Chen did not lie. When these abyssal creatures saw each other's eyes, they saw distrust. Under mutual suspicion, most of the abyssal creatures chose to act first.

After they chose to act first, they saw the knife that their teammates stabbed themselves, which strengthened their belief that their actions were correct.

But even if they knew it, they couldn't stop it.

Otherwise, should these legendary existences be persuaded one by one?

Are you kidding me?

It is already the instinct of the abyss creatures to act first when encountering danger, how to persuade this?

Would it be good to persuade them to die obediently in the hands of their teammates?

The abyss was originally a place that harmed others and disadvantaged oneself. Everyone saw the people around him showing murderous intent to himself. Then the existence of this kind of weak fighting consciousness. Has long been eliminated in the sinister abyss.

"The abyss is a combination that finds a trace of rationality on the edge of chaos. As long as they push the desire to kill in their hearts like the edge of rationality a little bit, just a little bit is enough, and they can let go of all rationality and use battle To solve everything."

Han Chen explained all this with a calm expression, "If you want to learn this illusion, I can teach you."

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