All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1055: The weakness of ethnic disaster

"No, we were too careless."

Deng Qing said solemnly.

In fact, they were not careless. After all, when they first came in, they had anticipated that they would be ambushed by the Abyssal Legion, but they didn't expect that the way the opponent would ambush would be like this.

Countless legions of the abyss were hidden underground in advance, and then a large number of legions appeared from the sky.

"No, the racial disaster has very limited impact in this situation."

Xia Mengsi's face was a bit ugly. After she created and perfected the skill of racial disaster, she didn't pay much attention to the legion, but when she saw the chaotic battlefield, she suddenly realized that racial disaster also has certain limitations. .

Racial disasters can make teammates fighting side by side doubt each other, and spread this doubt and fear everywhere, playing a chaotic effect.

Of course, this trick used to deal with the united race is not very effective, because they themselves doubt each other less, and even if they are strengthened, they will be covered by reason.

But this trick is a magical skill to deal with the abyss, which is very useful.

However, they did not expect this to happen.

"People affected by racial disasters will attack their teammates everywhere, but they are not only limited to their teammates, but also attack the enemy. So in this kind of mixed enemy battlefield, racial disasters can play a very important role. It is limited, and sometimes even affects one's own people."

Xia Mengsi was full of regret.

She suddenly realized that she was nothing more than an ordinary legend, but this legend was good at illusion and was full of creativity.

I thought I could easily disintegrate the Abyss Legion, but I didn't expect the opponent to come.

I can only say that I am a bit too immature.

Because one skill is complacent, and it is enough to kill oneself. After all, the price of resurrection is not unbearable, but it is a big taboo to affect the legion.

"It doesn't matter, use racial disaster! Although the ability will be weakened a lot, the negative impact on the other party is far greater than the negative impact on yourself."

Li Long comforted.

Xia Mengsi nodded, her eyes filled with purple.

In the chaotic scene of the abyssal creature army that was fighting, all the teammates saw in their eyes were full of killing intent, so they frantically attacked everything around them.

With the continuous spread of ethnic disasters, the proportion of damage to the abyssal creature army has greatly increased.

After all, the legion from God's Domain can still maintain a certain sense of reason.

Although the effects of race disasters were less than expected, a lot of them, but at least they were not at all ineffective, greatly reducing the pressure on the God's Domain Legion.

At this moment, dozens of abyss demons appeared in the sky.

After seeing these demons, Zhang Qing's expression changed greatly: "No, these are legends! Two of them are particularly powerful, similar to the goddess of ice and snow."

"Sure enough it was a premeditated ambush."

A star staff appeared in the hands of the master of stars, ready to fight.

A staff also appeared in the hands of the ice goddess, but her eyes were a little excited.

"Everyone, be careful. The goal of these abyssal demons is us at the beginning. These cannon fodder are basically used to cover people's eyes and eyes and delay the use of the Legion of Gods. You must pay attention to protect yourself. As long as we can support the Legion to eliminate the enemy, it is ours. victory."

The reminder of the Lord of Stars was not loud, but it happened to resound in everyone's ears.

The impact of racial disasters on the abyss is far greater than that on one's own side, so even if the scene falls into chaos, the victory of the God's Domain Legion is only a matter of time.

So these abyss demons didn't plan to count on such a means to win from the beginning.

This tactic is likely to be used only once, so the initial plan of the abyss is to carry out the decapitation tactic, as long as all the legends are killed, that is the victory of the abyss.

Now God's Domain Legion is in a bitter battle, and its footsteps are delayed. This is also an opportunity for the abyss.

However, the conditions for the two sides to win are not equal. If the Abyssal party cannot bring enough damage to God's Domain within the predetermined time, then they will miss this golden opportunity.

"So, as long as you kill these demons, you should be able to end the war!"

There was an expression of excitement in Wu Yuan's eyes.

The Lord of Stars gave Wu Yuan a surprised look: "Are you sure?"

"The number of legendary existences on our two sides is actually the same, and we are always dominant. The only thing that can cause us trouble is that there are two demigod-level demons and 7 title-level demons. If you and Everyone of the Ice and Snow Goddess can delay the two half-length demons for half a minute, and I will be sure to solve all the remaining title-level demons."

Wu Yuan's fighting thinking is deeply inspired by Han Chen, and she likes fighting from top to bottom.

Of course, the reason for this kind of battle mode is also because the foundation of the earth is too shallow, and the strength of the legion is not comparable to those of the old forces of the gods, so breaking the game from top to bottom is the only way to win on the earth.

Even if the high-level victory is too slow, it will lead to a complete defeat of the legion.

Later, after the earth's legion power gradually formed, such combat habits and tactical ideas were very mature. When formulating tactics, Wu Yuan thought of this tactic at the first time.

"Can you solve seven title levels?" The Ice Goddess asked in surprise, "How do you do it? If you can do this, why not propose to solve a demigod level?"

Although Half-Step Myth is very strong, it is still legendary after all.

If it is tricky, the seven title levels are still difficult to deal with.

After all, none of the existences that reach the title level are simple roles.

Last time Han Chen and the Ice and Snow Goddess really relied on luck and restraint, coupled with the fact that the opponent was caught off guard, that resulted in such a result.

"My methods are a bit special, and they should be ineffective against demigods."

Wu Yuan simply explained, "And as long as you use it once, the other party will be prepared. It is worth it to be able to solve 7 title-level demons at once. After all, it is not always when there are 7 title-level demons coming. To die."

Solve the seven title-level demons?

The ice goddess gave a strange smile: "Okay! If you can resolve the battle within half a minute, then we will win this war."

Before doing it, the ice and snow goddess reminded Wu Yuan:

"You seem to have misunderstood one thing just now. It's not that I and the chief of the stars delayed the two demigod-level demons for half a minute, but whether the two demigod-level demons can support us for half a minute. time."

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