All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1056: Assign opponents

The first thousand and fifty-six chapters are assigned

The influence of racial disasters continues to spread, but the number of Abyssal Biological Legions is too much, it is simply endless.

In such a chaotic battlefield, the Legion from God's Domain can only protect itself as much as possible.

However, the well-trained Chinese Legion, as far as possible, opened up an area of ​​its own in front of the legendary existence, blocking all foreign enemies from the outside world.

Wen Renduan even commanded the Dragonborn Legion, forming a wall of flesh shield.

Li Long and Alizee also met their opponents.

The remaining Earth Legendary beings are still relatively immature.

Including Deng Qing and Xiao Qian, who were taught by Han Chen himself, they were a little struggling to deal with ordinary legends.

"Protect Xia Mengsi, this is your most important thing."

Li Long was facing an opponent who reached level 85 and almost reached the edge of a title-level demon, and took time to give orders to Li Guangzheng.

"Yes, we will definitely protect Xia Mengsi."

Li Guangzheng and four legendary existences from the military formed a cordon near Xia Mengsi. Together with Xiao Qian and Deng Qing, they protected Xia Mengsi in the middle. They could even sacrifice their lives easily when necessary. To delay time for her.

Wen Renjuan also brought a large number of Dragonborn Legion, guarding near Xia Mengsi.

Alizee and Nowen took the people from the Cavaliers Alliance and also guarded Xia Mengsi from another direction.

Although many people have learned [crazy] now, even if it is only skillfully used, it takes a long time and many times of practice.

Especially illusion is easy to hurt yourself, it is even more dangerous.

So if Xia Mengsi is assassinated, then the invasion of the abyss will fail halfway from the beginning.

"Should you try to attack a legendary existence?"

Looking at the people around who are ready to sacrifice their lives to protect themselves, Xia Mengsi has the urge to directly deal with the legendary beings.

But she knew it was too irrational.

Her importance is unquestionable. If she is backlashed by performing illusions on a powerful existence, everyone's sacrifice will be wasted.

In wars, people in important positions work hard to live, not just by cherishing their own lives, but also taking responsibility for the outcome of the war.

If she was killed, even if she died ten times, she would not be able to recover the guilt of losing the war.

"Purple blood devil, Tianqing succubus, Bingxue, how about you going to deal with Tianqing succubus?"

After the two half-step mythological demons appeared, the Lord of Stars frowned.

"What? Are you afraid of being charmed?"

The ice goddess teased.

The Lord of the Stars admitted frankly: "Although I don’t think I will be affected by ordinary charms, the Tianqing Succubus has been famous for a long time. Even if she is not famous for charms, she is not an easy one. If she It’s not good to control a certain method of dealing with men. What's more, what Tianqing Succubus is best at is flames, or flames are used most often, so it is more suitable for you to deal with."

"Okay, I promised. The Purple Blood Demon is not easy. Its time of fame is longer than that of the Moon Sage." The Ice and Snow Goddess reminded.

With that said, she went directly to the Tianqing Succubus.

As the so-called lion fights with rabbits, they also need to do their best. What they have to deal with is the abyss that has brought countless disasters to God's Domain. No advantage can be let go.

Tian Qing Succubus is the succubus family itself, although she herself is famous for being good at fire,

Most of the legendary existences of Tianzhuyuan faced their opponents.

In addition to the two half-step myths, there are two title-level existences on the Tianzhu original side.

One is the president of the mercenary union, the Lord of Wild Ge.

The other one is a relatively low-key Blood Eater Lord.

The Lord of Blood is a legendary existence from the blood clan, and the person who speaks to the Tianzhu original blood clan. Originally, he didn’t want to blend in with the Tianzhu original war, but when everyone stood in line, those who refused to stand in line even pretended to obey. You must also choose a camp.

After all, in the decisive battle between Dianxing Temple and Deep Sea, the first thing they had to clear was the grass on the wall.

"We should have enough exchanges for the existence of the previous title level!"

The Lord of Blood Devourers smiled at the Lord of Wild Ge.

Both of them belong to the kind of dissatisfaction. They are not optimistic that the Lord of the Stars can rule Tianzhuyuan for a long time. After the seal of Tianzhuyuan is lifted, the outside existence will intervene and the Moon Sage will return. In their own position, that is the time for them to leave the Lord of Stars.

But even if they are not convinced, they can't work without effort.

At this time, they have to pester at least one title-level existence, which can prove that they are not lazy.

The Lord of Huangge said: "Yes, we are also title-level, fighting in an environment that is not conducive to our own abyss, and being able to entangle a title-level existence is already our limit."

Due to the race disaster, time is on their side. If the high-level battles are entangled, then the winning side is destined to be God's Domain instead of the abyss.

Of course, the two of them are not willing to fall, so it is already the limit to deal with a title level each.

Fighting in an unfamiliar environment, no one can demand more of them.

The opponents chosen by the two were two demons who had realized the realm and reached the title level, but they didn't know the titles of the two demons.

But they didn't feel strange either, because most demons only left their titles when they had been to God's Domain. If they hadn't been to God's Domain and stayed in the abyss all their lives, it wouldn't be surprising that they didn't know the title.

There are still five title-level demons, all of whom are tasked with assassinating Xia Mengsi.

As the so-called soldiers against soldiers, and generals, since the abyss demon is going to assassinate Xia Mengsi, then we must make full preparations. The five title-level demons to assassinate Xia Mengsi is already a behavior that is worthy of attention.

"Mengmeng, are you ready?"

Wu Yuan was a little excited seeing the five auras approaching.

Mengmeng sat on Wu Yuan’s shoulders, with some surprises on her small face: "But why, I feel a sense of anxiety? I always feel that this battle is not that simple. Although your trump cards can be solved, but Is the abyss really only sending so little combat power?"

"Then have you found any hidden enemies?" Wu Yuan asked in surprise.


Mengmeng shook her head, but her little face was still full of worry, "But sometimes, the factors that affect the outcome of a war are not just the number and strength of the strong. The other party's purpose is to assassinate Xia Mengsi. In order to achieve this goal, They make money no matter how much they sacrifice. After all, this is an unequal war."

"But, anyway, the one that should come will come."

Wu Yuan still made full preparations according to the original plan.

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