All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1059: Independent space

The first thousand and fifty-nine chapters of independent space

"Prepaid an abyss."

Wu Yuan said to herself.

This matter was more difficult than she had expected.

Although she didn't understand what an abyss could do, she knew what an epic qualified to become a lord could do in her own territory.

A territory, that is the foundation of prosperity!

If this territory is selected well, such as Lilong's territory [Lost City], you can continuously produce Tianyu Stone for China.

The almost unlimited supply of Tianyu Stone is the guarantee of the mobility of the China Legion.

This has also become one of the foundations of the prosperity of the Chinese Army.

And those great lords of the abyss, although nominally the masters of an abyss, in fact the area they can control is only the most core place. More distant places still need to rely on the army and their hands to rule to achieve indirectness. control.

For example, the Lord of Thousand Eyes, plus the area that the legion can control, does not exceed one-tenth of the abyss.

But according to the Lord of Blood Devouring, the blood clan can completely control an abyss.

If you can completely control an abyss, the benefits may be even greater than the benefits of indirect control of the 5 abyss. This does not include that you can formulate the rules in the domain and change the rules in the abyss. , Became what he expected, and became more suitable for blood.

The kinship does not know how much subsequent benefits will be.

However, the prepayment has already been sent to the account.

Simply relying on them to accept such benefits, they have been labeled as abyss.

"The contract really cannot be taken seriously." Wu Yuan said with emotion.

The contract of God's Domain does have a very strong binding force, but this binding force is not your behavior, but you will bear certain consequences if you violate the contract.

In other words, as long as you are willing to bear the consequences, then you can treat the contract as nothing.

The reason why God's Domain believes in the Lord of Blood is also because they believe that they have an advantage. If the blood clan violates the contract, it will be them.

"Now, the most important thing for us, shouldn't it be to solve the enemy in front of us?"

Mengmeng patted Wu Yuan's ear and reminded.

"Yeah! Well, you can get rid of these trash fish."

Wu Yuan's eyes turned to those title-level beings.

The Lord of Wild Ge fell, and the Lord of Blood Devoured, and now the pressure of the 7 title level all fell on her. As for the others? Well, don't worry about it for now.

After all, there is an unbridgeable gap between the title level and the title level.

However, she did not waste too much time in the conversation with the Lord of Blood.

There is an independent space created by Mengmeng, and conversation only needs a short distraction.

"Our biggest threat right now is that Void Elf, a Void Elf that controls the realm of perfect space, how terrible it is, I think everyone should have heard of it."

An abyssal demon reminded his companions, "Now time is on our side, so even if we fight steadily and lose some opportunities, don't make mistakes."

If his words can be heard by the God Realm side, it will be shocked.

The side of God's Domain thought that time was on their side, but the Abyss Demon thought that time was on their side.

It can be seen that they do have enough confidence.

The demon holding the artifact [Silling God Blade] grinned grimly: "Even if it is a Void Elf, what about it? Although the Void Elf is precious and powerful, it is only a plaything of the top powers."

With that said, when he lifted the sharp knife, he had to do it directly.

"Don't rush ahead, we provide you with opportunities."

Seeing that he was about to do something, the devil of several names and ranks hurriedly stopped him, and then rushed to the front instead of him.

After all, Slaughter God Blade is not capable of full power by everyone, and a strong attack power does not mean a strong defense power. If something goes wrong with him, the plan of the abyss will be hindered.

"Cut, let you go!"

The demon holding the Slaughter God Blade said disdainfully.

After getting a sharp weapon, I want to try how powerful this magic weapon is. This is human nature, and the Abyss Demon is no exception.

But he also knew that if something went wrong with him, the consequences of meeting it might be as simple as death.

"In what order! You will die anyway."

Wu Yuan waved her hand, and the surrounding scenery changed. The warriors who were attacking each other and the abyss demon disappeared, and the scenery became a vast expanse of whiteness.

The sudden change of scenery caused the 7 title-level demons to stagnate.

"What is this? Independent space?"

A demon of the name rank was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, he heard an anxious reminder.

"Be careful, there are enemies!"

He suddenly turned his head and saw that there were more than 10,000 wizards wearing wizard robes, raising their staffs, and huge fireballs descending in his direction.

He could try to dodge, but found that his speed had dropped to the point where he was almost a tortoise.

"This is the space field? But why is the space field so powerful?"

An abyss demon felt the power of the surrounding domain, and shouted in disbelief, "It's impossible, the space domain can't be so powerful!"

A large number of fireballs landed beside these title-level demons, and then a violent explosion occurred.

However, the attacks of these 10,000 wizards had not stopped, and countless torrents of fire spells descended, drowning the seven title-level demons.

"Did you make it?"

The members of the wizard group took out a bottle of medicine and took it, and took the time to look at the situation in front of them.

But when the flames went out, they were shocked to find.

Those title-level demons stood in place, just a little embarrassed.

"Impossible, is it that our attack has such a weak effect on Legendary existence?"

The members of the wizard group showed an unwilling look.

Although they knew that there was a big gap between them and the legendary level, their attacks had completely fallen, and they still didn't bring substantial damage to the other party, which still made them feel a little uncomfortable.

Hearing what they said, the eyes of these title-level demons were full of fury.

These ants-like things, even though they rely on the power of the environment, can actually hurt them, making them so embarrassed and making them feel a little embarrassed.

Now they don't think it hurt enough? It's too ignorant that the sky is too thick!

"If it is that simple to kill the legend, then it is not that simple for the legendary existence to deceive the people below."

Wu Yuan said, and with a wave of her hand, dense figures began to appear.

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