All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1060: Element field

The first thousand and sixtieth chapter element domain

When a large number of legion figures appeared, the faces of those legendary demons changed.

The existence of the legendary class does have a powerful deterrent to the legend, but there is always such a thing as ants biting to death. Otherwise, why does the existence of the legendary class need a legion?

Now they inexplicably come to an independent space, it is almost impossible to create a single-handed environment.

Even if it were to escape, they couldn't do it now.

Just now they also relied on the power of the domain to barely resist the attack of the wizard group, but they still suffered some damage.

If these legions are allowed to set fire on them unscrupulously, even the existence of the title level will inevitably end in their fall.

"Zaku, can you break the space with the Slaughter God Blade?"

A name-level demon shouted at the demon holding the Slaughter God Blade, "If we can't leave this space, no matter how many of us we have, we will die."

The demon known as Zaku replied with a hard face: "No, at least I must be able to find a space node before I can launch an attack on the space node. But in this independent space, even the space nodes are If you can't find it, there is no way to break the space."

When the realm reaches a certain level, even if there is no understanding of the space, the space can be broken with brute force.

If you want to break through the void of the void elves, you must have mythical power.

Zaku, holding the Slaughter God Blade, happened to possess mythical power.

But to break through the space, at least there must be an object to exert force.

"If you let you escape, then I am not busy?"

Wu Yuan smiled, and then a lot of elemental fluctuations appeared all over her body, filling the entire space, and the ghost of the doomsday natural disaster also appeared.

This is Wu Yuan's domain: the element domain.

"You even used the domain in front of the perfect domain. It seems that your common sense of the domain is still too bad."

A name-level demon opened the domain and wanted to destroy it. This is also the reason why the existence of the title-level can cause so much damage below the symmetry level.

As long as your field is a little bit imperfect, then we can break the surface with a little bit.

Even if you don't control the domain at this time, you are only a little closer to the perfect domain, and there is not much difference in front of the title level.

However, he was shocked shortly after, because his domain could not crack the perfect domain.

"Perfect realm, it's impossible. How long have you become a legend, how can you control the perfect level realm so quickly? Isn't it enough for a Han Chen to emerge from the earth? Why should there be another evildoer?"

These title-level demons are full of stormy waves in their hearts.

There is a common sense in God's Domain, that is, it will take at least a hundred years to control the power of the perfect domain.

No matter how powerful your talent is, your talent can only determine whether you can control the domain, not the time you need to control the domain.

According to God's Domain, this is because the domain needs to be polished.

The realm is a part of the soul, it is the crystallization of the re-growth of the soul. The realm from birth to growth to perfection is actually a person's life.

Even if you are a genius, at the age of 10, you will learn knowledge that others will never learn, but knowledge does not represent experience. No matter how much theoretical knowledge you have, you need to personally practice to transform knowledge into experience. Knowledge cannot be accelerated The pace at which you grow up.

Maybe with some ripening agents, some quick-growing ducks can appear when raising them, but this can't be applied to humans.

From the birth of the field to the completion of the field, this process may be able to speed up, but as long as there is a little flaw, it can never be called a perfect field. It may not be too different in front of others, but in In front of the perfect realm, it was almost collapsed.

"Perfect Realm, haha...Although I do not control the perfect realm, who said that the perfect realm will be a hundred years old? And if it is not a perfect realm, will it be cracked by the perfect realm? Even if I reach the title of sister The devil of the world is still bound by common sense!"

Wu Yuan simply sneered at the shock of these title-level demons.

It takes 100 years of polishing to become a perfect field. This scam affects too many people, and it is called the truth.

Now even these abyss demons believed it to be true.

But they can't be blamed, because this law has existed for too long, so long as the people who fabricated this lie are no longer in God's Domain.

Is it right to say this?

Perhaps in most cases it cannot be said to be wrong.

But it’s like you need 12 years of study to be able to take the college entrance examination and go to university. This is the path most people take. For those who skip grades, for those who are high school students, this is not the best. s Choice.

For those who have learned all the courses before university at the age of twelve or thirteen, it is just a waste of time for them to continue to let them study in the same class as their peers.

The golden and good words that the old people often say may help many young people to avoid detours, but there are always some freaks. If you believe the so-called golden and good words, you can only form a **** for yourself.

In fact, we can't blame the old people for saying that it's just that the case is too special.

The power of the 4 elements of earth, water, fire and wind surrounded the crowd. These title-level demons attacked desperately to disperse the power of the elements.

But when they launched an attack, their strongest edge was gone.

The 4 elemental barrier disappeared, the power of the wizard group descended, the endless stream of elements completely submerged the seven figures, and the entire space was full of destructive power.

"[Mirror World]!"

When the destructive power broke out, Wu Yuan took advantage of the trend to release the mirror world.

Countless mirrors surrounded the 7 title-level demons, layer by layer, forming a mirror cage one by one.

This is the spell she analyzed based on the Mirror Knight's ability. The effect is to rebound the attacks of ordinary elemental spells, and it is invalid for legendary spells and special spells.

If the rebounding spell is too powerful, the mirror will also be broken directly.

This ability seems to be a bit tasteless, but if it is used in legion combat, especially the combat of the legion to encircle and suppress individuals, it is a god-like skill.

An endless stream of spells erupted next to the 7 legendary demons. The power of these spells escaped and spread in all directions, but was bounced back by those mirrors and exploded in the direction of the seven title-level demons again.

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