All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1061: Demon Avatar

The first thousand and sixty one chapter demon incarnation

When the torrent of magic spells disappeared, only two dying demons were left in the same place.

"Damn human beings, what power do you use?"

A tall demon over 6 meters tall screamed.

"Are you an idiot? Do you think I will explain the principles of my tricks to my enemies?"

Wu Yuan glanced at the demon with the look of an idiot, and then made a gesture.

After seeing the gesture, the wizard group continued to release spells.

Countless spells appeared again, and the mirror world surrounded the two.

Although there are only two enemies left, and there are still two seriously injured enemies, and they seem to be resolved easily, Wu Yuan is still unwilling to take the risk.

Courage and recklessness are actually synonyms, but one is commendatory and the other is derogatory.

The so-called courage is that there is clearly no absolute certainty, and he has clearly anticipated that there may be very bad consequences, but he will still do his best to fight hard to make a **** road.

Recklessness means that you can have better choices and more certainty, but you have to be a hero and use the most dangerous methods to solve problems. This is called recklessness.

Courage is determination, and recklessness is behavior.

Among the two demons who have survived now, one of them is holding the God Slaughter Blade in his hand. If Wu Yuan rushes out of the field, she is a fool.

After another flood of spells, the two legendary demons also fell.

Wu Yuan wanted to step forward to harvest the results, but after seeing the legendary equipment floating in the air and the divine weapon Slaughter God Blade, she suddenly had a determination in her heart.

"Go on, another wave!"

As a result, another wave of magic spells passed, and the open space that had been settled was once again baptized by the wizards, and seven dead title-level demons were brutally whiped.

After the flood of spells ended, Wu Yuan again issued the order to attack.

At this moment, even the Chinese Legion couldn't stand it anymore.

"That's enough! Now only the equipment is left."

"We have to go outside to kill the enemy!"

"Everyone is dead. In the tips of the Gods Domain Watch, we have also gained a full seven points of aura, which has proved that the other party is completely dead."

The prompts of the God Domain watch will not be false, unless it is to kill the enemy, otherwise it will not get experience.

And because the experience gained from killing the enemy is distributed by all the combatants, everyone gets a tiny aura.

Several consecutive reminders made people think that all 7 of them were dead.

"Are you the commander, or am I the commander?"

Wu Yuan said angrily, "If I said to continue attacking, then continue to attack."

In desperation, the wizard group could only continue to attack.

The purpose of the Huaxia Legion is absolute obedience. Although everyone has their own thoughts and their own judgment, they can use their own judgment to act when there is no command, but now they have transferred the command to Wu Yuan's hands. Then they must obey.

When the torrential whip corpse was sent for the fourth time, a frantic laughter came from the direction of the dropped equipment:

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be so cautious, but how did you find that there are still people still dead?"

After hearing this voice, the mage group's complexion changed.

They didn't expect that they had already received 7 prompts and confirmed that all 7 opponents had died, but there was still a voice coming from the direction of the equipment.

Is there a problem with the prompt of the God Domain watch?

If God's Domain can't be sure that it is absolutely correct even after forgetting it, how can they judge the life and death of the enemy?

After the spell turned into an element and disappeared, a black figure holding the Slaughter God Blade, smiled and looked at Wu Yuan.

"I didn't find it, but I know that not everyone can have a magical weapon."

Wu Yuan said, "How can a title-level existence be qualified to fight with an artifact? Even if it is borrowed and used to surprise, you can't let a waste hold an artifact! It's so simple to be killed, you do Don’t you be afraid of losing the artifact?"

A demon that can be mixed to the title level is actually not a waste, but compared with the value of an artifact, it is still a bit inferior.

If in God's Domain, some people can still protect their equipment with a profound and huge background, then in the abyss, the background is useless.

You are carrying a great treasure, which is the best reason for others to kill you.

This is the so-called innocence.

Only the existence of the demigod level can be qualified to possess the artifact.

Hearing Wu Yuan's explanation, the figure laughed again.

"That's right, letting a small waste hold the artifact is the biggest flaw. After all, we are not willing to take the risk of losing the artifact. How can we pin our hope of winning on a waste?"

At this point, his words changed.

"But you dare to invade the abyss. You are so brave. Now that you have decided to come here, are you ready to fall here?"

Having said that, the aura on his body is getting stronger and stronger.

After seeing this scene, Huaxia's army turned pale.

"Myth, this is the incarnation of the demon god, has the incarnation of the demon **** actually come personally?"

"It's such a strong breath, we have no way to release spells in front of the Demon God. We have attacked so many times just now, and the Demon God's incarnation has not been weakened."

Fear is spreading, despair is spreading.

Under this powerful breath, an emotion called despair breeds in everyone's heart.

Although the war has not yet officially started, everyone has lost hope.

Just like when the people on earth faced the legend for the first time, rational analysis may tell them that such an existence is not invincible, but when they really face it, the instinct of fear from the body and soul has the upper hand. They have no way to exert their strength.

At this moment, a pure white figure exuding holy light appeared behind Xu Ying, and then a holy light sword penetrated his figure.

The Holy Light gradually weakened, revealing a beautiful face that was flawless, but lost some vitality.

Seeing this sudden change, all China's legions were shocked.

They didn't expect that they were not the last player.

Wu Yuan is still prepared for this situation.

"Remilia, known as the hope of the next generation of the angel race, is also the closest existence to the angelic holy lord. I did not expect you to hide here.

The incarnation of the Demon God didn’t seem to care about the sudden attack just now, but slowly pierced the Slaughter God Blade back and pierced Remilia’s figure, “Since you dare to appear here, it means you should have become a title level. Come on! It's just a pity, you didn't have a loud prestige in the first battle after you became the title level. Instead, you started with a fall."

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