All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1063: Where is Han Chen?

The first thousand and sixty-third chapter where is Han Chen?

The Earth’s decision this time was actually very sudden, because even the person who made the decision did not give too much consideration but suddenly made the decision.

Han Chen did not give any instructions.

Therefore, this sudden attack would theoretically not be discovered.

However, since they have the possibility of counterattacking the abyss, it is actually reasonable for the abyss to respond correctly. After all, you can't be sure whether there are military geniuses in the abyss.

But this sudden attack encountered a special restraint, which made the earth feel even more incredible.

Although this method is still immature, it is very effective.

Now Remilia’s question is: Since the abyss can make such a correct response, why not make more preparations? Make this sudden attack more certain?

Even the artifacts have been taken out, and the incarnation of the demon **** has also been dispatched. It can be seen that although he should be very sure of this ambush, or deal with it very seriously.

But seriously, it's only 5 points.

Even without mentioning Wu Yuan's methods, they were not sure of absolute victory.

In case the Lord of the Stars killed the Lord of the Deep Sea last time and used the method of destroying the Deep Sea Suit once again, can the incarnation of the Abyss Demon God really resist it?

"Anyway, it's impossible for us to stop this time."

Wu Yuan never likes to think too much, or to think about other people's psychology, so she doesn't care too much.

"Now the wheels of war have begun to roll, and everything that is blocked in front of the wheels of war will be crushed by the wheels of war. Since it can't stop, then go ahead and make the best preparations!"

Remilia nodded and agreed with this statement.

Then, a large number of angel legions appeared in the space hidden by Mengmeng, followed by the rune suit legions of China and participated in the war.

The shortage of combat power at the title level has made the Abyss Legion a major setback. A large number of elite legions have been directly slaughtered, and a complete formation of the Gods’ Domain Legion has been formed. After the reorganization of the formation, the remaining task is to harvest lives unscrupulously .

The two demigods, the purple blood demon and the sky succubus, showed strong fighting power in this battle. Even the ice goddess, they were a little unwilling to draw with each other.

Of course, there are environmental reasons why this battle is tied.

However, the Goddess of Ice and Snow still felt a little unwilling. Before the war started, she had already said a lot, to see if the other party could hold on to her for half a minute.

But in the real battle, she felt that if she was in a fair heads-up environment, even if she played for half an hour, she might not be able to tell the winner.

However, with the defeat of the legion, the Tianqing Succubus and Purple Blood Demon still retreated.

As the two demigods flee, the battle is even more one-sided.

After the two left, the lord of stars came to the ice goddess.

"Did you find any problems when you were fighting with the two of them? I always feel that these two demons seem to be a little absent-minded when fighting, and they are not fighting with us seriously at all."

The Bingxue Goddess said coldly: "You mean, even if they were absent-minded, they still got a tie with us, right?"

"I don't mean that, they did use their full strength in the battle, or in other words, their full strength other than their life-saving hole cards."

The Star Lord explained, “It’s just that when I was fighting with them, I found that they didn’t care too much about the outcome of this battle. What they really care about is not the battle itself, but what lies outside the battle. Some purpose."

The ice goddess thought for a while... gave up thinking.

"This is your business, you want to go."

To be able to create a top power such as Ice and Snow Mountain in an environment like Tianzhuyuan, the mind of the Ice and Snow Goddess is not simple.

Although absolute strength is the foundation of everything, a mindless person will never grow up to have absolute strength.

However, after she released some of the feelings in her heart, she had given up thinking about those twists and turns in her mind.

Thinking about those problems is too troublesome and too tired.

Seeing this, the lord of stars shook his head with a wry smile.

After the Angel Legion participated in the battle, Wu Yuan came to the Lord of the Stars.

"After the sudden attack just now, I think the Abyss Demon should give up the sneak attack on Xia Mengsi, or as long as I'm by Xia Mengsi's side, the other party should not rashly send a strong person to sneak an attack. Devil, because we left his weapons."

Although this offends the devil, there is no fear in her eyes.

When deciding to attack the abyss, she was already prepared for this.

If they don't dare to attack the abyss because of fear of offending the devil, then they'd better cancel the action.

"By the way, where is Han Chen?"

The Lord of Stars suddenly asked, "According to your statement, Han Chen has been in the abyss for this period of time. Since we have already started the action, he should choose to cooperate with us!"

As a spiritual leader on the earth, Han Chen logically said that he should not choose not to participate in such a large-scale and exciting operation!

This is a blow to the morale of the earth.

But fortunately, the racial disaster was too strong, and the whole earth was boiled with enthusiasm, which offset the impact in this regard.

But now they have already hit the abyss, why hasn't Han Chen appeared yet?

"When we acted, I already sent a message to Han Chen."

Wu Yuan also has some distress, "but his reply is only two words: continue."

"carry on?"

The Lord of the Stars was thoughtful, "In other words, he should agree with our actions this time, but for him, there should be more important things to do, so it's too late to join us! He always has his own ideas, so don't worry about it."

Sometimes an important action needs to be kept secret, even if it is necessary to keep it secret.

Because even if you are sure that the people around you will not betray you, their inadvertent expressions after receiving the news and their subsequent actions will reveal some problems.

This will have a serious impact on secrecy operations.

"I think so too."

Wu Yuan’s eyes were filled with distress and weakness. “Only when I am by his side will I understand how fast it is growing. Whenever I think I’m going to keep up with him, I will find that he has Walked in front of everyone at once."

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