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Chapter 1064: Sanguine's shot

The first thousand and sixty-four chapters of the blood family shot

When the war in God's Domain was in full swing, disaster also broke out in God's Domain Tianzhuyuan.

"Blood, what do you mean?"

The Moon Sage was floating in the air, his eyes filled with coldness.

"Although the holy land of the blood race is a certain distance from the real holy land, since you enjoy the privileges that the holy land can have and the benefits that the holy land can have, then you should assume the responsibilities of the holy land and perform certain obligations. What are you doing?"

Behind her are the legions and strong men of Dianxing Temple and Tianzhuyuan.

In front of her, there were a large number of blood legions.

Those ordinary legions, Sage Yue certainly didn't pay attention to it, but what she really felt troubled was the three powerful beings surrounded by the blood legions.

Judging from the breath of their bodies, they are all demigods.

Although Tianzhuyuan had a lot of hidden powers, some powers would be meaningless if they were hidden for too long, so Tianzhuyuan didn't have too many demigods.

But now three demigods suddenly appeared.

When Tianzhuyuan was completely sealed off, three demigods appeared unexpectedly. What does this mean?

Only the Holy Land can possess this level of power.

Some legends of Tianzhuyuan were also angry.

"The Holy Land does not intervene in the disputes of Tianzhuyuan. This is already a clearly stipulated rule. Do your blood races want to abandon the responsibility of the Holy Land and give up the identity of the Holy Land?"

Holy Land can appear in various places in God's Domain and also represents the top power of God's Domain.

But because of the special nature of the Holy Land, it is not allowed to participate in the battle of Tianzhuyuan, and even other places in the God's Domain cannot directly intervene in the Holy Land.

At most, it is to use the resources obtained by oneself to cultivate some talents, and then achieve indirect influence.

But now the sanctuary of the blood race has openly appeared on their marching route.

In God's Domain, responsibilities, obligations and rights are equal. Since you want to have the right to the Holy Land and enjoy the benefits of the Holy Land, then you must assume the responsibility of the Holy Land and accept the constraints of the rules.

The Legion of the Blood Race now appears on their way to clear the abyss. This is a blatant violation of the rules, which can even allow God's Domain to deprive them of their sacred status.

The blood clan wanted to make the holy land of his clan a real holy land, and had worked hard for countless years. Such behavior simply caused their countless years of hard work to vanish.

"Sage Yue, we have no intention of intervening in the dispute over Tianzhuyuan."

A demigod of the blood race naturally tidied up his tuxedo, bowed and saluted the Moon Sage, "I know that the presence of our army on the marching route will cause a lot of misunderstanding, but we have to For this reason, as long as your legions don’t attack us, we will never harm every plant in the God’s Domain."

Although he did not hit the smiley man with his hand, the demigod behavior of the blood race still made the Moon Sage a little angry:

"Since you don't do anything, what are you going to do? We are fighting back against the Abyssal Legion and solving the disaster of the abyssal invasion. You are in front of us, do you want to stop us?"

In the rules of God's Domain, there is no word game.

For example, the original Mizusawa dynasty was designed so that the people on earth violated the rules, and they did not violate the slightest, but in the end when God's Domain came to be punished, it still fell on the Mizusawa dynasty.

This is because in the judgment of God's Domain, the reason why the people on earth violated the rules was because the Mizusawa dynasty had misled and persecuted, which was still the behavior of the Mizusawa dynasty in essence.

The original situation is the same now.

Now Tianzhuyuan’s legion is pursuing the power of the abyss demon on the Tianzhuyuan. If it is blocked by the blood legion, even if the blood legion does not take action, it will not harm anyone, but its own existence will block the marching route. Was judged to help the abyss.

Such a crime is a capital crime in the realm of God.

Not to mention the various forces of Tianzhuyuan, even the dark camp, they absolutely do not recognize that the blood family has their support.

Even in order to express that they did not violate the rules of God's Domain, they would take the lead in betraying the blood race and actively attack the blood race sanctuary to show their determination.

Therefore, the explanation of the blood demigod does not conform to the rules at all.

"Of course we understand this."

The words of the blood demigod made the already tense momentum even more tense, "It's just that we want to deal with the abyss is really too urgent, we will take the initiative to ask for punishment later, but also invite Yue Sage Your lord, let us solve this abyss invasion ourselves."

His words are very nice, but in the ears of others, they are full of mockery.

"Now Dianxing Temple and Earth have jointly launched a counterattack against the abyss, and are counterattacking the abyss through the abyss channel. Do you want to cut off their way back?"

Yue Sage's eyes became even colder.

If the blood family's plan is like this, then their behavior is too abhorrent and can even be directly defined as betrayal.

If you really want to solve the Abyss Invasion, why didn't you take it earlier? Now that the situation has reversed, the Abyss Legion is losing ground, and you want to solve the Abyss again. What does this mean is to cut off God's Domain? Is the expeditionary army back?

If the blood demigod admits his behavior, then the punishment of the gods will come immediately.

Tianzhuyuan's legion is also ready to move. If the blood race really planned this way, then they must also take action and express their attitude.

Even if they died in this war, the price of their resurrection would be borne by the Holy Land, but if they did not express their attitude, even if they survived and survived, they would be disliked by the big figures in the Holy Land. Not to mention the future, it is very difficult to gain a foothold in God's Domain.

"I said, it's all a misunderstanding."

The blood demigod still maintains a humble and courteous appearance, "Since the Dianxing Temple has launched a counterattack against the abyss, of course we can’t just sit back and let them fall into a lonely environment. Our blood also decided to attack the abyss for our The expeditionary army provides support and does its part."

Hearing the words of the blood demigod, Yue Sage was a little astonished: "You plan to attack the abyss too?"

She also thought that she was not good at political struggles, and she didn't know the significance of the kinship approach.

You must know that even if the blood race really dealt with the abyss wholeheartedly, under the circumstances that violated the rules, they would still accept the punishment of God's Domain, lose the identity of the Holy Land, and make their 100,000 years of accumulation vanish.

Rather than losing 100,000 years of accumulation, but also attacking the abyss, when did the blood race become so just and awe-inspiring, so responsible?

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