All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1066: tease

The first thousand and sixty-six chapters play

The words of Yue Sage made the faces of some legends show humiliation.

Then return to peace.

if not? Can they still fight against Yue Sage?

Where the strength of the sage of the moon is placed, where the identity is placed, even if you are not convinced, on the surface you must be respectful and cannot show it.

They can give up fighting with the blood race to worry about their own losses, or they can bear the humiliation of the Moon Sage for self-protection.

"Since this battle can no longer be fought, we will leave."

The blood demigod is still polite, "Now our blood legion is ready to attack the abyss. If you are willing to supervise, you can send people over. If we attack your supervising personnel, it means we have betrayed the gods. But please don't hinder our conquest of the abyss."

Although the legends of Tianzhuyuan were photographed in the power of the Moon Sage, they did not dare to express their position, but they did not have the slightest intention to act.

If Yue Sage makes a move at this time, not only will it not have any effect, but it will put himself in a situation of isolation and helplessness.

The legends from the earth have some anger in their eyes, but they can only endure it.

Do it now, it's just self-humiliating.

Even if they knew that the other party might have another plan, they couldn't take action because this would only make themselves a sinner on the earth.

Dianxing Palace can follow Yue Sage to take action, but Yue Sage is also worried that if he does this, the power of Dianxing Palace will be frustrated.

Now that the elite forces of Dianxing Temple have participated in the expedition to the abyss, if the Dianxing Temple staying behind in Tianzhuyuan suffers a huge loss, it is likely to cause all losses.

The blood group continued to harvest the power of the abyss legion, and then filled the abyss channel with the fastest speed, expressing its determination.

When the Dianxing Temple and the Legion of Earth entered the abyss, the reason why a long time passed was because they needed to guard against ambushes from the abyss and wasted a long time investigating.

Now the blood clan even omitted the process of probing, and each one entered the abyss at the fastest speed, as if there was no need to worry about traps on the other side.

Seeing the blood legion's actions like this, all the legions of Tianzhuyuan felt a sudden shock.

However, they still dare not do it.

Limited by the rules and the unspoken rules, they dare not take action.

After all, they did not bear the cost of breaking the rules.

Two hours later, all the blood corps had disappeared.

Seeing the expressionless Moon Sage, the legends all breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, Yue Sage did not scold them, which is a good thing.

After all, they were unwilling to tear their skins with Yue Sage, and now at most, it caused Yue Sage’s dislike, and they would slowly make up for it in the future.

The Legion of the Earth also watched this scene silently.

They understood one thing: "It is better to ask for yourself than for others."

This sentence has appeared in China for a long time, but they only now understand what is behind this sentence.

Perhaps with the help of external forces, you can help yourself to do a lot of things, and at the beginning, it can take a lot of money.

But when it matters, you still have to rely on yourself.

If the earth today has the absolute right to speak, then even if these people are dissatisfied, how can they dare to show the violation of yang and yin?

This world is, after all, a world dominated by strength.

After all the blood legions left, a legendary existence from the Chamber of Commerce smiled at Sage Yue: "Sage Sage Yue, it seems that the blood is really helping us sincerely, even if they still have some little ones. Mind, but after all what they are doing is fighting the abyss!"

The legends also expressed their opinions.

"Yeah! Regardless of the argument, even if we usually don’t have ghosts when we are united, when facing the real enemy, all careful thoughts must be suppressed, and we can only show it on the bright side and unite as one. For fighting against foreign enemies, is it necessary to punish us because we have a small calculation in our hearts?"

"Yes! If we can unite externally, what's the point even if we have some small calculations?"

Everyone has made excuses and explanations for their actions, hoping to use their own remarks to influence Yue Sage, so that she can reduce her negative impression of herself.

After all, if something happens, they still need the power of the Moon Sage.

It's just that before they were really worried about their strength being frustrated.

Just as everyone defended themselves, the battle report from the front line was sent to everyone's communicator.

[Blood Devouring Lord attacked the Huaxia Legion with the intention of assassinating Xia Mengsi, the Blood Legion rebelled, and all parties in Tianzhu were on guard, and when they encountered the blood, they would kill without mercy. 】

As soon as this battle report came out, all the legends looked pale.

Obviously the blood race had betrayed, but they went to play them with their superb acting skills, and played them in front of everyone.

"How is this possible?"

The legendary existences of the Chamber of Commerce felt very incredible, "Didn't everyone have signed a contract before the second year of the middle school? How can they betray?"

But the video link attached after the battle report dispelled any delusions.

In any case, things have already happened.

The Lord of Blood Devourers sneaked an attack when the Chinese Legion was fighting the Abyss. This behavior could be regarded as a betrayal on the surface.

No matter how unwilling to believe, they must accept this fact.

"This, this one, there is no misunderstanding!"

A legend is full of fear in his eyes.

The betrayal of the blood clan is not terrible, but they suddenly thought of one thing, that is, when confronted with the blood clan just now, they even let the blood clan leave here through the abyss passage, and they just went to the abyss by the bloodletting legion. ?

If they stopped but failed, no one would say anything to them.

But they just let the enemy leave like this, and even when the Moon Sage decided to do it, they expressed their unwillingness to do it, which dragged the Moon Sage back, which was terrible.

If the forces of God's Domain settle accounts after Autumn, they will definitely not be less punished because they are stupid and deceived.

So, one by one they looked at Yue Sage with worried eyes.

At the same time, they are also waiting for Yue Sage's anger or ridicule.

Once the moon sage starts to taunt them, or angrily rebuke them, they immediately confess their guilt without making any excuses, and then express their attitude that all moon sages are obedient, and then use the later merits to atone for their sins. To make up for his mistake just now.

However, this silence passed for three minutes.

During this time, Moon Sage was still expressionless.

In their anxiety, Yue Sage spoke slowly:

"Let's go!"

Yue Sage said to the Dianxing Temple and the Earthling, then turned and left.

The Dianxing Temple and the Legion of Earth followed closely behind.

Say nothing!

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