All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1067: The beginning of the abyss

"Didn't the Demon God say that he will really come?"

Wu Yuan looked at a black lake not far away, a little strange, "If we destroy the core of the abyss, does it mean that there will be a layer missing after the abyss?"

The ice and snow goddess said: "It's a little strange. Although the Tianqing Succubus and Purple Blood Demon have stopped us several times, I always feel that they don't seem to have the determination to win. If it's not that the abyss is plotting something, it represents them. In fact, it didn't mean to stop us."

"The action of the abyss is too small." The master of the stars said.

Nine months have passed since God's Domain counterattacked the abyss. In these 9 months, the side of God's Domain was like a broken bamboo, and quickly captured an entire abyss.

As long as the [Abyss Pollution Demon Pool] in front of you is destroyed, then the abyssal aura of this abyss will lose its source, and will slowly wear out over time, and those abyssal creatures will also lose the soil on which they depend, only immediately Go to other abysses to survive.

But they have been coming to this place without decent obstacles.

In these 9 months, the army of God's Domain did not know how many enemies were killed, how many important places were destroyed, and the entire abyss was completely unrecognizable.

That's because God's Domain needs to beware of the abyss's counterattack and beware of the abyss's traps. It took such a long time, otherwise, they only need three months to capture the entire abyss.

This even gave them the illusion that the abyss deliberately gave up here.

"Anyway, places like the abyss are still destroyed."

Wu Yuan said solemnly.

Following her order, 30,000 wizards in flowing fire suits lined up, and the flood of fire spells directly flooded the abyss pollution pool.

Ten minutes later, someone reported: "Report! The Abyss Demon Pool has been destroyed."

The destruction of the Abyss Demon Pool indicates that the abyss will be lost forever.

Even if it is occupied again, it will no longer be an abyss.

It's just too smooth.

It went smoothly, making Wu Yuan and others feel unreal for a while.

"Anyway, this is a great victory, let everyone celebrate first!" Wu Yuan thought about it, and finally felt that she couldn't disturb everyone's interest, so she ordered the whole army to celebrate.

While everyone was celebrating, Wu Yuan sent a message to Han Chen again to explain her doubts.

She has sent a lot of messages to Han Chen in the past few months, but Han Chen's reply is really too few, and often only a few words.

She didn't blame Han Chen, because she knew that Han Chen was not the kind of person who didn't understand taste. Since he did this behavior, there must be other reasons.

So even if she sent a message, she didn't expect much from Han Chen's reply.

However, to her surprise, the number of words in Han Chen's reply this time exceeded the total number of words in the past.

[The Abyss did not deliberately give up here. On the contrary, in the past few months, the Abyss Legion has been trying hard to delay time and stop you from moving forward, but their strength is too weak, and ultimately they failed. . 】

Seeing Han Chen's reply, Wu Yuan couldn't believe it.

The abyss has exhausted all its strength?

What is this kidding?

The abyss is called the existence of the two sides of God's Domain, how could it be linked to the word weak?

If this sentence was made by others, Wu Yuan would definitely think it was the other party's arrogance.

But since Han Chen said it, that's right.

What's more, Han Chen has been in the abyss during this time, and he should know the abyss better than anyone else.

And Han Chen's subsequent reply also dispelled Wu Yuan's doubts.

[Although the abyss is very strong overall, the enemy they need to face is also very strong. In front of this powerful enemy, they must go all out to deal with it, so there is not much force that can be drawn out to deal with A mere legion of Tianzhuyuan. 】

"The enemies of the abyss are also very powerful?"

Wu Yuan nodded, this explanation is very reasonable.

As a two-sided existence of the God’s Realm, the Abyss is their opponent to the entire God’s Realm, not a single Tianzhuyuan. Just like Tianzhu could counterattack the abyss, any forces in the Gods’ Realm can counterattack the abyss. If the abyss uses most of its power When used to encircle Tianzhuyuan, the overlords of God's Domain are not fools.

She had such a misunderstanding before, but also because she was too high on herself.

This is not arrogance, but a human nature.

Just as humans in the past always believed that the earth was the center of the universe, the people of the Celestial Dynasty also believed that they were the center of the entire world.

Maybe this is arrogance, but this is a normal state of mind.

With this kind of mentality, people on Earth will feel that they are worthy of attention. We have all counterattacked into the abyss. Shouldn't you deal with us with all your strength?

But, in fact, the abyss really has no time to talk to you.

This is like the celestial dynasty in the feudal era. In some places, there will be a lot of bandits to become a disaster. For the locals, the disasters caused by these bandits are very serious. These bandits also think that they are on the opposite side of the entire court. Enemy with the court.

There was even a famous bandit gang who had defeated the court's army, so they thought they were really great.

In fact, because the imperial court has too many enemies, there is no idea that too many troops will be invested in you.

If there are too many troops, how can their troops deal with foreign enemies?

After being reminded of this by Han Chen, Wu Yuan also felt a little cold behind her back.

In the past few months, the earth has been victorious and the abyss has been retreating. They have achieved too many brilliant battle results, so they began to look down on the abyss.

But the reason why they can look down upon the abyss so much is because most of the power of the abyss is not used to deal with them.

"So, what should we do next?"

Wu Yuan calmed down and asked her doubts.

If the earth wants to continue to cause huge disasters to the abyss, then it is likely to provoke a greater counterattack, and even bring devastating disasters.

But, is the earth going to retreat?

[You have destroyed the core of an abyss, and now the aura of the abyss in this abyss has lost its source, you can regard this abyss as your own territory, if you want to continue to attack, it is also possible, but The premise is that you can do it. 】

"What do you mean?" Wu Yuan was suddenly wary.

Not to Han Chen, but to the abyss.

[You may not know that the abyss you are in has lost contact with other abysses. 】

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