All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1069: What are you gonna do

Seeing Han Chen's serious look, the Abyss Demon God was silent for ten seconds, and then laughed again.

"Haha, in fact, when you mentioned the plot to discover us just now, I really wanted to pretend that you discovered the real plot, and then pretended to panic, but since I became a demon, it has been too long. Acting, I can't pretend that way anymore."

Abyss Demon is known for its insidious cunning, but insidious cunning is only a means.

Regardless of whether the demon in front of him stood out from the cruel abyss, or was the creator and witness of the development of the abyss from the beginning, he was definitely proficient in acting when he was weak.

But after he became a devil, who else would he act for?

If you don't act often, your acting skills will be rusty.

"Han Chen, you are indeed a very smart person, and you are not the kind of cleverness chasing fame and fortune, but the kind of great wisdom that can see the essence of everything. For example, if you give you enough time to grow, you I don’t know how far I will grow in the future."

"But, now you are just a title-level existence, a pinnacle of legend, even if you can see through all of this, even if you can do all our conspiracies, but what can you do? Even if you become a demigod, What can be done?"

The devil looked at Han Chen with playful eyes, "If you can enter the realm of the gods earlier, if you can have a longer growth time, maybe our plan will fail because of you, maybe we turn the Zulong star and the earth into The conspiracy of the new abyss will fail, but unfortunately, you don't have this time.

Even the reason why you are able to live here for so long safely and to be able to talk to me here is also because of the rules of God's Domain, so that I can't kill you directly, as long as you make any rash actions. Act, you will die here.

Now that you see through all our schemes, what are you going to do? "

Whether it is God's Domain or Abyss, it is a world where the strong respects.

Wisdom and vision are very useful in many cases, because they can help you become the strong, the one who is respected and loved by others.

So the role of wisdom is actually to serve power.

The wisdom that cannot be transformed into power has lost the wisdom that power is the foundation and has no meaning.

So even if Han Chen could see through all of this and could understand all the conspiracies of the abyss, the abyss devil still had any look of fear.

Even if you see through, so what?

You are just a mere legend. If it were not for the restrictions of the rules of God’s Domain, the existence of myth level and true gods would not be able to exert their strength in God’s Domain and the Abyss, nor could they easily take action. Ants like you have fallen here. Up.

Why didn't Han Chen make any moves during this period of time? Isn't it because only he didn't make a move to survive under the protection of the rules of God's Domain?

"Absolute power..."

Han Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head, "As a devil, do you really believe in this kind of thing?"

"Maybe this thing doesn't exist, but if you can use strength to crush the enemy, then strength is more convenient and safer." Demon God said.

"Strength is the foundation of everything. This sentence is right, very correct, very, very correct. No matter what you want to do, you need strength as support, but sometimes, this very very correct statement is really just a nonsense. A correct nonsense."

Han Chen’s eyes were sneered, as if mocking the Demon God, “Even a pig, when facing opponents weaker than himself, he knows how to use his strength to solve problems, but now you want to use a pig that can Think of things as your own code of conduct. Don’t you think such behavior is ridiculous?"

He used it several times in a row and was very, very correct, but in the end, it turned out that this time, something that even pigs can use is a direct mockery of the devil being a pig.

Hearing Han Chen's mockery, the Demon God was not moved at all.

"Provocation is also a way to shoot."

His meaning is obvious, if you want to continue to provoke, then it proves that you have taken action against me, and I can fight back.

So no matter what you say, it will never shake my faith.

His avatar came here just to prevent Han Chen from experiencing any twists and turns.

Just now Han Chen's provocation has not reached a certain limit, but if Han Chen continues to provocation, then the devil will really come.

"Since strength is a very important thing, how do we gain strength?"

Han Chen seemed to be talking to himself, he said to God Domain Watch, "How about discussing one thing with you and giving me the strength?"

The devil sneered: "Are you crazy?"

Is it crazy to ask for power directly from God Domain Watch?

God's Domain watch represents the will of God's Domain, how could it agree to your request?

"Why do you think that God Domain Watch will not agree?"

Han Chen asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Of course God Domain Watch will not agree, because..."

The magic myth was halfway through, and suddenly stopped.

Because he felt that answering Han Chen's question in this way seemed stupid.

God Domain Watch is a fair existence, it will give you a way to gain strength, but if you want to truly gain strength, you still have to fight for it yourself.

This is a very obvious thing, does it need to be refuted?

If he starts a debate with Han Chen because of this meaningless thing, then his IQ will be pulled by Han Chen to the point of being mentally retarded.

So, he changed his words: "If you think you can do it, then do it!"

Does such an obvious matter need to be argued?

If you think it can be done, then do it well.

However, as soon as his voice fell, Han Chen's breath suddenly became stronger.

In the eyes of the Demon God's consternation, Han Chen's level began to rise steadily, from level 79, to level 80, level 81, level 82...

Han Chen's level is constantly improving, and his attributes are constantly strengthening.

Although after becoming a legend, the increase in attributes has not too much influence on his own strength, or attributes no longer occupy the most important position, but what happened to Han Chen still made the Demon God feel horrified.

This violates the basic rules of God's Domain!

"The so-called common sense is nothing more than a summary of objective laws, and finally a kind of cognition, but since this is the cognition generated by human beings and the laws that they have summarized, there is the possibility of mistakes. These common senses can Helping the weak to grow, but for the strong, it can only become a bondage."

Han Chen grinned, "Unfortunately, you are just a weak person."

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