All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1070: The weakness of the devil

"Han Chen, do you really think I can't kill you?"

The aura on the Demon God's body has also become stronger, and the murderous aura in him is almost condensed into substance, as if to destroy everything around him.

To dare to laugh at him as a weak one is even more exaggerated than to insinuate that he is a pig before.

He is a dignified Demon God of the Abyss, an ancient Demon God who has witnessed the rise of the Abyss.

A mere weak person with only the realm of legend, what right does he have to taunt him?

But in this overwhelming murderous aura, Han Chen remained unmoved, still with a faint mocking smile on his lips.

"As you said, provocation is also a form of attack, so when I was provoking you just now, you could actually kill me, but you didn't. Because I was not provocative enough, and the reason for the provocation was also you. Because of the incarnation of God coming in front of me, if you want to kill me, you will definitely receive a very serious punishment."

"So I'm very surprised that there is such a big courage around you. You would rather give up the entire abyss and pin all your hopes on transforming the real world into a brand new abyss. Why don't you have a certain courage and would rather accept punishment? Will you kill me too?"

Facing Han Chen's mockery, the Abyss Demon said with disdain:

"What do you think you are? It's just a pinnacle of legend. What qualifications do we have to break the rules and allow us to accept unnecessary punishment?"

His eyes and tone were full of gaze, as if a high **** was overlooking the ants on the ground.

His meaning is also very obvious, not that I dare not, but I disdain.

It's not that I can't kill you, it's just that an ant like you doesn't let me be punished against the rules.

"You don’t need to hold on. Since your avatar has come to me personally and you have supervised me for nine months, it shows that you still value me very much. You obviously value me very much, but you still don’t want to bear it. Risk, this can only show that your approach is actually very risky. Even if your dignity is offended, you are not willing to bear the extra price to deal with me!"

The aura on Han Chen's body is getting stronger and stronger. In just a few words, his level has reached 86, and he is still improving.

Looking at Han Chen, who was constantly improving in his level, the Abyss Demon God had the urge to act immediately, but in the end he restrained it.

He doesn't know how Han Chen did this, but since Han Chen can directly borrow power from God's Domain, it shows that what Han Chen is doing now is under the eyes of the supreme existence of God's Domain. .

If he did it now, then it would be equivalent to fouling directly under the nose of God's Domain.

After the robbery, being caught by the police and punished is completely different from the nature of robbery in front of the police or even in the police station.

If it was just now, Han Chen's offense of this level was enough to make him take a shot, but now that Han Chen has been concerned by God's Domain, then his shot now will become more unnecessary risks.

Seeing that the Demon God stopped talking, the mockery in Han Chen's eyes became more intense.

"After discovering that all kinds of disasters have great restraint on the abyss demon, I have been thinking about a question, that is, for you who have become legends, become myths, and have even reached the end of the myth, becoming the supreme gods. Is there a weakness that can deal with your great existence?"

"Do you think these shortcuts will exist?"

The devil asked, "If this shortcut exists, would I still exist for such a long time?"

"No one did it in the past does not mean that no one does it now."

Han Chen raised the God Domain watch, "Look, what I am doing now is something no one has done in the past? Why do you still think so naively that your own existence really has no weakness? Or, you Don't want to believe in the possibility of such a thing at all?"

A faint sense of fear suddenly appeared in the Demon God's heart, which was a feeling he hadn't experienced for a long time.

No, how could I be afraid?

The Demon God felt a little panicked, but it didn't show on the surface.

It's just a legend, a legend.

The devil kept saying to himself, this is just a legend, how could it have the power that threatens him? How could it hurt him?

Han Chen spoke lightly again:

"After so long exploration, I found it."

found it!

The spirit world of the Demon God sounded like a thunderstorm, which made his soul feel a little shocked.

"No, you can't find it, no, I have no weakness!"

The Demon God shouted angrily, and then a huge black palm appeared in the air, pressing down on Han Chen's Heavenly Spirit Cap.

However, this huge black palm suddenly stopped when it was still an inch away from Han Chen's forehead.

"How, how is it possible? How could God's Domain want to protect you?"

The Demon God said tremblingly.

Just when he was about to do it, he suddenly received a prompt from God's Domain that he was not allowed to attack Han Chen.

This is a warning directly from the rule level.

Now he doesn't have the power to resist the rules of God's Domain, so under the warning just now, he must stop his hands, even if Han Chen continues to humiliate her.

If he dares to continue to violate Shenyue's rules, God's Domain will be punished directly.

At that time, even if he was a superior god, facing the punishment of God's Domain, there was only one path to destroy.

"Tsk tusk, it's just a mere warning, it scares you like this, just like this, you just dared to punch your eyes to say that you have no weakness."

Han Chen’s eyes are getting more and more playful, “Abyss Demon’s biggest weakness is selfishness. Perhaps selfishness can make you easy to survive, but if you stick to this character, even if you become a devil, you will still maintain it. With such a personality, then your own weakness also exists.

Is your abyss really preferring to abandon the management of countless years in the realm of God, even if you abandon the 99-level abyss, you still have to accomplish your goals at all costs?

Do you really have such courage?

Perhaps you can make such a decision for the sake of profit, and take risks for the sake of profit, but it is absolutely impossible for you to open up a new path for the future of the abyss.

You don't even believe such lies! Can anyone be counted on to believe it?

So don’t show your poor self-esteem in front of me, because self-esteem doesn’t exist for you. Don’t talk about the future of the abyss before me. For you, as long as you have enough The benefit, even if the entire abyss is destroyed, it is worth it. "

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